The Canadian Champion, Tuesdoy, September 5, 2000 -9 <Four million Canadians suifer pain of arthritis By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A rthritis is booming in the baby boomer gener- ation. But everyone should be on the Iook out for the stiffness and pain associated with the condition. Today, about four million Canadions suffer from one of hundreds of forms of artiseitis. And they'II be joined by snother hun- dred thousand sufferers within a year as tise aging boomero grow susceptible to sOlîf or inflamed joints. But artisritis is indiscriminate, and tutu can be ofricken as well. "Juvenile arthritis is rampant," said Audrea-Lear Cootigan of the Milton branch of fisc Artiseitis Society. Tise many forms of acthrstis combine to make it one of Canada's top theme cisronic conditions, alongoide iseart dioease and higis blood pressure and hay fever and allergies. But tise breadtis of suffenng makes if a tough condition f0 pin down. joints form It con range from a mild stiffness in Uic to tise potentially-deadly of rbeumatoid arfhritia, lupus. And since only research can bclp, Milfon residenils are asked to give gener- ously 0f the Aethaitio Society's September door-to-door campaign. If raiued $20.000 last year, and organiz- crs are hoping to drum up $25,000 tisis lime around. Community support io needed in the form of both donations and vol unfeer con- vasuers. Canvassing can be done alone, in tan- dem or in groupo and takes up just a few isours. To volunteer, caîl Audrea Lear-Coutigan at 878-9151. Golf tourney Pitcising in with flandraising io tise Holy Rosary Knights of Columbus. Ifs Fourtis Annuol Golf Toumament will * be held Sunday, Sept. 24 at tise Granite Ridgc Golf Club. Registrafion is aI noon, witis a I pm. * sbofgun staut. Tise coat for 18 holes of golf, a power caif and dinner iu $95. Dinner alone coula $35. * Tise event raiscd about $6,000 last ycar. To register for the toumament, caîl Jim Powers at 878-6942, Tom Pepper at 878- 0967. or Livio Bonin at 878-5323. Tise faruf otep in managing arthrifis is diagnosis. "If bas to be tested properly," said Ms Lear-Costigan. "Tise otiser point is to get it * early. Tisat helpa." Once a diagnosis is mode. stepo con be faken f0 live well witlsin tise confines of * tise condition. New medîcation bas iselped, and Ms Lear-Costigan is optimistic a cure is around tise comer. 'Tisey'rc rcally making utodes" sise uaid. "Tiscyre getfing doser by tise minute." Exercise - offen in warmed pool watcr * - con do wonders to case tise symptomu of artisritis. * "People can't just take it easy and lic down. Tisey bave b keep moving," sise said. "It would be worse if fisey saf down aosd watciscd television aIl Uic time" * Tise Milton Leisure Centre offers an bour of m-pool exercises for artbritis ouf- ferers Monday to Tisuroday at Il sm. "Tisey may feel a liff le stiff wisen tbey come in but t bey come ouf singing 'Oh Wisat a Wonderful World,"' said Ms Lear- Costigon. Some feacbing boupifals also offer lestono on isow fo structure indoor living spaces oucis as kitciscns to maximize com- fort and make Uic mout of limitcd mobili- ty- For otisers, surgcry could be tise answer. "Tbey'vc been succesuful wiUi bip oper- ations, and knee operations are coming along," said Ms Leor-Costigan. "Sometimes tiscy bave to do somefbing witis tise fingers if it gela ai bad fbey can'f bold O0 f0 anytbing." Arfbrîtis comes af a isigis couf, witis about 10 per cent çf tise nations total isealtis care expenditure going foward ifs rescarcis and treatment. But tise personal toîl iu equally bigis. According to Artisritiu Sociefy statistics, about 50 per cent of artissitis sufferers arc unable to work due to tise disease. And 2.7 million work days are but cacis year due to Uic oestricted movement aaso- ciated witis artiseitis. Also, more tison 75 per cent of sufferers are dependent on otisers duc to tiseir condi- lion. For up to 30 per cent, sbowering, ligbt bousework ond cooking become impossi- bIc. For mooe information on artbrilis, caîl I - 800-321-1433, or log on fo www.orsbri- tisca. To make an on-line donation to tise Artisritis Society, look up www.clickfor- Phote by GRAHAM PAINE Arfhrltia Socl.fy volunteera <from lotI) Jim Powers, Audrea Lear-Costigan and Mayor Gord Krantz hold Up 8h. organizaflona flag while local seniors fake part in an aquatic close 80 officialiy launch Arthrîtis Mont h in September. Today, about four million Canadians suifer Irons one of hundrada of forma 0f arthrltis. And they'ii be joined by another hundred thousand aufferers wlthin a year as 8h. aging boomers grow susceptible 80 suif or Infiamed joints. Specel Seiecilarl COITU TWI.L 50(105 ¶ 15cm wrde. 100% colts,,. Brosireri & nos-brusheri surfaces. Oui Reg. 7.98-10.98 m 10W 30% UP Oui Reg. 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Oui Reg. 1298 t34sopooi 109650% OFF 0. Hq. Prisa Specrai Selectetrl Ciroose tram ail-avers, panalo & quilto Assortruent par store erli oary. Oui Reg. 4.98 1898 ru 10W 50% UP G.i Rhg. Pilas Specrai Selectroir! 'Magilaîr' VILVIT COLLECTION 140cm surie e Ourfleg.18.98rrr 109610955 Specral Selectron! . . e . e s INOPEIT UNIMO 122-140cm mole Oui Reg. 6.98-8 98m 10W348-4U. ... 2000 e 547 Main St~ E. MILTON 878.0931 ~ -~ ~ ative Art Silucho 77 Miii St. E., Acton (15 minutes north 0f Million, 3 bilocke eaat of tise hilgiste) Decorative Painting classes for Beginners to Advanced 853-0777