Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2000, p. 26

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26-The Canadien Cheso/on. Tuandan~ f~antamhar 12 9000 'I Classified B O N US! ROUIS I ('I T r4 Ar4c, TO FR)DAY AI 1~~IassIIIeU 9:OOAM-5:OOPM flbbalxearat... VANDENHEUVEL- William has arrivedf Shelby s thritied ta annaunon thu sefe arrivai 0f ber I/lite brother bam n Oakviiie, on September fi, 2000, wetgh/ag 8 pounds 2 1/2 ounces. Shetby w/il bu sharing W/il/as w/th P~O~ parents Jut/anne and Donald, alan g w/lb esc/ted grandparents Aneit and Bih Franc/s, Kattiryn asd Henry Vandenheuvet, gresi gsndparenls John and Mary Kostet. Wait/ng 10 spa/i Prince Wiii/as are aunts and anc/es M a Mark Ame ave, M/chetie, Lors, Ted, Kathy, Barb, cousins Cleave and dear flasher 0f Kathy Burt end husband Don. Hugh W/ii/ams and w/fs Amndrea. Jane W/lliarns and Susan Greavos and husbend R/ch. Much Ioved grandtether of Trevar, James, Andrean, John, Duv/d. Thomea. Kather/ne, Sar- ais, Dais/el and Meghan. Great grandla- Iher ai Adan. Loved brother ai Margot Murray and tise ste J/rn. Harry and Gaien Knou. Fr/anc/s wero rece/ved at tise J.S.Jones and Son Funeral Home, 11582 Trafagar Rd N est Mapta Ave., Geargetoora. 877-3631 on Suaday tram 2105 and 7 ta 9 ps. Punerai serv- ice was hetd et St. Johns Un/ted Church, il Guelpis St.. Georgetown on Manday. September il et il as. la memoey cantnbut/ans ta St. Johas UnC- ed Church or a char/ty ai vour cira/ce wauid bu apprec/ated. - Cemelery Lelter/ng Bt/t/n aur ireanis you are alwaya ihere, wtt/e Lomeite & famtly m - STOVER: n lav/ng memory aI Betty Jo wha passed away August 20, 1996 We love you torever a~ treasure aur sema- ries together, We hoid thes close ta aur hearis Anri we neyer torget yau Sadly missed, Love atways Yaur Famtty NOTICE 0F MEETING HALTON RECOVERY HOUSE INO. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, Oct/aber 25, 2000 7:30 p.m. HALTON RECOVERY HOUSE 8173 Trafagar Road (N. of Steeles) Hornby, Ontarlo NORTU HALTON DISTRESS & INFORMATION CENTRE FALL TRAINING FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS Fatt Training program for new votun- teers witl begin on Wednesday evening, October 4, 2000. For mare information andlor appt/cation form, please cati (905)877-1211. The cut off date for the return of application forms is Wed- nesday, Seplember 20. 2000. Ail applicants must bu over 18 uears of age. C.A.TC/PA.T.H. FALL GROUFS Itre foltomîne Parenrine Courses mîtt tre anartabte sueiing Seprember. 2(00: * Pavenh/ng Teeesgem Parenh/ng SchaolAged Children 17,e Neot Step - Building S4(-Esfeem * Maerrtruge Earichneel Pteaso tri Rena kaom wh/ch yoa mîthi ire nîrrenreat n. Also anartable msuline n Sepiember, 2050: Paareeting Suppeart Graap - for pornos of chitdzen of att agen tins gnnup m/lt ereer m/ce per mentir on Wedneuatay enerane. AdulE Self-Enteeea Graup - antI ineor mare per monrir on Wealneuday erening. AdulE Se(f.EMeeu Greup - mati urnes eoery fleruday morning Pteaoe aatt Rena ai 111-2575 rnr. 222 if yoa woald like more oforma onairon hese goapi ocam rorerenreat an paocpangnanyoftiesegoaps GARAGE SALE 339 KINGSWAY PLACE SAT. SEPT. 16 9:00 A.M. TO NOON GARAGE SALE 7411 MCNIVEN RD. CAMPBELLVILLE SATURDAY SEPT. 16 8 AM TOI Pt/A i/e~tone~ nrarro~ n7rrrurira.,rr /,rr..rrrnrr M5k.irrr,,'rii,,,r n. *rrrr,,rrrr,,nrr,4~,rraanrrr. 