Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 2000, p. 18

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22 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 8, 2000 McCormack Auto Services r JOHN MCCORMACK * LICENCED MECHANIC * DOT Inspection * Computer * Air Condîtîonmg Station Diagnostics * Tune Ups * Rust Proofing * Geserel Repairs * Brakes 85 Steeles Ave., Unit 6 878.0870 ~ West End Auto Service Serving Milton for Over 25 Years * Drakos * Suspnuioo * flikimors * Fpont-wh.mi Drive - Front Bad * Auto Uou Lomuinu tasieiraeorbayq - Cuîîoasiwe'Ushoptorye.rnssmsr*rdvehiula. COMPARE OUR PRICES LEE BONIN S Main St. E. 878-5323 Fax 878-0439 Datelin e Fax t WeII' ~I Sixth L dmp-sa trom if an rela progra ~Ihb, p m Fo Comi clubsol stratio Comm Annua arn. tc AVANTI AUTO TECH Lii5i5iMti ISiStisi ANU 55AK15 * courujîsizin VIHiCLE cosi Hi5TIi5Y SHSTILI SîlvicI . PIISONALIZIS 5I5ViCI Wl CAS BUV VIHICLIS AT THt AUiJTi55! ASt FOR DITAILS. ggg NIPISSINO ROAD 878-2952 MiI>tcrn Import Car Centre Specialists on Volkswagens * lmport fuef injection & Diesel Used car sales & service O7OE'Iifl 538 Main St. E. (905) Milton ~ Tire Sales & Service ou 555 Main St. E. 876-4788 )ateline info 10 878-4943. es on the pleasure and power of Friday Sept. 8 usin8 rh~mes. songs asd stories, mss from I 10 2 p.m. aI the Mîlton ~pring Hallon-Peel. 2545 Community Resource Centre, 917 .15e, in Oakvilîc, offers a Nipissing Rd. For more informa- s peer support program lion caîl 876-1244, ext. 12. i arn. 10 2 p.m. and a drop- The Milton Seniors' Activity xation and visualization Centre takes a tnp 10 Casino m from Il a.m. 10 12:30 Rama. Il costs $250, or lwo for r delails caîl 257 1988. $5. Caîl 875-168110 sign Up. Saturday Sept. 9 Pre-school Jumpin' sud Jammin' runs from 110 2:15 p.m. rnunily organizations and at the Millon Community Resource Ter information and demon- Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. The ns aI the Milton focus of the seven.week progrars is unity Resource Centre's musie, games, songa and exercis- I Open House frors 9:30 ing. For delsils caîl 876-1244, ext. i 3 sm. aI Milton MaIl. 12. People cas alto sign Up for courses aI that lime. For more information eau 8 St. Steeli HomI aI 7:3 Souil freec p ~- Ev Gar~ a114 delec cheft Ares raffle are ai requi UH'~ - Asso more spot i TIs Gros Couj - Sunc Audi ducli Rd., Novi For 4053 III SENTINEL - AUTO MOTIVE Major & Mînor Repaire * Tune Ups . Air Csndilîoning * Butes Engises Diesel * Eshausl * Safely Inspections * Towîng. Marine Repairs ~f~gI~-Tec/~ Serz/tce zcetI~ O(& FasI~wnec( Value 342 Bronte St. Suth, Units 12 & 13, Milton 878-8066 Di * Cois Napa noor 1244 TIi Ses I 3f Chil lessu L~N s:rvice Specializing n... * FUEL INJECTION * AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGINO * AUTO ANO TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS * DELCO BAlTERIES * TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS * BRAKE SERVICE * AUTO AIR CONDITIONING * SAFETf INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 8787221 75-4636 or 875-INFO. The Stephen's Anglican Church, offers ~s Avenue and Nisth Lise, in indepe ay presents Rev. Mark Curtis mental 0 p.m. TIse topie is 'Making 6:30 te 'ul Choices for our Livre'. A Secont fferisg is accepted. E. Stuc the ext Sundsy Sept. 10 the in eryone is invited 10 tIse Helen les Psrty BBQ aI 1:30 p.m. Wel * MilI St. People cas esjoy Sixlh table delights by Caribbean drop-i t from the Greater Toronto 10 a.n as well as steel band musie, mIros s, prizes asd laughler. Mums from I Iso for sale. A $15 donation is 257-lt red wiîb proceeds goisg 10 tIse MilI VI Graduale Nurses Centre cialion Heartîtringa Fund. For St. Je information or 10 reserve a Child :all 878-8484. 10 3:3 $10 or Sunday Sept. 10- il ber of e Milton Players Theatre ext. 7' p hosîs auditions for the Odd details île by Neil Simos aI 1:30 p.m. The lay and 7:30 p.m. Monday. mcdl lions for the Geoff Ford pro- Presb on t~ke place aI 295 Alliance St., i unit 15. Show dates are denos xssber 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and Il. wilh t more information caîl 875- of chi home, who s Monday Sept. il For dc op in 10 tIse Millos Lea munily Resource Centre, 917 lettei ssisg Rd., from 9:15 arn. 10 Millo i and 12:30103 p.m. Caîl 876- 310 ~n 1, ext. 12, for details. caîl isI c WaIkiaa~g Club aI lIse Miltos Thc lors' Activity Centre, 500 Cesîr is Dr., begins ils faîl session aI Lune] I p.m. People isterested is a 5005 .rely hour walk should mccl 51 Septe: the centre. Caîl 876-1681 for details. Wellspring Halton-Peel, 2545 Sixîh Lise, in Oakville offers a drop.in peer support prograns froru 10 arn. 10 2 p.m. asd 6 10 8 p.m. and a reiki program from 9:30 a.m. 10 noon. A drop-in intro- duction 10 journaling program from 6 10 8 p.m., a Qi Gong pro- gras frors 6:30 10 8 p.m. and a bresat cancer support meeting from 7 10 9 p.m. are alto Iscld. For details caîl 257-1988. Learu b write a resume, cover letter and contact card aI the Milton Humas Resource Centre, 310 Mais St., suite 106. For details caîl Maggie aI 876-9828. Mother Goose, a program for parents and their babies thai focus- Thi Resos offer~ child Pares childi and g sever a.m.] 12. Wc Sixîli dmp 10 a.