Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Sep 2000, p. 10

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10 - The Canadien Champion, Fiday, September 15, 2000 CANnAM -NDu4 SEPTEMBER US PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Individuals with Prostate cancer and their familles are invited to attend a FREE seminar entitled: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,y 2000 Milton District High School, Milton <396 Williams Avenue) Prostate cancer is the mosi common cancer and tbe second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. Wben detected early, before it bias spread to other organs, the cancer may be curable. It is usually a small and slow-growing cancer. Risk increases with age, and most cases are in men over 65.-Treatment programs are developed to meet an individual's need and depend on man's age, bis health and the status of the cancer growth. The seminar will address these issues: FREE. Seating Limited. Cai 338-4379. ASL interpreter availabis for the deaf. Those requiring ASL services muet register: E-maiI:cpopp@otmh.on.ca or Fax: (905) 878-0498 Made possible through an educational grant fromn: AstraZeneca Canadla Inc. With appreciation to the Milton District Hospital Foundation s.t soure, CHRLISTMAS IN SEPTEMD ER? Our Christmas Stoclk Arrived TOO Early! 0%to5O%off Selected merchandise 2 WEEKS.' ONLY -ENDS SEPT- 30TH M! DUY. NOW & SAVE!!I WachBook in second printing Lifestyls sectioh' in next Friday's edition. The Conservation Hatton Foundation's fundraising book 'Halton: Rising, Wild and Beckoning' is now in ils second print- ing aller 8,000 copies sold out. Sales of the book have so far raised about $200.000 for the Mountsberg Visitor Centre, said Sarah Lowe, founda- tion director and chair of the book com- CRl! SHOW SET -E 23 & 4 *Over 120juried cralts people * Food Avilble *MNany gift ideam * Live entertain * Intefts(ing heritage * Superbe workmnhip buildings o COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK (Formety The Milton Feais Museum) 8560 Trentaine Rami, Milten, ON Take Hwy. #1401 te Miltion, Urn Exit 3M0 and feileow siis Or Cati 1-811,11307-3Z76 iCiln Umder I2 E 9 a.m Jm ~~~~~ Il S I S MIEN( mittee. "Mie bobk hias fot oniy raised consider- able funds for conservation, but hias also raised awareness of the watershed's signif- icant naturat environmenî and important work of Conservation Hatton," she said. The book is a guide to Haiton's water- shed that includes such unique features as the Niagara Escarpment, Carolinian forests, Lake Ontario shoretine, creeks, valleys and rich wettands. The hardeover book features 160 pho- tographs, 16 cotoured maps showing scenie drives and traits and a futi-cotour fotd-out map with dozens of naturat and cultural features tisted on it. Each chapter in thse book is irstroduced by interesting people sucis as stronaut Dr. Roberta Bondar, patron of thse visitor cen- tre campaign, David Crombie, chair of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Regeneration Trust and Robert Bateman, international wildlife setiat. Thse book coats $39.95 and is available in bookstores, throughout Halton. People cars also purchase a timited millennium edition of tise book tisat bias a gold embossed sleeve and is autograpsed by Dr. Bondar. This book coss $75 and is only avait- able front tise foundation. For more information on tise book, cati the fouindation at 336-i1t58, ext. 255, or order it online at www.conservationsa- ton.on.ca & W.~ >NWOMEN'S TIATHLON. want te say BIG SI~RS of NOMtItl ta the followie1 who hetped raise over $ 10,000.00 ta support of BtI& Ssters by sponsoring the 6* Assual Milton Worns Triathlon Sumday Septemlber 3 at Kelso Park. TITE SPNOR TRIIATHILON lNVESTOBS TRIATHILON eOOMRS TItATHILON SUPPORTERS Petre Canada Steeles Teronto Police Service Cites Dimnitrov RMT DRAW PRIME DONORS Campus Acte Cellision Body & Soe Assna Pinlan BMT Pecr Canada, flerry 25 Milien Greenhouses Ceistello's Peedtand Charley Fizwiiiskeys Den Cherry's Pifth Wheel Treck Shep Nereesi Hurress.M Bay Tony IàSerda Cesry Mile Mac Tante Puck and MaI Ceurtney & Anita Waesser Downiewn Spa, Georgetownu TWINLAB fr Jan Desal Inuperia 011 1SSS0 t5easaic 15>0 Canuphelits Spekes & Slopes TYR Swins Nutrition lieuse KWIK KOPY Printing Culligan, Gteorgetown Milton Bonnets C.M. Morris Desigu Lui. Fituess Technique Milceon Physie Clinic MacDonaldns Restaurant Werner Mikoleli, Formulatid Biii Curie, Bernas Ussdsay MeLare, Bernas Proctor & Gambie Unique Pruine & Art Cansphellville Phamac liareop lieuse Restaurant Keinty's Restaurants Tratcoria Doenico liolly McGrain amr Delaceurts Kaighc Caps Grant Stewart Const. Mehawk inn ins Hersons Bob Bever, Lghas Yutrional Producs Miliou Chiresectse PIGIEIBA Tente & Awuings EXfliSMB Sport Performsance Muple Losige Panna Lobiaus, Milton lise onaldson Pinancial Greup Stennue Ceusultug Dupons, Lycra Veertnun Cookies Swins & Sport Nihken Beecsec Pily Furtn Usa West BMT Coasings Finials Belle Byewenr Karens Ftowees Isaplue's Place Bruce Trait Bateey Brunelte's Bistoenti 'lie l>ickesss piza Hat Miside Besiastunt Qulity Greens Crousihill Pnb Bruncierjeweller Jolees Body & Seul by Christine Bernas, Bine Springs Beatty M TN ÏM, f 6:30 p.m. Diapsays & refreshiments 7:00 p.m. Presentations by: D.P.PneUoga Dr. J. Sathya, Radiation Oncologist Lynda Putman, RN, VON John Beverley, Surgical Success Story A a 091T A FRESH START. Get SO1LUTIO0NS now for: Coedit Card Problorns loss of Job or Loved One ReMosessaons Major Cash Flow Prablemns Wage Gamishments Evictions Peristent Bll Colleictors Judlgements, Law Suits Student Loan Delinquent Taxes Foreclosures Divorce Related Financial Problems m .PADDON'+ Bankrpiey tan be ayosdel Cali us! No charirefornitial comabiaden 1YORKE NC.8 50 1 225 Main Street Eaat (Main & Martin St>) Milton 1A better soleton'

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