000r 57nrrri5,,rr~ ~1~ CATC PATH ) O1~t Ual tîmiseers et aies k/ndf~ aooael.d, Cee lItais Smt5at as-sala îucm '-o' - ~tgfl Pop. POP. UIIJIJ~LZ~W ceftes~MeffiStIP~TTLW aviaimbli f 6< sale Pouattons fro. over 15 famIlles ATrENIlON INTERNET USERS Uslisiled Access only $1595 greai local ser- vas anc/support f rom SURF RIE NET 873-2602 - - AI Cand/ton fuil eze DININGROOM 14 piece Vamaha C/ev nons dec cherrywaod double ir c c/g lai pana w th pedestal table, bencir Askîng $1700 Ch ppendale chairs, 876.4415 buflel iruich, semer, ail Ail new 100% genu se dovetail ami n bases lesiher sala laveseai cOsi 614,000 Sacnf ce chair stîll pacirs~ed, $5000 905-587-9459 cost 68,500, seil $3, 90 418-748-0905 ALL nus 100% genuine lesiber saf a, laveseai, HORSE haro lor rent cha/r st/il pac/naged met (M/lIon) 6 nes hanse 68,500. seil 63,500 alails; hested teck roas; (416)748-0995 tes fenc/ng; deal lor Bed Ouest blacti ron 10w ma/nienance w/nier canopy, orthoped/c mal- board/ng. Reni by 6/e tresa/bas si/il packa9ud. mont/i or bp Ihe ses- CasI 61,200 Sacnl/ce son. Eveninga: 693- $525. Can c/el/ver. 418- 9749 741-7557. BEDROOM set 8 piece cherrywooc/ tour paster/sleigir, chesi, Iridresser, 5/fror, n/ghl- AT-HOME - Momaf stands, ail davela/l, new Need a 2nd incase bal st/il packa~ec/ ~ cent aflord daycore? i 905-567-4942. as seek/ng an equai B~ds palnesh/p w/lh wh/ch K/njp/llowtapor la strate bath my dean- /touir/eororopedic mal- ing busoteas (fuil c//en- loess set new n p/est/c. tele) anai daycare. We Casi $1 500 Sacnfîce w/I alemate mark and (K/ng $625) (Double ~ 6375). Can c/el/ver 416- aycare weeks. Very 741.7557 serrous persans p/este oeIl Angel aI 878-1517 BEDS, Kisg p/llowtop or 01703-0946 (oeil) double orthopec//c mal- tresu set new n plastic AZ Drivers wanted. CosI $1.500 Sacrif/ce Home evenings anai (K/ng $625) (Double weekends. Boas es- $375) Cen c/el/ver 418- par/ence an assel bat 741-7557 w/lits/n. Top mies pa/c/. CARPET Carpel. I have Group /nsurance. Caîl sevesi thousenc/ yards 905-693-1800 or 1-800- ol tes Sia/nmaslen and 268-3973 100% nylon carpet. i ~ BODY/PREP Peson - carpel pour i/v/ng roas Muet irave esperietas, and hall lor ~ ~ bas/c bols requ/red. includes carpel, pad ~iany bused on esperi- and natailat/on. <30 ~ ence. DRIVER RE. yards). Steve. 908-~6- OUIRED. p/ck up anc/ 2902. c/eI/very /n OTA, dean ira ~Mêi SALE drivers record, same SEASON. ireavy l/ft/ng. General F1 AnastrangAve., Fao s- rsg~ o. ct..m~â Shop dut/es. Lowrp In- terne: (906)702-0640 Are yoa se energesC pornos. PIFTH wansng to work in a fasi WHEEL paceai environmes5~ We are canon y accep ng O~Pl Ca nus fo ihe fottoor ng F/TP/T Shuru Order Ceeka F/T ttPrn 7 Arn Dlshwasher Sunday te Thurnday F/TP/T Fuel Attendant Appty n pornos F f Whret Truck S op 40 Ch shotor Dr M lion M BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH juste h/ring taîl lime l2prn-Sam, Sarn.4pm asai part lime 4pm-l2pm. The sacceaatut appticaslu muat be fies/b/e, highty mutivateai anri abte to worto weekenda. Vour motiva. I/anal st/lis cotai/t eam ysu an average hseify wage ut betweer 610-16/lir w/th a base pay ot Sertir. P/ease aRiy e peson a140 Chlulrdm Drive. Nn phnee cats pieuse YARD DRIVERS Requ/rements: * Ctean, current drivers t/cesse * Wltting ta work outs/de, 5 days a week 8 arn - S pm * Abii/ty ta work la a iesm enviroament Ptease forward resurne or phase Scott Lacey or Larry Keama Toronto Auto Auctons 8277 Lawson Road Milton Phone:(905)875-2915 Fax: (905)876.2341 DO cHRY'S GRAPWIUIE Is now accepting resumes for the following positions... Lisse ceeks, ~Itvesuesfwalt- ors & dI~a~~... available to work days, nights & weekends... Lecated I* tii. Milieu Mmlii CONTRACT LABOUR Now h/ring for fuit t/me expenenced DOCKWORKERS Appi/cant muet bu capabte of operat/ng a fond/fi ta load and untoad tra/ters, m/th a degrue of menuet tabour /nvotved. Knowledge 0f huzardous malenal handting s an asset. 