~,I--'t~ t~naéii4tt~Iei9a, uo 9Taltonbee 2, 200 IFAST FOR WARD i IYOUR CAREERI I We xre lookirrg For dpromic, coreer-minded, cusinver service-orienîed individuols re ioin u texm ai Our 2 exdting Miasissauga lecatiens and vur OcakviIIe locaton. 2040 Dundas st. East, 5935 Mavis Roud Misslîsauga, ON & 310 North Service Rouad, Oakviiie, ON Aexlxble positons irlude: * SALES PROFESSIONALS (Home Theaire, Computers, and morel) e SHIPPERS (ovemnight shifts) - CAR INSTALLER Il pou stile te be rhe boit and wxuld lI/Ie re meke e dittereene in on excirina retaol eneirerment, pIou belxng or Future Ohepi Besides be/n8 e areat place te work, Future S/tep prevides e nempexit/ve compensation and benefts pIan, peid training, xenereus emplopee discounts and eppevtunities ter edvancement Ples xpply xl ectlp et e/tIrer OF the aoxe stxr locatiens, a Ire Irrnd nev resume ea (905) 501-5677 tf peure reedp te las te rard peur cneeri RJTURESHOP EASTGATE FORD, HAMILTON 350 Parkdaie Ave. N., Hiamilton Fleet Specialist Hamillon's largent Ford dealer reqoies a molivated individal for aur Fleel & Leasing business. The soccesolel candidate wjil be well-versed in prodocl and Ileel applicatin. The wark envirvomfent demando a leam plaper willing lai onhold vun long tradition xl costomer satisfaction excellence. RFesumes In strict confidence to: Tom Carmody, Tel: (905) 547-3211 THE OAKVILLE BFAVER We have a immedrale npening tar a District Representative Be a pari xl a circuatiexleamn wilb an attractive, sal- VJMcaratxwance Customer service with reader- sbtp, cansant contact with pxxtb / adelt carrier terce & prospective new canniers. Il peu have a boe desire te succeeitand axteance plus gaxit communication, erganizalian and leamn okilîs apply nes. Seed ~,m x dmmal Dea,, S7 ms liit, Saflarie L 384 Fax(M < 5) 337-M5. No phone cal/s p/case. EXPIERIENCE REQUIREDI Customer Service Person =e ,foi tr eopandixg Burlinglen baseit wtrxlesaer. Di oiein expenienceanmd werbing knewledge xl computers a muaI. Pesition induites castemer service, phone sales and relited administrative tanictians. Sali/ resumes by September 15/P/t, ta: Enor-Gard Enmrgy Produots Inc. 1325 Hein. Court Burlingon, Ontario L7L 6A7 Fax: (905) 336-1507 WAREHOUSE POSITIONS Available Immediately0akville Co. (40 hr/wk-days)Warehouse & computer experience an assel. Some heavy lifting. Fax resumo: (0U5> 847-5038 Attu: 0. Frauko SVON HALTON VNUrgently Requires pswS To Work Evenrngs aI a Retîrement Home mn Burlîngton tax resumes le <(M)>827-2182 Aflten: Joanne or Wendy Registered Nurses & RPN's Vtsitlng narstea Ait Shift eCompetîlîve soiarp e Emplnpmert benof ils e am oovîrsnmort e SIt deveopmenl e WorIr in Haiton Region HCA, HSW il & Ii PSW Certificales prolorred, howvvr corsîdoration viii b given ta those euth porsonai oxponionce as carogivors. *Free Trainirg Course eFfotiable transportation roqoired *Staff who are cliont focosed and eniop workîng in a commoxity sottîng. For an interview cati 90115-847-125 or fax paon rossme la 905-847-1038 We are an eqoa/ oppas/on/pr employer i h IM AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE Fu-lime & Part-lime avaîlable 0C1imS 'A' MOChanlo Drive Clean Certitied aAutoativo Installer You're heiptol, friendlp, energetîc & have a