22-The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 15, 2000 - ysereda and Andre unaiu"- Ican GýlioGIR LS UNDER 9 an Calill WenrCIee eltKM nyarer and Man reT [ndyW a araGeorge Sehemnbri and Gregil DavidSofl celeefnrand ara yuile andel Mandy StockaitCfulO.Lui asd RoS Brooks Lie obeto n Isan ad tralNatures Fire Lin oeto n oaleen Rubino ris LewinaRs sBok Paintech Retuatjim GreaveS and Alan Mitchell ierre DoVon Mudd DoCarl cousins and Blîl Clillord anIs ta lera BoamaIls DP Slto sShelly Davis and llugh Kennedy ____________________________________ Davis Truck Repair Carnie Stockait and Caris Calshan Mtala Jaycees Club Bredan Canninu and Ces Burrett The Dance Shoppe p...o A ine Prga Registrat. i Saturday, September 23 9:30 - 3:30 Loblaws Grocery Store Agea 5-13 Mostly Friday Nights S$75 Iplayer 9:30 - 1:30 Milton Mail Register early - Limited number of participants