14-Tho Canadien Chamninie Ti iaiu Ssrtamhor 19 enril( if you have any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Dr. Tong Wan'a 9 ' TToothTQIkXà Towne Dental aru Tony H. Wan Milton Mali- 55 Ontario St. 13.Sc., D.D. S. (905) 876-1188 Bacterial Contamination In Dental Waterlines Sasse of ssy patients bave recently asked questions about bac- terial contamination sn dental materlines, sud I would like ta take itis apporîunity ta pravide you mitit sasse facîs on te subjeet. Biofilm ix a tbin layer of ssicraargauixss thal accumulates in common devices used ta transport mater, sucit as sitomeriteads, faucets. soda fausitains and olters. Just as biafilm exists in lte plumbîng in your bosse or office, il alsa iv prescrnt iu lte mater- uines of lte dental office ltai conneci lte itigi-speed itandpîece (drills), air/mater syringe and ultrasanic scaler ta lte mater sup- ply. Alîbaugit titere ix no defisîable public itealtb problees, thte presence in deutal waterlines of clinically proves bossas patitogens supports thte need of isspravîng mater qonlily. Titis is expecially important for patients mt immune systems meak- ened by dixeaxe or medications. Titese patients sitould inforni titeir dentist at tite beginning of any office visit la discuss titeir concernis. Safety in thte dental office is lte top priority of lte dental pro- fession. New mater filtration systemv. impraved disenfectants and dental units ltai are nat dependent ou municipal mater sup- plies, are already in use by many dental offices. As nese products becasse available and nem researcht pravides us mitit better ways la practice oral iteaitecare. me miii continue ta imprave tite quality of care for aur patients. If you bave ques- tions about any aspect of pour dental office visit or mit measures bave been taken ta esore pour safety, please don't itexitate ta ask your dentixt. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. so., D. CHi. ïl&t FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST F0qr1' Milton, Ontario, L9T i P6 KZ HAIS 1LITATIOMq (905) 878-6479 c R Nt rT -a APrincess Anne Dr., Tis Da.> 86 Main St., Milton Georgetowen, Ontario L7G 4W4 Cassis Francoz Grog J. Lawence (905) 702-1611 HSO ERPS 8 61 5 aSe., o. Ch. Member of the Ontario Sociaety oftchiropodlsts Q: Wi&hat are camte commun gelfing injuries, anti hem cani t aveiti and Tihe Ontario Collège of ceriropodists these injuries? Q: Why de yen use a laser? What are lasers used for? A: Golf is a vasy papotas sport dusse She sommer, but due ta thte repeisve swioging A: Laser surgery is the maxi advancedi method useti by a foot 515e- motion, sassie spas of pour itody are mare prose ta tsyusy tas oters. Calfats ofies cialisi. Nom wilh a besmt of lighl, foot proitlems cas be complase about -golfers ettore" (pots us tae inssde of the elbow>. orrneck and lasser back injuries due ta tite farcefol rotation of tite pelvis dane the golf swsing, tite sus- correcîrd. Tite laser 1 use is a carbos dioxide laser, miticit uses taised positias of brsdsog larmard xsebgtty misS your tteck anti hock. or canysorg a ligu esergy la vaporize osmasîrd tissue. Becanse lte beain of itrasy bof of clubs. ligit is osîy I mm, itis sîloses me la work mth pispoinl preci- Haro ore sassae helpful bias ta semasn as the golf coasa so tite fait eatlrer: vian leavisg lthe surrousdisg tissue healtby and undamnaged. Pasl-aperalivety, tere vs tess bleeding, swelîsg asnd scarrisg. A streteh tu pr-suent tulfers r-Ibnw: Sînce lte beare creates a sterîte envirosmrexl, lthe citance of Wsth the elbore stroghi and polos fociog upseard. use pour setter itssd ta essduallp potoeaieinfection iv reduced, apply pressure tusthe onit. extsroding it tomurds tae proasd. locrease tha stretcit by postopertiveslossly rosossg the