î medi 2:30 1988. TIs desig and creativîty of children 3-and-a- haîf 10 6 years oîd. Cognisive ideas are explored in arcas such as sci- ence, Ihe envirosment, crealive materials, plants. gardcning and puppets. The program runs from for seven weeks from i 10 3 p.m. For details caîl the Milton Communhty Resource Centre, 540 Chiîds Dr., ai 876-1244, ext. 12. The Milton Seniors Activity Centre, 500 Chiîds Dr., hosts the Evening Euchre Party aI 7:30 p.m. Join in for conversation and fun competition. The cost is $2. For details cail 875-1681. Thursday Sept. 14 St. David's Church offers the Tuesday Sept. 12 Alpha Course, a practical mIro- Adult Learning Parîners duclion 10 the Christian faith, for basic English, math and Il weeks from 6:3010 9 p.m. Each ndence akilîs for develop- weekly session begins with an ly challenged leamers from informaI disser followed by large 8:30 p.m. aI Bishop Reding group learsing lime and srnall lary Sehool, 1600 Main St. group discussion. For delails caîl lests must be independent 10 Ihe office aI 854-1830. est lhey would benefit from Wellsprisg Haltos-Peel offers a sîruction. For details caîl drop-in peer support program aî257-3688. from 10 sm. 10 2 pm. snd a yoga lspring Halton-Peel, 2545 prograns frors I 10 3:20 p.m. For Lise, is Oakville, offert a detailsesîl 257-1988. n peer support group from The Canadian Federalios of i. 10 2 p.m. and a drop-in Universily Women - Milton and luction b yoga program District invites ail university 10 2:30 p.m. For delails caîl womes graduates 10 ils wine and >88. cheese welcome meeting aI 7:30 on Commusity Resource p.m. aI Patty Wilcox's home. New 917 Nipissing Rd, hosta the members are welcome. For more îhn's Ambulance Infant- information caîl 693-9404. CPR Workshop from 1:30 The Sexual/Wife Asîsult Projeet o p.m. The program cosîs hosîs a community forum from 9 * lesa, depending on the num- sm. 10 5005 in the clinical cîsas- pacticipants. Caîl 825-6060, roors of Millon District Hoîpilal. 146, loregister or for further The purpose of the forum is 10 develop a sexual assaull and Parent Support Group domestie violence protocol for 51 7:30 p.m. 51 Pinelands Haltos that oullines how the region yterias Church, 5270 New renponds 10 survivors of abuse. To n Burlinglon. This non- register or for more information sisational self-support group contact Jean Clipsham aI 825- raised leader, helps parents 6065. Idren wbo waee in trouble aI The ME Association of Halton aI sehool or with the law or and Hamilton-Wentworth meets ire abusive or taking dmgs. as 7 p.m. aI Tansley United rtails caîl 1-800-488-5666. Church, 2111 Walkers Lise (50db ru b write a reaumê, cover of Upper Midille Road), in and contact card aI Ihe Burlinglon. Caîl 319-7966 for s Humas Resource Centre, more informalios. lais St., suite 106. For details Miltos Public Libraey, 45 Bruce îaggie aI 876-9828. St., offers Teddy Bear Tise, s Milton Seniors' Activily drop-in story program for childres e, 500 Childs Dr,, hosts the sged 3 years and older 51 6:45 pm. h Bunch at s local eatery aI For more isformstion caîl 875- - Caîl 875-1681 for the 2665. mbcr location. The Victorias Order of Nurses Wednesday Sept. 13 offert a foot care dinie from 1104 p.m. aI the Milton Seniors' Activily - Miltos Communily Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Caîl the irce Centre, 540 Childa Dr., centre aI 875-1681 10 book an 'Crusin and Groovin' for appoinîment. cen aged 16 10 24 months. TIse Toronto Parent Finders, a ta cas enjoy a lime with their searcb and support group for adult en leaenisg asd playing songa adoptees and birth relatives, meeta ames. TIse program mss for 51 7:30 p.m. aI Huron Park i weeks from 9:30 10 10:30 Community Centre, second Iloor, For details caîl 876-1244, ext. 830 Paisley Blvd. W., is Mississauga. Caîl (416) 465-8434 llspring Haltos-Peel, 2545 for delails. Lise, in Oakville, offers a TIse Victorias Order of Nurses -an peer support group from Alzheimer Services offers a sup- as. 10 2 p.m. and a body-mind port group for family caregivers lation program from I to frors 7 10 9 p.m. in tIse Loblaw's p.m. For details caîl 257- Communîty Room, 75 Nipissing Rd. For more information eau 847- c Crealive Child Series is 9559 or toîl free aI 1-800-387- sed 10 spark tIse imagination 7127.

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