The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 12, 2000-27 Wanted Walflid Wanted Wanted Wanted Wantecl Wantedr OPEN BlOUSE Apply in Person 8501 HWY. 25 NORTH, MILTON We're recruiting Team Players for our three locations and we need Storefront/Drive-thru, Bakery, Cleaning and Delivery teamn members for the following shifts: 5amn -l1Oamn & 5am - lpmn lOam - 2pmn & 1lOam - 6pm 3pmn - llpmr & 6pmT - l Opm llpmn - 7am Definitely a shift suited for you! We welcomne everyone, including seniors and students, to corne on in and talk to us about our premium pay, benefits and flexible full or part time hours. Friday, September 15, 2000 - 9pm Saturday, September 16, 2000 ... i pm - 3pm P te çe cmplè a a ap btb IIwtm in FashiGII Fiweuhute Ib io1m o r irne mr Ee.tu te Otcdtleg e sioOhcr Mon Det: ; VaV 10-. F rtUuv '119. * Yeretu-aB*VueY 49 Ehlr Ne. Aclon <0S31lD3l LOg santou MÔFT im Wrth h Drv to - - - PERMANENT & Pli' MATERIAL PACKAGERS SHIPPER/RECEIVERS REQUIRED Milton Location You Muat Have: " Warehuusiug Experience " Boudable " DaEa eutry/cumputer skilîs " Furklift exp. wouîd be au asnet (mais be required lu Iearnf " Coud physical condition " Avait. lu work ou a 3-shift operation " MusE have owu transportatin Please fax renumes lu: The Alliance Croup 0905-875-5551 Atto: Roy Malaprize FULLTIME $9 - $1 O/hr. *LTON LOCTIO Lunch- Sapper Neepreqoired trainr schnnf Cafeteria hef p nuptded. Excellent 7arîtteý,n & 7verbal Eeg- GrnaI Hots - Great lish skiffs. Varîed shifts Hatîdayo with jserksl1 inclading weekends. Tel: (905)845-7546, Forward ivoome. Eat. 230 Fan: (9095)845-9828 Money Mari 198 Speers Rd., Oskvif le, L6K 2E8 A Coffee S &Wi CanabinCamo .the best way toatat your dayl "Free Tratining" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 IUS 90010 01 0ci Cali us now at: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Lardîaro is an lequal upportuaity employer Georgetawn Terminal 'Warehouses Lim- ited ls a Canadian owned book dis- tributor located in Georgetown. We are seeking skitted and committed people to jein our team in the fotlowing areas: ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS: *Sklted in Microsoft Office *3-5 years office experience *Minimum keying speed of 50 wpm FULL-TIME CERTIFIED FORKLIFT AND REACH DRIVERS: *3-5 niears experience *Able te lift up to 50 pounds *Computer titerate ORDER PICKERS: *Casual: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays *Futi-tîme: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. *Able to lft up lg 50 pounds Flease forward pour resume ca: Irene Wilson Fax: 905-873-6170 or E-mail: nutrton house Are 700 an energetic, frînndiy, people persen? Are yon fooking fer seme p/t sort? Yen? Brîng your reaume tc, Nutrition Houne lu Milton Malt by September 20. H-arvey's Restaurant on Market Drive ils hiring fuî ti8me day staff and shift supervisors. AppIn' in Person. ask for Frankf. 15 Market Drive Milton. Ontario rift#N". Donut Baker Roquired Counter Help Required (ail shifts) Kîtchen Staff Witt train. Paid traiuiug. Unîforma suppied. Reanumeralion based ou exerieuce. Appiy lu pernon. 8501 Hwy. 25 North Mititon 575 Ontario St., iàiîton i 0 L nMarkel Drive, Milton EXPERIENCED STAFF NevOvU lor Cafe/Sandwich Barin Downtowo Oatoillo. F/T & P/T Shifts. Must be env in makîng fois qealiiy speciaity ceffees/cold drinks. Exp in prep & serving oi goal/ty sandwiches, soopo & salads, If pou are oigoing & meut the above specs Please leavo message tor Jenny ai 337-3766 WANTED Matura in- dinidasn whig are in- farestad in wonlning wîth chiidren or adatn with denetopsentl dinabitities in the Hal- ton region. Provide parent relief on feacti newskîill. Parent di- rected. Fax or emait resame. (905)849- 6980; HSS@ntn.nef or cati (905)849-8000 VRT Freezer Operator Operafion and maintenance of a highly automated continueas Chilling/ Freezîng system. Shift werk required. Successful applicant wiII have a strong mechanical aptitude and wil be skilled in troubleshoting of electrical contre! systems incorperating computers and PLO's. Please send resume te: Humain Resource Officer MAPLE LOOGE FARMS LTD. R.R. 2 Norval, ON LOP 1iKO e-mail: Gas Fitter F/T Liconsod Leading Union Energy AUTO BODY Co. reqoî res areliable REPAIR PERSON Gas Fitter siO lic. Exp. for out vey busytliat in gas tirepiace & BRO rate shop. Contact installatin required ADavid Armstrorg Competitive ACTIOU COLLISION salary + bonnes. 