loirro oustoard. Hold lar 30-45 seconds and repeat for eacit For avec a decade lasers boxe beau reducîng pais, rssk anti rm recovery lisse of masy sorgical procedares. Ilis lte modem asti Hiers tu pr-usent nek anti lwer itark pain: effective citoice for lte tceamtenî of many foot problems. Lasers Weor propr golf foutmeau ini food .onditon, ssith guod boul oud arch support. bave proves especially oseful for îreaîisg: Use a1 ull carora golf bag wsîS Issu sitîulder siraps. Stretcb thtelosur back anditasstsng mscles, Si(son aituscksit oe leg stmei *ingraren taeaails oui alose lte sench. Koepiog Sue bock ssrasgit. bond uith itabps. and reacit for pour infectd nail tocsor lomet leg. Hold for 30 seconds and tOy os the ailser leg * inectti ousStand op. legs oparo. bond formard ai the bis kuepisg tbo knees suasgit. Tuci *plantar warls pour luIt amis o pour nigit loser tee, and rom pour upper body tumards lte sabht, * pst eanlecling yuursrgkt amitossrds theskp. Hold for 15 seconds, and repeant o h *ganglions Startd mîith pour bandu os pour itlocks. Slumly bond backssards ta anCit pour mlain onnds of deati tissue lamer bock, keepsng pour bores s"trs. and retue to stand. Huld 1-2 seconds asti * ceanngrepeat bye ltimes. Alprocedures are done în the office oettirg. Robae pour teck ta look beisd pou anti renomra look umoaigbi uitead. Repea a For more information cati (905) 702-1611 fes titres, Nom bning pour ean o pour ibaulder. itrepise the uboulder doms. Repea a femsnmes. Huld 1-2 seconds. Thre ciinic offers extended hours. Nu- yna are mai> frryour rond cf golf. If yu hase naging elf inrjries tha No referrai iu necesuary. wirît sun go array, cnnaît yaur locai physiedrerapisr fnr help. House cais are aiso avajiabie. IMONEY9ý.-z :'nan CONýCEI'TAS:ÎS F*s Lia and ciaotelt Tel: (905) 876-0940 Ta hefter Fax: (905) 876-2934 Laaou eFPtel 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 Q: My eldent grandeen junt went ta University tMi fail and 1 wfaashecked at tht cent. Is fisere something 1 coni do now ta help my other grsndchîldren? l've heard about these RESPn? What are they? A : Yeo univensity andi collage educutian is expenoive and a gooul mny ta belp iu tbrougit RESPo (Registemed Education Savingo Plnso). Many grautipseents are setting up RESPo for titeir grandebhildeen as itirthday and Christssas gifla. A ssutnal funti iased RESP allo flaxibility in your investssento and tas sitelters thte groetit. Nem inveotroant dollars casi be udded at vîrtu- slly any time but tise manies cani anly ta mititdrnmn for educutional 1urposes. Once mititdramn, lte inveotment os taxei Mt lte student's Yeu cari gel $40 free fraro tite govamment! An atided incentive is o Canudin Educatian Savingo Grant of $400 titat is offered by lte fed- eral govacaiment for every $2000 contribnted ta thte RESP. Titere are stipulations regarding wmsay ta a beneficiary, boss thte ssoney ssay ba used, and mit bappens mites a beneficiory does nat go to post-secondary scitool, vo il is tast la cansoît a Money Concepts financial pionner first. RESPs caoi ta a great gift ta pour grandcbildeen. But, just like any invesîmenl, yon sbould understand mit you are buyisg. Tbe certiied financial planners at money Concepts montd ta pleased 10, ansmer pour questions and aulline in more detoîl lte options avnil- able IcQ you.Please caîl ns for a complimentary appoinîmenl ai 905-876-0940. Mony Conunps Group Capita oraSnd N.F. lnsurnusAgencyInc. B.A., B.S .W., M.S.W., C.