Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 2000, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Fnday, September 8,2000 T ~ Derek Redmonti of Great fintain had traîneti for the Olynpïc 400-netre mn for years. After the Seoul Olympîrs, he had five operations on both Achilles' tendons, but he bounceti back. Now he was running weil, and competing in the Olynpic senifinais. IHJI~HINU STRUNU caught up 10 his son anti put his arn around hin. When Derek saw who il was, he leaneti on his dad's right shoulder and sobbed. Security person- nel attenpîed to intercede and escort lin Redmond off the îrack, but their efforts were futile. Tbgether, they crossed the finish une, Haifway around the track. however, Derek's nght father and son, arn in arn... hanstring gave way. He felI to the track, They finished strong! sprawled across the fifth lane. The television . Derek Rednond's Olynpic story poignantly caneras focussed on defending Olynpic champi- parallels the Scriptual truth outlined on Psaln 37, on Steve Lewis as he wc:n the race and headed as the Living Bible proclaîns: loward the tunnel. Then, suddenly, Derek got to his feet and began The serin of goed men are darected by the Lord. He deUg/ses an each seep they take. If they fait te hobbling around Ihe track. he was deternined 10 '~ fatal, fer the Lord ho/ds them wtt/s His finish the race. hand. Derek~s dad, Jin Redmonti, sitting high n îh stands aI Olynpic Sladiun, SaW his son collapse. The 49-year-old nachine shop owner fron Northanpîon, England. ras down the steps and osto the lrack. Att he knew was bis son seeded hetp. The crowd realized Ibat Derek Rednond was rusnisg thc race of bis lue. Around Ibe stands, and around the wurld, fans stood and bonosred hin with cheers. At the final Isîrs, un Redmond BANAl Consider the mercy of God ond His gifts. He enjoineth upon you that which shah profit you. though He Himself con weIl dispense with ail creotures." from Bahai Soripture LOCAL:.....................7544555 REGIONAL:..............-BoO.433.3254 GLOBAL:................www.bahai.org LS.1 MILTON SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST ~ CHURCH ne y scky s:t/:sev::eat HaBit Poster Haii, 43 erown 55. Mîlton 5.:: 93flan: 5a/:/s.:tti 5:l,,n:t S.,: Il(s) ais. l5:v,,se 5ers:ce FR55 BIBLE 5CHOOL perpkx:ngq::e'.ti::n..andtl:e.':xrett::.:t:.:ppyt:k F::r FIIEF IttiILE. LESSONS, ~cr:tc l'O 15,,x 23(112. '(5 Ont.:rs: St., M:lt,,n, Ont LOT 5154. On t/n. NTF.UNF.T, :ttp /www.v::p.e::,:: ('ASTOIS Carl:,,n O 5:,::tt::n, 416-tt21 4610 - e -a e Senior Pastor Ras. Dan fteg~e Children Mva. Netalie Reage Worshîp Mca. Butter Bouler Voutit Ras. Gerd Clark 9 arn - Earfy Worship Service 10:45 arn - Second Worship Service Pester Dan Rogge preachusg Omit Sunday Behool. Bide Pmgrarns I Nureery 6:30 p.rn. Evening Praise & Worship I The Fîneel Mîdweek Kîd's Progran I runs every Wednesday at7 p n Regeler kide Ibis week- $40/ohild ~aaE'INeiutIauI!sast'eMEenIseei Counîless individuals stunhie on the track of life! Men and wonen atike faIt down in the whirlwind of a torrid pace! But they do sol bave 10 5tay down! There is a Heavenly Father waîching eacb slep, who is willing 10 assist people 10 finish strong! He neets the falles wbere lhey are asd witb open arno, helps Ihen up, loves then, accepîs then uncosdiîionally asd tends His sîrengîh 10 theirjourney. For believers, seîbacks pave the way for t i conebacks! i encourage each person to believe in the God who believes in you! Welcome His participation in your life! Regardless 0f how an individual's race hegan, or what happened along the way - what is tenenhereti years later is how a person finished. it is not how you start - ils how you finish! As a Grace Anglican Church 317 Main SI. E, Motos the Church on the Hi/f Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 svww.wclcome.to/Cracc.Mihon Rev. Dr. Mark McDernaett SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 1s.m. - Holy Communion 10:00 1î.m. - Sung Euclsarest Church School & Coffee Horîr \~l:nrlchajr Acccss Tltr<:ugh j:arkit:g 12(1 fleurs THURSDAY 10:00 ahi. - HoIy Comusuniots Mut.. Bible Churoh Worships at the Milton Senior's Activity Centre ___ 500 ChIIds Drive [~iZ I ~ 10:30 arn Worship Service j 11h children'a ministries running concurrently [E~ Pastor: Rev. James A. DeMarsh 876-3586 4~ Milton Bo Usi Church 900 Nlplssing Rd. <905) 875-1626 9:45 arn - Sunday Sohool 11:00 arn - Worship Service Speaken Rev. Grog Macaulay Toplo: Returning to Our First Love r5 Bey. Gr.g Macaulay- B.A., M.DIv. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontaria St. N. * 878-3873 10:00 arn. -The Lords Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer anti Bible Study I give unto my sheep eternal life; they shah neyer pensh, neither shah any man pluck them out 0f my hand. John 10.28 Children 0f Ail Ages Start your school fail term by coming 50 Sundav School at Milton Gospel Hall 308 Ontaria 55. N. (ose bîock south ni Stuelos) Every Sunday morning aI 11:45 10 12:30 Age-appropriate amaîl classes. Bible atones, actîvities. singing. prizes. special events. no collections Parents afe weicome to accompany their chiltiren. Bring your friands, make new friends. For more information anti f rea transporta- lion, cati The Grahans: 878-5019 Brlng In thia ad and recelve a gift St. George's Angilcan Church 7051 Guelph Une (north of Derry Rd.) Schedule of Servce for Septensber 0:30 ASt- AItersat6:~ Us/y C:annssc:n ~ Msrnîsg Prass'r 50:30 Ais - Aitcr~tatin~ Msrsis.g Pra wr C- Us/s Cssrnsn:sn 10:30 Ais - fs::th SL'nîoe as the a::datsrssm September 18, 6:30-9:30 pm ALPHA September 24,7:00 pm Senncc for Prayer Healang Rector: The Reverend Canon Char/es FMasters For addifional info. ca/I the church office: 579-1353 HOLY ROSARY PARISH h5ohungeU-oiSse:Iss/p.hs~nsse~.e bal ~ 8784535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Mai11,, Sireet Miss se 5:30 p.rn. Saurday 9:00 arn., 11h30 La. & nue. Sunday ST. PETER MISSION 9thLine &Britaaeia Maso at 9:00 an. Sundsy LaRev.Earl TalbotP.P. We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S I,4-~ c 123 Main St. E, Milton Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Available September 10- CHURCH SCHOOL BEGINS LOONIE LUNCH following moming service Res,. john Benham & Rn'. john Ambrose Judy Hunter, Director of Music Church office: (905) 8784B95 www.stnauismiltnn.nre chanpion, finish strong! Discover tIse power to go the distance in life, visit a local church this Sunday. service tines and locations are listeti in the.directory below. Subsn/lted by Dan Rogge, Senior Poster o! New Lefe Church, Ml/ton VIOTORY UILE OHUCH HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CAUGHTIN A RAINSTORM? The tlrst thing you want to dois head for cover. While we are on this planet, we wilI have to go through many storms of life. Join us this Sunday 50 you can see how the Lord is a shelter from the stmggles of this world. 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Morning Worshlp Milton Leisure Centre (Board Boom) (separate services for children 9 years and under) Wednesday Bible Study 7-Bpm Milton Leisure Centre Boardroom (chiid cire provided) "LivingA VictoriousLifeBy The Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: cboyce@interhop.net The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worahip & Kida Church 100 Nlpiaaing Road, Unit 3 Pastora: Usutueunta Sheldon & Cia,. Faune, For more information about aur services, and other programming pieuse eau 876-2420 I. ALPHA Who la Jesua? Why shouki I read the Rible? Is Cbristianity boring? Irrelevant? Untrue? How doea Ced guide us? Why flot join us for dinner and discusaien of theneimo nI questions? IUBYIDiCIilI8CB. Oufiish Us. il 451, Camplellulle utarlîno Thenday, soplesierl4, i 6:30 PSt. Ciii 884-8800 BOUTN5IDE COMMUiIiTY 13088CR, 2850 Bm~ Ai., MIII. sladlîg Bsediy Saplessshr t?. ut 6:tO Pli. Ciii 878.5664 51 GEOIIGES AOGUCAN CIIUeCH. Osalpis LIs., Lossille sistino Mteiay. Beplosssher 18, a15:35 Pli. CIII 878-1303 CasuîlSelilsgR.glslrallse uts tpen. SOUTHSIDE COMMUNIT! CHURCH ofThe Christima & Missionary Allianes lfueuerly knewa a Mille. Alhuece (liards) 1850 DE5ftT RD.. Ptoec 575-54,5,4 . F..~ t57t4-4,i,7f, Pastor Greg MeCombs StartinE this Sunday NEW~~MO~S-tt:00A.M.5~DAY MORNING WORSHtP SERVICE (Nurseryeareprovided) ADVENTUBEL4NIJ beg/ns ioday!! (kids age 3-gr.6) FALL P500BAMS & MiNiSTiIiES: - Cisilsiren - Adveuiureiaed (Sun. AIsE> & Pioneer Ciii,, (Wesi. PM> - Yiulis Bible Oludies - Or. 7 & 8/Tues. PMI, Or. 5-OACI Ilsurs. PMI * ALPHA nurse- For aduits I Sue. PMI * Womnen's Bibi, studies - I Mous. PM/Wed. AMI Foenun stan, lb, ne,,5hruusiuiaie,, pleeeell IIs,,hecls tiSa.

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