history of providing excellence in customer service. We olfer a gond compensation and benetits package & a chance ta work wilh a progressive & soccessfol refait team. Please applyi persan Mon - Fr la: 777ylGueIph Une, Bunllngon *Aki ferT, Isa fx954226 Sears Canada/onc. in an eqva/ op1pvrtunity employer Sems Canaill ino. CUSTOME R SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CCL Labiling Equpount, a leader in the field. of label application syslems, reqoires a Costomer Servi ce Representalîve. Repvrting te the Service Manager, Ibis position will be. responsîble tor schede/ing service calîs, prepaning parts qaxtes, preparing service or- dems and contacling cestemers regarding Ibeir service maintenance requiremrents. Su/table candidates will have slrang communication sk/Ils, excellent arganizatianal abilily and ex- cellent sbilîs in Microsoft 0ffice. We offer a cempelitive compensation package in a team-aniented enviregment. Resume and cnnering leter lx: LABEL M. Oak CCL Labelling Equipment 3070 Msinway, Unit 19 Buntington, ON L7M 3X1 WAREHGUSE PIERSON Mulli-Naliexal Disîribulor reiguines a waretraase per- san. Applicant shauld lie able toi wxrk in a multi-lask environment, bave basic computer b/Ills, be seit-meti- xaled, ponictuaI, reliable. Applicant mont have prexi- eus eaperience in wareheasing and be ab/e lx litf 4ttlbs. Piu, fax rua-e a M 90 M4541 STROMBEOKER CANADA LIMITED Attendlu: Cimes nma Construction equipment rentait company requires FUU-TIME PERIIAEN Driver/Maintenance Person Must be physicaltp otrong (sarnie manaal laading and onleading ineolvedl, selI-slarler resposite mechanicatlp inclined! with a dlean drivers abstract. oren transportalian. Medicat/ dental bene/its, pension, protil sharing. $10-$12hr. PLEASE DROP OFF RESUME IN PERSON TO: 1363 Cornwall Roed, Oakvle (403 or iNW fa Ford Or, S. ta CI, -aIl Rd.) SHIPPERIRECEI VER Arbeit toc., a national distribotor xl utectrooic cem- pantents, euoipment and supplies is seeking a Ship- per/Recoiver for aux head office in Borlingl.on (most off the OEW). Responsîbilitios inciode incomirg inspec- tion, allocation, picking/ packing and preparatron aI shipmenlo for ail distribuor prodacto, înclodîog some heavp lifting. Soccessîxi candidates ii have had prevîos warehoose eperionce within tho distribution envîronment, excellent organioational, communication and liierary okîlis. Abiiitp lv oporalo a lorilitI, good mechaxical aptitude and prexios date entrp experi- ence aise prelerred. Faxnresames: (905)3,32-0748 DAYCARE Wanted. Prolesonal lamitp ne- quires dapcare & plap- mateas Ion van 2 pear oct son. We are moving September 29th to 101h Sideoait & 4th Line ares IPineviere achool - route) and are iooking for cane in peur home or mine, Mvndxp lot Fridap y- 8:00 s.m. lv 5:15 p.m. Relerences reqaired. Pleaxe cai Pamn or John di aI 905-877-2120 QUALITY dnycaretiavailabte. Play centre, fi- brary, crallu, walks. Cati01,c\1 lc Hj« )f (i Carol ut 876-0620. REILIABLE Daycare ava/table. W/taon & Woodward ares. Pleaxe caI 876-4978. WANTED weekendo -PCRàJLL AKT nannp/mothera beiper - ,rtn 2 k/ta - goat environ-_qu c r hS i ment, Cati 416-948- 9290 Bnitannia -Apple- bp Lino area in Milion, TUTORING anaitable eveninga in my home -OEbdomaat Grades 