1079 Speers Fax roxie: OakvIillO J905)639-1506 Tel: (905) 844-7586 WELDERIFITTER Fnrkift experience recaired Some heavy lifting invoived. Appy in peran te Certia Industries Ltd., 8125 Eaqaeaing (Fearth) Line, R.R.#5, Milton. Salesperson MAINSTREAM Permnenttolîîme Ladies ciathier ni required by leading doxnuTor falexie Union Eoeigy Ce. foi SAE gas lîreplace & 880 ASSOCIATE sales. Drivers lic, Cmeiv wgs reqeîred. Cempetîtîn GCroeat niti enes saiary & benasen. Phone or tac Jayn Fax masielo Ph:905-338-7771 (905)639-1506 Fn: 905-338-5844 OFFICE HELP Needed part-lime to start, could Iead to futi-time position. Foltowing skills a muat: Computer, bootkaeping, tetephone, organizattoual sud an abitity 80, work independeutly. Cali Wayne 878-5080 R ECEPTIONIST REQUIRED Evenings Mon-Thurs. 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please contact Robert Browning 905-875-3673 or fax resumne to 875-3676 CAREGIVER reqaîred ur home, two daagh- fers (10M11) Inn aven- COMICARIE legs. Perfect for ntad- HEALTH SERVICES ent, cai 691-2472 Accredîied by the CARING home environ- Canadiar Coanciieon ment han roem fer pro- Health Accredîtatînn achooter or infant. Re- Services is caipn. 876-4415. NflW RECUII66 DAYCARE avaitabie le P»sW eiCAs My home, Wii- HSWa Lvi 1,2 &3 non/woodward ara. Rus 0 OPUS Cati 876-2407 iog Comcareo Home DAYCARE anailable in Support Lvt t Course my home. 1-2 chiidren qoaify for employmnnt ags 5 and ander. Ret- erencen availabie. CaI wifh Cem Usa 693-1723. 1 part 1355 Plains Rd. E. limeand cOuld nI, my Borlingtnn, L7R 3P7 own. Tel: (905) 637-5271 « Fan: (905) 834-4661 e Scontlniuoei on SHOPPERS DRUG MARTO Locations: 1865 Lakeshore RU W., Mississauga Novi Hiring Fuil-time PHARMACY TECHNICIAN Experiencnd Phease fax rostume toi 905-271-7691 or caii Gus 905-271-4581 NEW OAKVILLE MANUFACTURING FACILITY IS LOOKING FOR A Maintenance Mechanic Prefen semenne wîth 3 peurs nopenînece. Applîcants she hune nncently gradaesl frnm IMM or techeicat cortificate may alsn appp. FAX ATTN: MAINTENANCE MANAGER: (905) 337-1204 *Minimum $8/tir Sfà guaranteed *Commissins CERTIFIED Walden ne- startieg at 40î/ qaîned for uheet mata B enefil package asnembly. Must be able Flen. schndule le rend draingu. *Full& part tîme Pleasa Ian renume te, *Sonne David at 905-875-2785 manage pueitins availabe -easy locations *No clentein HVAC neqaîred Residentiai * Advanced training Mechanic & eqeipment pruvidnd &Apprentice Caîl Robert or Branda PolItisa Positions (905) 319-3155 Est. 80 year firsn Top sages & benefits. Fax reaume: (9015) 333-3080l fange auto ealn nhop requiren fuîltlime workern. Witt train. Good ntarlieg naiary. Aine iookieg for mature driver over 30. Falitime punition, a dlean drivng record a mant. Cali Mac Motfat. 875-0660. PRIMERICA FINAN- CIAL SERVICES ns as- panding into Mitori/Hal- accepting renumes for reprenenlatives. MunI be career-orientedi it leadernhip abiIily, and proven sorti elhic. Fax resume 10 offioe manag- er 905-632-0253 antn: Karen STOPP'S Dry Cleanern han part lime courrer haip avaitable. Mon- day'n 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. sert Fiiday' 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. Appinl pernon to 005 Maie St. Ueit #4 or fan renume to (905)854- 060 THOROU G HBRED farm le Milton han fait- lime ponition available, aplcns munt hase thrah expeience wortieg with homes. Please phono Sans-Son Fane aI 905-878-3993 for funther datais and lu arrange se ietervie. NGW NIRING 'Caorter HsIp AIt ShifOs * Dormit Baker F/t Nigh10 *Paid training *Premîom sages i b enefîfs avaitable Apply iv peison 2316 novai Windsor Dr. ai Ford Di- Oakoîlie or phone/fax 338-1966 F'LEA5E RECYCLE THtEI I'AIER GLASSIFI ONTH i