i APPLE I IJAu oGLII 1 781 MAIN ST fil & 2, MILTON 876-4785 MILTON PUBLIC IlBRARY W4êekend * A Metroland Commumty Newspaper Vol. 141 No. 53 Fniday, September 15, 2000 28 Pages $ 1.00 (GST included) -Despite difficulties, pond restoration expected to be completed on schedule By IRENE GENTLE The Champion As the calendar drifts Ieisurely toward rnid-September, there's both more. money and Iess time available to com- plete a Iong-awaited«Miii Pond restora- tion project. A recent memo releaaed at Town Hall noted that the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has pro- vided an additional $20,000 of funding for the clean-up. That's on top of $90,000 the MNlR previously pledged to the restoration. But difficulties in disposing the sediment dredged from the pond seriously delayed the ini- tiative, which waa meant to kick off in July. "New thbat they're mmvhug and movîn fauter than we expected, Ido,'tlhink that'Il be a - irbM-ý Despite this, the work is expected to wrap up on achedule in November, said Peter Linn, manager of engineeing and operations for the Town. The sometimea controversial project aima to dredge the pond of about 30,000 cubic metres of sediment in order to eradicate the moots of the inva- sive weed Etiropean Milfoil. It's similar to Purpie Loosestrife in that once it gets a hold, it tends to choke out other plant specdies. But due to heavy metals found in the sediment, disposaI can only take place at landfill sites. In accordance with ministry.directives, Mill Pond sediment will be laid to reat at closed landfihl sites in Georgetown and Dundas. With the sites now secured, hauting began Tuesday by CRA Contractors Limited, and was moving along fast and furiousty. "They're juat using more trucks to haul the material," said Mr. Linn. "They've already almoat filled the first dump site and we expected that would take a week." *see WORC on page 13 Comment ........6 A&E............ 12 Datolns ....... 16 Sports ......19-22 Classified . ... .23-27 I. m --1Dut WIII TE the oldeee The McDonald's restaurant on Martin Street was levelled Wednesday. The Milton fast food o utiet, built In the lats '70a, la undergolng a comploe modern- Ization - wlth construction of a larger restaurant comploe wlth a . . . . .. ....600-square-foot chlldren's play area, enhanced drlve-through and oefurblshed golden arches. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE