A ~l ~ Y! N i O " Spedalizmgin DELREXCustea, PIlfrd AIsoVIuISIdh.tS.fflt~ Fascia sud Thiugh Call8fl4383 between 9am & 9pm Over 50 Years Expenenoe CommercIal I Residentiai àJ. HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 4252 Hooderson Road flou (805>878-3447 fl.R. No. 1, Milieu Fax (805) 878-0938 LB? 2X5 PveD 1477-937-4008 Gara~sr Doowi - EIoctic Openm Sales, Service mmd l.stailatioem Wfndoeoe, Enirance Doors, Stoen Dsrm, Patio Doc.u SEPTIC TANk PUIWIP*NG Robert Noble Ltd. 180 ft of hose for crossing Iawns e 3 radio dsspatched trucks to serve you Don't valt for tmuhl. - Punsp b.fo., Ire eoo tata! <Should pump at least evety 3 years) Nover use coloured or double pUy tailet paper <519> un-oso@ Actm Answering Service 878-6869 $~ ~ Camail: lilas Hardwaaul la. 10.5w Staelltuds Dat Weoau Drap Calflap Autounatic Lawn Sprinlders Save time and money and protect your Iandscape investment. Terry Rowley Mechanical laie. 925 Main Stmt East, Unit S I 878-1979 lI.u~ IAIA#~*I/RD M M.A.R.C.H. * Watar PIwnaoe ByeSoins * Heat Fumys - Air, Oreuni A Watsr Bourse * Centini & Booms Air * Oas, Proea.ond miment. Puruseos * Higis EOI.l.ney Air Fluors A HumIdNlsrs 785 Main Stmat East 1(SER~CE) S75-2~~f~rF~ i