Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 2000, p. 20

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24l -the Càet'id hia t i(ôh Étîdààý b6pîe11iber8 2dô0 Milton water-skier debuts at Worlds By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Paul Macdonald wrapped. up the barefoot water- skiing season with major waves - both on the national and international front. His 2000 campaign was bighligbted by a successful debut late last montb at tbe world cbampionsbips in Minnesota. While Milton's 24-year-old competitor wasn't particularly impressed witb bis overaîl 25tb place effort - among a men's elite field featuring nearly four dozen entries - Team Canada's coacbing staff certainly was. "I always want 10 gel bigber, s0 tbere was a litîle bit of disap- pointment," remarked tbe men's elile level barefoot waler-skier, wbo's trained -by reigning world champ Ron Scarpa of Winterbaven, Flonida and sponsored by Bollé sunglasses, Cbisco watcbbands and Protecb belmets. "However, fo 'r my firat lime at tbe worlds I did way more tban lbey expecled out of me." Macdonald's credible finish came on tbe slrengtb of a l2îb place performance in tbe preliminary round tricks event, during wbicb hie scored a personal best 3,300 points 10 advance 10 tbe semnifinals. Tbere, he wasn'î quile up 10 snuff and had 10 seule for 111th. "I did my routine a hiale faster and was able 10 gel in more tricks, including tbe toc bold from back 10 front wbicb is consid- ered by many 10 be tbe bardeat trick right now," be oecalled of tbe Milton's Paul Macdonald dlsplays the barefoot water- skiing form that helped hlm maite a strong debut at the world champlonships recently in Minnesota. HOCK - PAYR - RI! Aitui oous Barndse Avoabe ur 20 o kOlet Miss CCM, Vmc & more. Skates, Sticks, Equipment and Other ,il Miscelloneous Sporting Goods. 2Vlfli 3 ii SONLYfiI Ii sept. 8 se Seot. 9 SmS Seot. 10> FREE GinT To JI" 50 EACH DAY je hk Do« 0f DuIIdig Milton Mmnor Basebai Association Rep Tryouts - 2001 Season Rep Coaches applications MUST be in by _____ ____ eotember 8 .2000. Div. Date Time Field Raukie Sut. Sept. 16 il: 00am- 1:00 pm Rotary Lighied Sun. Sept. 17 2:00 pin- 4:00 pin Rotary Lighted Set. Sept. 23 11.00 amn- 1:00 pin Rotary Lighied $L__ w. Snt. 24 if needed-....--. Rotary Lighted Masquit Sut. Sept. 16 11. 00 arn - 1. 00 pm Rotury Poai Sun. Sept. 17 2.00 pin 4:00 pin Rotury Poai Sut. Sept. 23 11:00 arn- 1: 00 pm Roaury Poai ____Sun. Sept. 24 if needed - ---- Rotry Puai Pee W.. Sut. Sept. le 11:OC m - 1:00 pin Bruate Meudiam Sun.ScPt. 17 2: 00 Pmn- 4:00 Pm Brontecuedana StSe. 23 11:00 am - 1: 00 pm Drontecueduma Sun t 124 if needed -- Drunte PMudus Duntuin Sut. Sept. 16 11:00 am - 1: 00 Pin Buion Beat Sun. Sept. 17 2: 00 Pin 4:00 pin Bioan Seat S. Sept. 23 11:00 am - 1:00P p ion BilnSat 1Sun.Sept. 24 if neded - - Biln ept Vuuth Sut. Sept. 10 il 00 cm- 1:00 pin ftifptoett Sun.Sept. 17 2:00 pin- 4.00 pin Muptettuiet Sut. sept. 23 il:00 pin- 1,00 pin Muptehuiet Sun. Sept. 24 f nede - , Maptettura Juu Sut. Sept. 16 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm Bian Beat Sun. Sept. 17 11:00 amn- 100 pin Bion Seul Sutl Sept. 23 20 pin- 4:00 pm Bian 0e" Sun. Sept 24 f needed - ,Bian eat PLAYERS MUST ATTEND 2 OUT 0F 3 DATES By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Jr. A Merchanîs have had quite a few topnoîch snipers don jersey number il. Jeff Daw, Jamie Janjevich and Ian CORRECTION NOTICE in our September 6-19, 2000 flyer, the following error occurred: *The Second Receiver Sale as advertised on page 9 should have stated the following, uOnly $99.99. Must be purchased with the ExpressVu Satellite System. Not valid with any other promotional olfer.? We sinoerely apologlzo for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. The merchants of 550 ONTAIIO STiET (Pizza Hut Plaza) Invite you to their FALL OPEN HOUSE Sat. Sept. 16 e Charity BBQ proeds to Haiton Worre's Siteiter * Raiffles (iras every marchant) * Children's Entertainment <Wf« av Mpeg Teum G HopuanMat 15 Dickens 14 GoodLife 14 Knight Cap 14 Charlie's 14 Pie Lee 15 Key Centre 14 Halton Pools 14 opening round. "If 1 land il t'm a bero and if I miss il I'm a hum. Fortunately Ihat day 1 was a hero." In tbe day one wake slalom event, Macdonald bad a fairly low sbowing of