Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Sep 2000, p. 25

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The Canadien OtiamDion. Tuesav. SeotemberS. 2000--25 Precar Limiled a rail car manufacturer localed in West (lukville, a sort distasce soulth uftIhe Q.E.W., currenlly has lhe lullowisg vucancies: Pfl18U1 VESEL WRLDEIS Ideal upplîcants will be sell-sturlers wilth excellent welding credenlials. Candidates wili be requireri lu puns u prt-emplnymenl Ibree position stick and fli fluoed cure 100% o-rap test. This position nons us lu $20.35 per hour, plus shit premîners. PLATE FITTERS OR1 FITTER WELDERS fine ideal candidate ai hune superinr blueprnI reading silîs and good structural welding abiîlies. These positions puy sp t0 $20.70 per hour, plus shift premiums. Procor offers a compeliline benelil package <rnclud- ing un encuplionul relirement plan) and a pleasanl reorking eorvrnnmenl. PIeuse upply in wrilrng (or obluin a Prncor applicution lormualît e securily office lnculed ai 2001 Speers Read): PROCOR UMITED Plant Personnel Superviser 2001 Speers Rd., Gakilîle, On LOI liEl Phase 4 905-827-4111 Emnail:rnldnley@prear.carn Fax:905-827-8514 CI SERVICE TECHNICIANS Ci PUIMP INSTALLERS ci TRAINEES I ASSISTANTS Eepanding spaciafty contractor bas immediste openongs for rasidential sud ligbt commercial rester syslems and rester trestesent equipmest. Open te espariunced individuals frore tbe rnecbsnicsl trades, equipment, hardwaure, ptembing or rester treatesent fields. Traînes positions for tbosa witb mectissicaf or efectrical aptitude. Will look et quel lfied part-time candi- dates. Compensation packages witti benefits. Pisa fax femmea. (905) 850-3336 MURFtN BROTHERS WATER SYSTEMS SPECTRUM AIRWAYS We are lsoking for a tneundly, efficient and urgusized individual lu (oit our teare. Ibis position is for u pari- lime lteceplionisfl Custaner Service Persus miro is availabte lu asrb weekdups. Yos must bu computer literaIs, ontbusiaslic and energulic. Pleure subait resusae lu: SPECTRUM AIRWAYS Burllngton Aîrpare, RR #6, Bell Sohool Une, Mflon ON L9T 2Y1 or Fax: (905)336-6676 On/y those euh grea smiles oued aPPly CREDIT 1 COLLECTIONS SUPERVISOR Gordonr Fond Sernice, a division of GSF Canada cure- pany requires; a callage graduaIs wilb or workisg lu- ard credif dusigsatioir, and bavisg a minimum fiou puars' credif esperience. Positirus requires lhe ability lu mulli-tasti and priori- lize in a fast-pucud, hii gh volume erivirosmueLt Eocel- lest communication %kills combined witti worbing knowlodge ut computers is a must. Fa wu idoli re../elyex otlm te lb. ettemai of uneU esl Fiax- <US> 9 -65 CUS TOMER SERVICE. REPRESENTATIVE Due ta asginfant groalth on Our business, aur tonm aors an tremedale eppartunity for an Windvda who as: "ENERGETIC " ASSERTIVE PROACTIVE iSELF7-MOTIVATED aEXHIBITS EXCEPTIONAL INTERPERSONAL SKILS sACTS IN PROVIDING CUSTOMER SUPPORT & SOLUTIONS We are s leader ion lthe freas produce îndusfry sud are focated in Mîsaissauga. To fuly açitae tis appaflnity, plesse fax your rasume in confidence la: Froh Start Foods Inc. Attn:lb% Preskdent (005)564-1701 Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364 CREDITICOLLECTIONS SUPERVISOR Gardon Food Service, a division of GFS Canada company requires a collage gradu- ate with or working toward credit designa- tion. and having a minimum five yaars' credit experience. Positon, requires the ability to multi-task and prioritize in a tast-paced, high volume