Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2000, p. 11

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September 12, 2000-11 Chudleigh helping draw iip strategy to preserve shoreline a.long Georgian Bay and Great Lakes By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Those looking for Halton MPP Ted Chudleigli lately would have better luck searching the coast than his Milton constituency office. The local politician has been spending the lion's share of his time working on an extensive Great Lakes Heritage Coast preservation pro- ject. In bit duties as parlia- mentary assistant to the Minister of Natural Resources, Mr. Ted Chuadlelgh Chudleigb bas been drawing up a strategy to preserve 2,900 km of shoreline along portions of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron and Lake Superior. The project is part of the Ontario govern- ment's Living Legacy initiative, wbicb added 8 million acres to the Province's protected areas laat year. QIf tbose, several sites were specitically target- ed for analysis and tbe aboreline project, wbicb bouses 65 parks, was tbe largest of tbe buncb. "Since tbat time I've been travelling exten- sively along tbe Great Lakes Heritage Coast," said Mr. Cbudleigb. In gatbering input from tbose wbo live or work along tbe shoreline, tbe word preservation kept popping Up. "ibe protection of tbe coaat is first," said Mr. Cbudleigb. "It doesn't matter if you're talking to industry or residents or cottagers or boaters." That public sentiment waa tumed into a dis- cussion paper, wbich is currently in circulation. Now tbe goal is t0 find out if tbe paper bas nailed wbat needa lobe done. -This current tour is to go into aa many comn- munities as we can and aak if we got il rigbt," said Mr. Cbudleigb. The discussion paper takes a sbot at balancing preservation and development. "It's to ensure development takes place in an ecological sustainable maniner,- be said. And it cast an eye toward stewardsbip of tbe coast. A management tearo forged from those wbo live and work in tbe area is the beat bet for man- aging tbe coast, said Mr. Cbudleigh. The teamt will be charged witb untangling any red tape strangling sustainable developmnent. "There are lots of regulations beld by lots of govemnment departments," said Mr. Chudleigh. "Tiseir role would be to coordinate those regula- tions 10 make sure tbey don't work against eacb otber.- Tourism is anotber drive of tbe plan, and increased signage, interpretive centres, visitor lookouts and trails are part of tbe discussion. But larger tourismn initiatives - sucb as the building of botels or resorta - would need to meet tbe principle of sustainable development. "Ils a malter of wbere tbe resort is situated, bow il affects tbe shoreline," said Mr. Chudleigb. If response 10 tbe discussion paper is favourable, it'll be transformed mbt a detailed plan and submitted for final acceptance. And tbougb the Progressive Conservatives may n01 come across as a green party, Mr. Cbudleigb said be stands by botb bis own record and tbat of the Province on environmental issues. "We don't bave thse reputation of being an environmental govemment but look at tome of thse thinga we've done." He cited reorganizing and strengtbening tbe Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) and increasing Ontario's protected lands by 2.4 mil- lion hectares as examplea. In total, tbe Province now bas 9.5 million bectares of protected lands, in wbicb 650 parks are situated. And tbrougb tbe Living Legacy, guidelines bave been set for industries sucb as forestry and mining. Pfloto by ÇjHAMAM VAINt <,A- grand contribution Presentlng Cancer Society membera Sam Hokanason and Paula Sahker <centra> with a $17,000 choque fromn the Ladies Drive for Cancer golf toumnament are <from Ieft) Carole Sherpa, Judy Perry, Cheryl Davidmon and Sharon McKeown. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN Charity Golf Tournament for HALTON WOMEN'S PLACE Wednesday, September 27th, 2000 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ACTON Meadows Golf Club This will be a FUN day at $ 100 per golfer For a complete registration package contact: K. Sarita Purdy, MBA, Investment Executive <iO Scoti McLeod 1 Nelson Street West Main Nelson Centre Brampton, Ontario L6X 3E4 Tel: (905) 796-5006 Toil Free: 1-800-263-2454 Fax: (905) 450-6343 [m Trademark of The nank of Nova Scotia. Scotia Capital Inc. authorized user of the mark. ScotiaMleod is a division of Scotia Capital mec. Member CIPF. TH]Fa COPRTONO H r~~LToNN OFV~hS IET i ON.LirNE Pleas be advised that effective Frida, Septmbea 22, 2000 to Septeinher 24, 2000, a temporary "NO PARKING" restriction will bie in effect on the foliowing streets: Robert Street - north side - Bronte Street Io Hsmgh Street Hugli Street - west side - Robert Street to Mary Street The purpose of the temporary "NO PARKING" restriction is to provide access for emergency vehicles during tbe Milton Fal Fair. H.ai Town fberk Town of Milton REQUEST FOR BIDS TWISS ROAD RECONSTRUCTION O0-106A-T LOWER BASE UNE RECONSTRUCTiON 00-170-T BIDGE REHABILIATION/REPIACEM£eN'0O-138B-T Sealed Bids on formns supplied, by the Town of Milton will be received by the Corporate Services Departmnent until il1:00 arn local trne on: TWIS ROM> RECONS1UC1ION, 00-1064-T, Monday, Octobe 2,2000. LOWER RAUE LINE EECONM1UCTION, 00-170-T, Wcdaesday, Octobe 4,2000. BRIDGE RBHA5ILfFATIONMEPIJACEMNT, 00-138B-TWedncday, October 4,2000. Specifications and forms may be obtained at the Corporate Services Departrnent, Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8: 30 arn to, 4:30 pmi. There is a non- refundable bid document fee of $53.50 ($50.-00 + $3.50 GST). Payment can be made with cash, cheque, Interac or Visa/Mastercard. Any inquiries regarding these tenders may bie directed to Denise Black, Purchasing Assistant ai (905) 878-7252 x 143. If you would prefer thbat thisbid be couriered to you please complete the Request for Bld Document forrn on the TownIs website: w ton kn..a Plan takers, carrent and upcoming blds and bld resuits are posted on the website. 'i

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