Il crosses for 351h place while be closed out the cbampionships by clearing 40 feel 10 lake 26îh spot in the jump- off. Among Canadians aI the worlds be was fursî in tineks, third in the jump and fourth in wake slalom for an overaîl second-place finish. Macdonald would bave gladly laken Ibat national ranking last weekend during the Canadian Championships in Montreal. Unfortunately, he missed il by a single spot - malching lasI summer's bronze-medal performance. An early faîl in tricks, traditionally bis sîrongest evenl, led 10 a heartbreaking sevenlb-place finish and ultimaîely cost him the overaîl silver or gold. "I jusl didn't quile perform up 10 my usual standards," explained Macdonald. However, Ihird-place efforts in both wake slalom and the jump- off salvaged an olherwise disappoinîing weekend - giving him a second slraight national medal, one he hopes to trade up for next season. And when il comes 10 the worlds, the local barefoot water-skier is looking toward an even grealer climb in 2001. "Most people's first trip (10 the worlds) is just for the experi- ence. NexI year I wanl 10 make the top 10." Malcolm highlighî the liai - which now includes Italy's Flavio Fagionni. And judging by pre-season efforts, the joumneyman centre will no doubi be among the mosi memorable players 10 wear the double sticks. Multon's 18-year-old newcomer said he hasn't always been a natural goal scorer. True or flot, iî's a statemeat that's rather difficult 10 believe - ai least for those who saw him perform aI Mississauga's Iceland Arena Tuesday. Against the siightly improved Chargers, Fagionni lit the lamp tbree times and added an assist. More importantly 10 the local club, be displayed an overaîl puck- bandling ability that's sure to translate into a very prosperous 2000/01 season. "I've been bappy with my (pre-season) play and to be bere. Milton is a gond team," remarked the soft-spoken forward, wbo last year toiled with the Jr. B ODrangeville Crushers. Coach impressed Skipper Glenn Walsb said be's not only impressedi witb the young forward's skill level but bis instincts as well. "Tbis kid bas so mucb skill tbat be's going 10 score lots of goals this season, but t'm also very pleaaed with his positional play." Fagionni's explosive efforts didn't quite equal victory, however, as the visitors gave up tbree powerplay goals and were outdis- tanced 7-5. ,An empty-net goal inside tbe final minute of play iced tbe win for Missiasauga. While aatisfied wilb tbe team's overaîl skill level, Walsb said a lack of experience on tbe winga oemains a conceru. W L T PT 13 2 0 26 12 2 0 24 9 5 o 18 9 5 0 18 7 7 0 1 4 3 12 0 6 3 Il 0 6 1 13 0 2 "There's still a major teaching process IbatîIl be needed here," hie explained. "We've got 10 gel tbese young guys 10 stop playing midget hockey, 10 gel tbem to con- centrale on playing the game wiîbouî the PUrcomin. in Ibis ares, be said, led in, blatant breakdowns and ultimale defeat Tuesday. Milton rallied froro two separate deficits but for the most part didn't look like the defensively sound club which held the Hamilton Kilty Bees 10 two goals in as many games laIe last month. Anthony Marshall, Frank Doyle and Jeff 'Fairbroîher of the Halton Hurricane ban- laman aplit the nelminding duties for Milton. Former Orangeville Cnasher Dan Bognar stood out with a goal and two assista while alan scoring was veteran centre Elliott Allberg. Among Ihose picking ttp helpers were newly appointed captain John Nadalin - the laîl remaining member of Milton's 1997/98 AII-Onlarto championship squad - and Scott Malcolma, tan's younger brother, who did a nice job killing off a five-on-three disadvantage in the opening frame. A home-and-home clash with the Georgetown Raiders Ibis weekend will set the stage for next Friday's (Sept. 15) regu- lar season opener in Milton. The Merchanîs hoat game one of the pre- season. series tonighî aI 8 pra. while Georgetown bas home-ice for the return engagement tomorrow a1 Gordon Alcot Arena aI 7:30 p.m. "It'1l be an intense two gamea and should let us know where we stand in terma of leara gril," aaid Walsh. Please fax ail your sports reports to Steve LeBfanc at 878- 4943 artytime. Merchants' newcomer has tools toi enjoy very prosperous season

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