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Pnyetolterapy Individuals, Couples, Citildren & Familles Ê â 11084, 51h Lino, Milton, Ontario Imyno M. Tanner (905) 854-0801 1*a gaui rnarrlod sean. Peoplo say that lor a fill- cslul marriago yo. have o lar serta cornrunleallng. W. talk (doai Il ovoryono) se rohoroe Ibmth "serkn? Arn I missînu semolhinu? A: Ilis nasp lu love sumnons wlin titingu arn guis> pour wap, Sut tite tretest ot lune & matarity, cosses mites pu wealter theo tiiulnt limes. Communication ix lte knp lu succnntiing aibtis asti making pour marriage munit. You casi bit angrp at sumeuse anti ulili loue titer. Von caoi love somnone & sut lite titeir itebaujour but poa musI trust nacit otites ennunit anti bave thte coarage & lte wilI, lx express pour feelings in a 10010> wap. Communication is a 3 pant prucesx. Titeru ix laliis, listeoing anti elarilping. The lut part ix theu nbvious - pou Saueto1 taiS anti express pour feelings. Bal lte 2nti part ssap be ton mort impor- tant - pou itane to listent l itear, flot osilp wat ix Seins saiti Sut, la mit o Seing DMsan &alt. Tolting ix nouast il pu encit speait a titiferent lannuone asti itcause pou are 2 tiifferen people wsith dit- leresl itistories, anti tsptciallp as pou mili Se îust nettin> 1 tom ont asotitor, pou mii taiS tuBferont lasguagus. Here ix on tuample ut mit 1 mean miten 1 top pou mmli taIS diffesent . Il I tell pou ltaI I are gxing 10 boy a boat, pou may picture a large pachtt lta sletps 10 asti I may mens a 2 seules rom boat. Ynu sop titint ltaI I are Stis> seltisb mitils I map St monling to sitars a oerp speesal nopent- once milS pou. Titis suads 10, the 3rti pari, clasilpsng. This part is otfern lorgottun - pou must checit nul tit atI pou undersînoti, is rebat max mitant. Piid ouI ltaI 1 men a rnmbot Sslxrr pou go mbt a pantie about lte coxt asti ltse stxsage anti nopsnses ut non nom yacht. Communicatson is ersîscol. Malte sort ou put lte effort in 1ha1 il nees. E/oayne Tanner is a Cetified Socia/ Worke- in pt-icone pracsice in norsh Milteu, Ifpau hare fiarihe- quesions or ifyau trou/d Iike su arrange an appointmena, utlease ca/I (9015) 854-0801. Cofd i h am d. Specialists in Electrology & Laser H air Remnoval Phone: 905-878-9113 or 905-878-3945 Certification & Treatment Centre Canada's Leadlng Laser Hair Removal Speclallets Facial and body hair can easily be remnoved. Frequenhly-Asked Quenteras About Laser Hair Removal Q: What hs laser hair removal andi hem does it mark? R: Laser itair remnovat is ose of the latest tecitnologica adivanoes to com- plerocat thte etectrotysis fietld of permanent hitar removat. It cnes tignt energy ta setectivety target colour (mielanin)i thie itair. Tise beses of hîghtp conceateated tighi disables rnany hairs mith ect pntse, clearing large areas in a mratter of minutes, lThe cottege ix peouti to, provide te mortd's leadtng laser. lte Coiteoent Lightsbeer Diode Laser, for pertna- sent hair redaction. Q: What hi "Permanent Hair Reduction"? R: Titis is avety important factor as sot att tasers ore ctearet by thte F.D.A. for titis designattos, Ail otiters miay onty be long-tasting or meoety a tempoxary solution, tike wasing, sugarne and thteading. A'patient's decisios about laser itair ressoaa sitoutd bte based on the elfecîiveness of tise laser used anti the expertise of the praetitioner. Q: Who hs ilfer? R: Mes and women of ail ages. il ix possible ta treat moxt paris of the body and ait skts types, frore very tîght skis ta daeker skis types (types V & VI)providisg titeitirs dakor pigmete. If blonde ofwitetai-xare aiso preserit, titesa comiaton of electrotysis and laser muti clear tihe ares safely and effectively. Q: What te expresS R. Tite Coitereni Lighîsheer Diode ix fast, efficient, comfortabte and sale mites aved ity adeqaely-trained professionats. For more information, contact tite Elecirolysis Cottege of Canadta tnc.. witose private clisse bas for many yearx. provided tratmenîs for tite pub- lic su tise latest laser itair remnoval, electrolysis and vascalar lteatasent of brokes carilitaries).