1-6. Graduated NEbdomaat WAREHOUSE Space- on the Honour Roll tmom ment. Avaiable Oct. look ng tor appron. E.CDrary. Cait Losa $75 per montb. Cali 00 aft widing la 693-1723 Worklng Harder ta eîay ir1 Tonp at Century 21, aubleNe .Baington er 905-875-1110 ext.244 Oakvrille area. Cal ONE bedroam country Steve Cesz er, Baig apartiment, bnight sios ten Peut 1.9051632 NO Feet Career Expia- vloua, nepenate en- 4444, ext 257 Leave raion sa3W trance, tom xted or not, message Coaas o ai3 Week between Milion and Cep oar a des r g e- Bur aglon $750 876- meer. Fude by HRDC.49 For more intormabon/to TOWNHOUSE ton sale regiater cail Grae ai by owner. Heslop Rd. 3499/(905)878-1240. Atomi a $6Mlo oi te e 1-800-& l331 BR, end ainsi 3 car dei salai rExt7200veway. Untqaely deco- CLEAN & quiet recently rated, large country WANED berom G RRU 'Srenovated large tsar- kitdtreti Perrenial gar- WANTMD 3 aromnlsbed towehoase in deans w/pond 'One ofla boue.Cai o epara A I> T Milton ta sbire. Avii- kind homer $154,900. wirli rentt exer-upper. Me-Mf. able Oc. 1. $400trmantin mhgb ap.85 ton area pretemred bal ....... plus 1/3 utiftes (905) 343 Eneninge. No flexible. 878-4735 t 8 P469-4789 Agents Pises Tn/Sue SA ES à LEASIN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. FOR Rent. 3 berona A FAIMILY BUSINESS WrrH FAMILY VALUES Y buglwon 4fr Une, AREIWE - 511V - SELI - LEASE butnalow . plia- LRGS SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON tion betare sbowtng. 875-2277 876-0633. Common- Mako it weath Rosi Entate SevcsCrprto.RICHARDSON ConIei inMito valaleÇ CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE R tl $1250 par mnth. To lease or purchas. PhOn 8751717your car or truck THREE borae Hwy 25 S et Dorry Rd. base 742 Casn Ave. close ta, sctreat 878-2393 appt ances inld $1250/montinc naing satîftiex Phono 878- 6783ncapxAviM c TOWNHOUSE 3 bed-n 'l mare, 2 bath, garage, GUELPH Lino, 6 KM poalit omlx Aat north of1401, 1 bedroare MMI.SIPA alte Oct. 07. $1100 per apartiment, tndcge & W aeowis& @ éi mth878-2074 atone, cloen gardoen, R ýarking, main faar, NO 82MIULIIIEEM, IN E 7 ET 65plus. MILTIU N E T (416)787-1125 ove. (416)781-9410 m u LaSnGEL . LARGE aine bedroamn 1 & 2 Bedrooms - -L O F CHARMîNG Victorian renavaeni basement, 3 aiiaitable on bus Br Haine ovor laaksng Mill (2'x5) windaws. No route, treshly cc idF e rs Pond in 1d Milfan. Trx smoking -no pets Su it oratei, 2 appli A ce s largo neparate ttrree ale tan 1 or 2 adufts Accessodres bedroore apartments, only. Parking. Oct I andy incuites necin renavated. Aat- $875. Firat and last in- lun Statuarv & or ment on main 110cr $1400, spartreeni on top Iloon $1000, at amenityxs indluded. No pots, rolerencan pleanoe phono 878-2097 FOR Oct. 1, Unique 2- bedroam - part aI Cen- tury tarmhouse - bright, mademizoit und, 4 sp- pitances, naîtablo fon cauple - $925 plan by- dro - (905)854-0536 clsading oiiliiies/cabe TV. 878-2567 or 19051691-3123 Ibfrtday extraI plaecifi a Zbe Canaboan Cba,',- ail uglitios (except phono & cable.) Frnes parking, no pets. References requiret. Ans/table Sept. 1, andt Oct. 1. Office Houns are 1 Osm-Spm 905-876-1249 By appaintment anly .v*we.qe e -e-êt ra #f5PD-res.-seweg WOeni ookinq for nmrployment tlook camarde tine via5eihcde in 1