613.50/haur plus for the righi people. Onu aflersoos anc/ose even/ng pou/t/sa ava/labte. Cail Kevin @ 416-704-7057 VEHICLE INSPECTORS Requirements: * Clean, curreni drivers t/censu * Read & write fluent Engi/sh * W/tilt g la work auts/de Mos-Fri., 8 am - 5 pm * Capable 0f work/ng /n a team eav/ranmeat Please for resume la: Alla. Scott Locey, Larry Keams Toronto Auto Auctons 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton Fax 905-876-2341 OPERATIONS MANAGER Nabsoal Franch/sor s Dakv/llo setho n/t/v/c/u- aI w/lb tsctpt/snal wr/Uts & otriral csmmon/calisn st/Ils. Vantai computer soflware ksowle/tge a seul. Un/oers/ly8us/- ttoo dsgret w/th min. ol2pro wert eepar/- encu. P/eus las rtuuse9O8-147-6255 un mmmli: ilamb@mtllpsa//t.ca Lot Person Requ/red Generat dut/es. Muet have val/d drivers 1/cence. Appty /0 peson or cail Bf/an for ap- paint/sent. Hyundai ot OakviIIe 1071 Speers Rd. 845-7791 487 Laurier Ave., Mut on 878-2881 s h/ring Bus Persans, lunch & dinner. Pull and part lime pas/t/ans. Ap- ilor COFFEE lime caunter beip requ/red for ail ah/fis fuil & part t/me, /nciuding weekend mark. Apply /n peson ta: 405 Mart/n St., M/flan. See Ssndy. EARN $200, $300, $500 or more par week, assembling produci n Ibe camtart of pour oms home, send a self ad- dresaed alam~denvei. opa 10: O. Duadas St., West Suite 541 Ret 940 M/sssaau- ga, Ont., LSK 2R8 FULL lime Grooms re- qu/red: yeart/ng prepa- rat/on; August 21-Oc- lober 14 /nclus/ve. Hase experience pre- ferred. Phone 905-854- 9091: e-malt - s F1JLLTIME wsrehause pas/t/an assiette. h you are hardwort/ng and depandable peson, please tas pour resume la: SL-Spec/at Labarato- r/es Lld, Fao (905)876. 3729 GENERAL Labourers wanled - Local sanu- tacturing cospany re- qu/res helpers O $9.SOIhr. Some heavy i/ll/ng requ/red, setely shaes requ/reri, ah/h mark and sarne poas/ble avent/me. Appty n per- san ta 570 Mcgeachie Drive. See Rot James. INSIDE Sales & Order Processar requ/red by spac/ai/ly equlp. mfgr. Ad/v/i/es include same purchas/ng & espedlt/ng order through 10 sbip- p/ag. A genesi knaw/ edgeoismail motos a defin/tesaset. Wtli bs/n. F/T salary. Fao resume f0 Davîri 905-854-2785 or email LOOKING for a iradeFuii t/se pas/t/on lor Carpet Installer. W/Il Ira/n. if pou are an ener- gel/c & moi/vaied /nd/- 0/dual apply ta: liele. mess inierios 340 Main SI., M//ton orfas resume ta 905-878-7077 MATURE bulp wanted tor cosmetic depart. meal. Part I/se, evea- ings and weskends. Ap. ply w/th/n, Shoppers Drug MarI, 265 Main SI. E., M/lIon. MILLWRIGHTI FABRI- CATION INSTALLA- TION Firs serving Brampton, M/5s/55au9a, Gueipti snd K/tchener requ/red Project Manag- ers, M/ifwright & Fil- terlWelder Suparv/sam, Uasnsed M/twrights & F/tter/Weides.Perma- nent pas/t/ans, good raies snd benef/is. P/este tas resuses 10 Dave (519)853-3077 IyourI ICtassnfiedsî ~2364

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