10 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 8, 2000anitetngtoyatl! Gru wll "" FrWe'd love to hear about it. Cali 878- Vru wil ightI 'Mn4943, ext. 234, Monday to Friday Drury land deal goodness,' 9 a.rn. to 5 p. m., with your ideas. with fundraiser DID YOU KNOW? * 1 in 9 Canadian women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. * Over 80% of ail breast cancers are discovered by women themselves. Attend a free breasi self-oxamination workshop: Wednesday, October 4th 7:00 p. m. Milton Loblaws - Upstairs to reserve a seat. and Are you concerned about your future? you should then consider Career and Life Planning for Women i Transition Join our team of experts for an exciting and dynamic series of evening seminars where you wili acquire: *In oendence through Self-sufficien.cy *deas fra aditinal incarne generation *Financial - Retirement Planning *Coping mechanisms and essential skilis for successfidl living Horne-based business id"a *Critical Problen Salving Ski//s You wili also have the opportunity to: Network with the otherparticipants andpresenters e Receive one-an-ane professional counseiling Mississauga * Brampton * Oakville Milton e Burlington e Georgetown This programi is fuit y funded by Human Resources Development Canada and la designed for women in transition who are concerned about their future and tuant ta do sonething about if! For adclitional information, oeil our reintration line: (905) 465-1349 or oeil toli fret 1-800-404-3974 (Sponsorcd by. HRDC and Prescrcd by New Wrid R&D Lui.) FELECTION November 13. 2000 MUNICIPAL ELECTION VOTERS' LIST Is your name on the City of Burlington's Voters' List? The City of Burlington Municipal volts' List has been prepared and is available for review at City Hall in the Clerk's Office and at the six Iibrary branches. During the period, which begins on Tuesday, September 5, 2000, through Monday, November 13, 2000 (Voting Day), a person may make an application to the clerk requesting: a) that the person's rinte be added or removed from the votera' list OR b) amend that information on the votera' list pertaining to the person (example: school support) To amend the votera' list you must file an application with the City Clerk. The application is available at the City Clerk's Office, 426 Brant Street, or may be downloaded from our web site at www.burlington.on.ca. Please note that we canno~t accept electronic or facsimile copies of this form. You must submit the original document to the Clerk. John Skorobohacz CITY CLERK AND RETURNINO OFHICER The Friends of E.C. Dnnry Park will play for keeps tomorrow. 'he citizen's group wiIl host the fundraismng Challenge Day aimed at raising money to fight a proposed development of about 33 acres of land near the E.C. Drury complex with the hope of saving it for park-like use instead. The proposed development could place 189 geared-to- seniors, detached condomini- ums on the site, which some residents view as park land. A series of games and coin- petitions have been planned at the E.C. Drury site, which is located off Ontario Street, south of Main Street. The Frienda group estimates it wiil need between $35,000 to $50,000> to iauinch a solid defence of the land, said ment- ber Richard Murzin. Approximately $10,000 has been coilected s0 far. "Thinga are cooking but this is summer, and it's a difficult time to, mise funda," hie aaid. Scheduied gamei at tomor- rov's event wii include co-ed volleyball at 8:30 arn. fol- iowed by three-on-three bas- ketball, co-ed slo-pitch, five-a- aide mixed soccer, round robin tennis and a 30-minute swim relay. At 9:15 arn., a 7 km compet- itive mun wiil kick off, followed by a 2 km waik at 9:30 a. m. Participants in aIl events wiIl receive a free t-shirt. A barbecue and live music featuring Milton's 3MDM will be another highiight of the day. "As my mother used to say, you've got to eat anyway, so comte on by," said Mr. Murzin. An Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) hearing to decide the land's fate is scheduled to begin September 18 and run about two weeks. The Friends group has hired a lawyer to represent them at the hearing. "Fromn what t understand, to be considered seriously we have to be represented in that way," said Mr. Murzin. "It's the whole nature of the process." And community support is behind the Friends initiative, hie added. -It's a tough go but you can't win if you don't play. We've had the two largest public meetings in the history of Milton," said Mr. Murzin. "We want people to know we're in the final bate and we need financiai support." Friends bas been oppoaing the proposedt development hy H. D. tnvestments and Leisureworld tnc. for two years. St. Paul's will host CD release concert It took many voices to make one compact disc recording of the St. Paui's United Church choir. And now the release concert of the choir's debut CD 'Many Gifts, One Spirit' is set for Sunday, Sept. 17. tt'l take place in the sanctuary of the 123 Main St. E. church at 3 p.m. A reception wiil follow in the church's Graham Hall. Tickets for the CD release concert cost $5. Chiidren under 12 years of age are admitted free. "tt's the first CD we've ever done and it bas been quite an inter- esting process," said Mara King, choir president. 'We'd reaiiy like people in the community to know we're releasing this. We'd like to build this up and get some interest out there." Most of the CD was recorded in the sanctuary of the church ilseif. Since it's fat from sound-proof, that meant spending long minutes waiting for the hum of traffîc, passing airplanes, hanging radiators and a symphony of mysterious indoor creaks to quiet. When they did, 40 voices wouId launch into song under the guidance of music director Judy Hunter and Buriington recording engineer Harpert VanderWel. The iast portion of the CD was recorded at Knox Preshyterian Church, which due to its location picks up less-ambient noise. The idea for the CD stemmed fromi those who have heard the choir in the pana. "For a long time, people have been asking 'why don't you do something,"' said Ms King. "We have a reaily strong musical tra- dition at the church. It's just an outstanding church choir by ail standards and the time seemed right." The CD consista of about 21 popular anthems ofien sung during regular church services. They're meant to be pleasing and gentie to the ear. "It's ail kinds of sacred anthema. It's just a realiy nice CD," said Ms King. "It's for the listener. That's who we made it for." The CD wiii be soid at the church for $20. A cassette is also availabie for $15. Ait proceeds wiii go to the St. Paui's Towarssl 2000 project