1/The Canadien Champion, Tuasday, September 5, 20W0- Metroland launches Halton Business Times Due ta early Times serves Milton, Oakville and Burlington Halton's growing business com- tions in the area but none of them deal munity will now be better con exclusively with Halton businesses." nectd troug Oavill, .As the latest addition to Metroland's nectd though Oakvlle, growing stable of business publications Burlington and Milton s new the Halton Business Times provides monthly newspaper, the Halton increased promotional potential for toca Business imes. companies, he said. The tabloid format newspaper produced Business Times are published in out of The Canadian Champion newspaper Mississauga. Toronto, York region office is both for and about business. The Kawarthra. Huronia and Durhram, an( first edition, wbicb came out in late adverising can be booked locally to runià August, is"pumped full of news that mat- any or ail of these sister publications._ ters most to entrepreneurs.If "It bas the information that wilt hetp businesses," said publisher Ian Oliver. G. R.( "It connecta the business community. C M U I Thre Halton Business Times aims to wire C M U I local entrepoeneurs to tbe goods, services and technology they need to get abead and SETMM stay there. It's designed to keep big and small busi- Mil nesses on top of the tatest developments,9:0a allowing them to flourish in tIe fast-paced9:0a future. In its pages, thre latest tecbnology and services are revealled. New companies, botb large and small, are bigbligbted. The spotlight also alunes on existing businesses witbin Halton. And it's ail written in thre no-nonsense informative but colourful style hardwork- ing entrepreneurs appreciate. In providing a platform for area busi- Photo by BARRIE ERSKINE nesses, others can see wbat's available in Halton Business Times publisher Ian Oliver looks over the first issue of the thre community. new monthly publication, whlch came out in late August. Mr. Oliver says the "It promotes the use of local business- newspaper, produced out of the The Champion office, promotes the use of es," said Mr. Oliver. local businesees. "There are somne good business publics- Labour Day press dead- fines, see Steam- rEra cave rage Friday- Here ... ).w. T. H. 'Y OPEN HOUSE BER 9, 2000 ton Mail i.- 3:00 p.m. TM -Fr... e.... ...8 r Saturrray ......»-> HWY 2FS RAT DE)RRY Rn~ MII TOnI Internet From )w $9e99 /mth (905) 876-3918 2-25 Main St. E. Suite #3, Milton caii: 875-4656