environment. Excellent communication skills combined wvith working knowledge of computers is a must. Forreard resumne and salary expectations 10, thne attenton of LISA MACNEIL. E-Mail -lmacnett@gfs.com Fax - (905)693-3615 Requredfora prmaentpart time position at thse Bennett Healts Care Centre, a nçw 65 bed long teri care facility in Georgetown. A diploma in Recreation or Social Service required. Caalet Barbare Pdoipic, Reereeflea C*4Odiater at 90573-0115, Ext. 511, or l'ex (905) 873.1403 TAKE COUTUL OF YOUR UFE! Jobe &W t e a aa ueai *Home based business e*Be own boss *Truoul iscarlives *Company car *Training provided *Poterlial incarne loti figures *Willing lu becomne a studett at our industry Conlideubial Fus 96-642M-623 email: rutrition.sales.sutreorkbomne.cure MCHANICAL ÀDESIGNER Big Drum tnc. ls a custom machine budlder located in Burtington. We are currenty seeking BIG D)RUtl dynarnic individuals 10, supr ur engineering deparornent. A minfmm 0f fixe years of expenience in the automation field comboned reith a diploma in Mectianical Engineering Technology or equivalent la required. Working knowtedge of AUTOCADO R14 and MECHANICAL DESKTOPO5 and the abitity to reork from concept sketchies ttsrou.gh 10 final deaign of aaeby packages sa mandatory. E=eiec wvith pineumaitics, hydrautics arnd controls preferred. Candidates should fax or e-mal ttseïr resumne along wlth salsz expeclationa to: (905) 319-6675 or maZOl@blgdrum.org Atd Returemnent Residence IIARRlkSlToN No licenue reqwred for ibis 9-bedroom retire- ment resideece. lecludes asupacus, bngbi sud pnivaue owner's apartente Not a eursing borne. Owner prepares mes and dues bouse- keepmng for issidents. Oweer rel t rin. A xery good good incorne rehich cas be increased. Ideal for businesslcaregVver person. Why not work for youreelf? Busisess and borne lt incone. $189,900 Please call (519)338-3440 cytinder, 320,000 kons., as la, $5000O... (519) 896-7201, leave mes- sage. CARS f rom $500 Saîzel, surpls=,mre Cali for looruina catlog. Toit Ires 1-800- 308-7311 Est. 200 FOR RanI. 3 bedroore bungalow n 4lth lina, Acton. $1.500. Applica- lion before ubowing. Contact Mark Mallaîrea, APARTMENT for mont, Dorentoan, stove & fnidge. Water & hestong mdc. Occ. Oct. 1. Cl 878-9501 LARGE one bedreain renovatel basement, 3 (2'eS) windows. No smoking - o pets. Suif- able for 1 or 2 adulae $87'5. Frs ad 1t ion- dluding utilities/cable TV. 878-2567 or (905)691-3123 TWO badroom spart- ment, $925/month, au- bas indludel. Please Cati Joe et 905-691- 3189 alanr 6. FP, parking,asatTV. N/S $500mo. 876-2555 FURNISIIED oisn for neuft, stove aond blidge. Phoe alter 5:00 pm. 878-0225 store front. Great loca- tion. Cali vonne Chris- fie Broker, Christie & Woods Ral Estate Ud. 878-2095 WAREHOIJSE Space- looking for approx. 20,000 sq.fL willing 10 aob-leeae. Budtinglon or Oakvilte ares. CatI Steve Crmzier, Budflog ton Pool (905)632- 44"4, est 257 Leave message BUNGALOW Mertin Street, 2 badmooni plus den, sun main, nelf con- laoned baseonu apt. Heated garage eti meinlalned gardeno, move ion condition. $254.900. Cali 905- 878-2789 anrytime NO AGENTS plesn Seri- oua inqoiries oniy. PLEASE RECYCLE THIS I PAPER WUSO~~L MAMWA ICaref Far Prticipants: Dufei SkiIIO V lwla ien r the RAELONLYo Liaisone Cot~g I Incomen liM Fcax Coursen The He&R BLck Y TaKoreart Sp. Learnf a nepiIIfegserNW For more info, cail: 1-877-229-6112 1-905-272-1110 1-905-333-1212 H&R BLOCK

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