rHalt.on home-based health jcare gets $2.4 million boost The Canadien Champion, Tueesday, September 12, 2RM - vJust one Milton sehool will have JK next year Local home-based health care has received a multi- million dollar boost from the Province. New faanding announced by Health and Long-Term Care Miniseer Elizabeth Witmer Wednesday gives the Halton Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)'à $2.4 million joie. And an additional $832,000 haa been slated for other community- hased care agencies. The new dollars were hailed by Sandra Shadwick, CEO of the Halton CCAC. "We are so very pleaaed to have ibis funding," she said. "It's very good news for us." Tbe cash is part of a $92.5 mil- lion provincial injection into coin- munity besltb care. Overaîl, CCACs in Ontario received a $70 million shot in the arm, wbile other communiey agen- cies received $22.4 million. The money will help psy for increased nursing, home-making. personal support and therapy ser- vices. "Nurses pîay a vital role in the delivery of bome-based bealth care," ssid Ms Witmer. "More community care nurses *will help ensure that quality patient care continues to be available eo *Ontarians when and wbere tbey "The investment wil benefit seniors who prefer to live at home, those recovering from a recent hospital stay and people with physical disabilities.", SAMA SNADWICK need it." Home-based care is becoming incressingly popular as tbe popula- tion ages an~ the community grows, said Ms Shadwick. "«We've seen significant growth over the pase couple of yesrs," she said. "People are not in the bospital as long as Chey used to be." And the Province seems to understand that, she added. "If you listen to Minister Witmer, ahe's been very clear Chat people want to be çsi-ed for as close eo home as possible," said Ms Sbadwick. Currently, the Halton CCAC bas s caseload of about 4,600 clients. Tbey're served by nurses and other support workers, which are contracted by the CCAC. About 50 per cent of clients in the region are aged oser 65 years. And the cliene load is exacerbai- ed by s deartb of long-term-care beds, said Ms Sbadwick. Tbougb new beds are on the way, it could take up to two years eo bring tbem on stream. Witb the new funds, the Halton CCAC's budget will be boosted to about $31 million for the fiscal year, whicb ends in Marcb. At that point, Ms Sbadwick said she bopes other tunda will be forth- coming. "We'll be working bard with the minisery, pueting our case for- ward," she said. The recenely-announced dollars are meant to assise Chose who pre- fer to be cared for in the fsmilisrity of tbeir own homes, said Ms Witmer. "Tbe investment will benefit seniors wbo prefer to live at home, those recovering fromn a recent hos- pital seay and people witb physical disabilities," sbe ssid. Clients of ebe Halton CCAC must bave a valid Ontario Healeh Card and be unable to aetend an out-patient clinic. They can be referred by bealth care workers, family or tbrougb self-referral. Only Brookville School will have JK in September, 2001 It's seill ful steam abead for junior kiesdergarten in public sehools next year - or se lease, sorte public sehools in selected parts of Halton. The Halton District Sehool Board bas agreed to set up a junior kinder- garten (1K) implementa- eion committee - coin- priaed of trustees and senior staff - to develop s comprehensive plan. t wlll include timelines for the implementation of 1K in public sehools acrosa Burlington, Oakville, Milton and Halton H1illa. Last lune, the board agreed to re-introduce JK in September, 2001, under an implementation model Chat phases le in over a number of yeara. JK bas long been a part of Halton's Catholie systemn and la offered se most public boards across Ontario, wbicb led to complaints about fairneas. Sebools are eendergoing retrofits, said Education Director Dusty Papke, and many parenea are con- fused snd anxious about wben tbey cao expeet 1K "It's a critical comnerstone of our capital strategic plan," he said. In Milton, Brookville Scbool will bave 1K by September, 2001 and J.M. Denyes wiIl bave 1K by Sepeember, 2002. THE ARTHRITIS IETME is.. ARTHR~I.I OT SALES HOUAS SERVICE HOUAS mss -thars . ...alj>m-p Mss -Fs .... Sas-5pi Fnday . .... WD44Is Tas ....... mn-Oea Saturday ...... u-iPi SaturdaY..... Susa-2Pm CHEVRGLETU-GLSMGDILME -1