Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Sep 2000, p. 24

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24-The Canadien Champion, Taeudey, September 5, 2000 FVn~îtezirs~ or~ aî.smîlatzt@ iri P anc cxvu pite a i a14) k5ahb3n e- les Famhkan I tort lu2m oarCuetorterZ~ oé~w 5.oedwltng /SIodu ~aom Dexit: [~3 Ff 10-6, F rtta~na 11t9 * FMIUiIWO DOIIV.IY 48 ~ ~e. Adon (C ~53- 103f * tees Po-erumenlben c - - a ~ e GREEN HOUSE GROWER POSITION We have an upeuiug for uoseuue lu fate un the reupsusibitities ut e bauds-ou gromer. This se tait tise, peau-round position. Atso invutvod s mînur repeins aud malutouance betmeeu sou- sons. You musl ho mittiug lu take un responuibit- lies aud graduetty assume menageseut dalles accospsuied by iucreased compeoseliuo. Prefereuce wîtt ho given lu thuse milh a hurticut- turat backgruaud, but me are mittiug lu train the nlghl persot. This se physicattp actixe )ub sud a uou-smskiug ouviroumoul. Pleese reptp mith ysur resume aod setarp espectalluos by fax tDO5-878-7D66> un by malt lu: Crawforda Country Gardena R.R.#3, Milton L9T 2X7 No phone ceits tirant-pou K SHOPPERS DRUG MART Milton Mail le nom eccepting eppticetiono for the tottowing positions: ASSISTANT COSMETIC MANAGER Approx. 28 hoaru per week PART TIME COSMETICIAN Both positions require evenioge end meekende. Pimane ptck opus opplicalias ai lite cosmeito coanter. Leadiug manufacturer ut steet siding tucated lu Miasissauga has the fottoming pouitiunu ausitabto: Lead Hand ShippinglReceiving Dept: Must be abte to mark shilta. Onerhead crane sud Goutter batance torktift expenience a defluite assef. AZ Driver: For detlverles thruughuut Ontarlu. Otean drie- iug record. Cranelboom experience a defludo atant. Materlal Handier: Counter batauce forktlft ticeuse required. General Labourer: Muat be wittiug to work thiffu Att appticauts muat be (tuent lu Engbsti, magna dependent upon experieuce. The cumpauy offert futt benefit package inctudiug Profit Shariug. Pteaue tend resume 10 Box # 4351 c/o Tise Mississauga News 3145 Wolfadale Rd. Mississauga, On L5C 3A9 Are pue as esergeiîc persan, PIFTH wasîise ia mark la e Casi L~U~!EL peerd ravirasi~ni~ Wr arr curres'ty aceeplise applica- mss Car ihe followîsg F/T.PIT Short ordre Cooke FIT tiPas -7 Arn Dishwasher Sunday ns Thursdap F/T.FIT Fuel Aitendant Apply n perses Fifih Whret Truek Siap di) Chistialis Dr., Milles BLUE BEACON TRUCE WASH 000W hînîvg toIt lime txpm-Bam, 8am-4pm eud peu lime 4pm-l2pm. The succossfut eppliceulu sust ho fteeibto, hîghty mutivat0d aud abte lu muni meekeuda. Yocr motive- houaI ukittu coctd oas pou au average hnudy mage ut betmeeu S10-lftitnr with a base puy ut $Rinr. Ptoaso appty o peson et 40 Chishotm Drive. No pbone catts pleaut. Goliger's TW~iPUus Fuit Tirne Travel Agent requîred. Minimum i yeer Sabre euperienced. Monday - Fniday tatI benetitting. Satary to be uegotlated. Appty n pernon et the Mitton Matt or fax resume to 8784488 Lins operutor moisi for immailate empiopemnl Bt lii Expanilng Fooi Production Plant. Socceantul appilcant wIIi dlrmctiy annint the production manager la ia~ le day apera- lin.. Pompie akilin arma ment lad mapirleace n titi fond iniuutry la an assat, butant requirmi. Ail applicanta mont bu ibis te work fissIble boum. mliii ma~ opportunitima for foriber aivancement club the nrgulzation. W. previda foui Irainin, ummli an beaihb bondit package. Pimane ~piy I. persan te 261 Uipissing Roui, Miitoa, Ontarlo or oeil te maie an interview appolabamot betweea S - ani 5 pm. <905>693-8976 Springridge Farm Hou îîanl-limn and tott-îîme soti otîtîiirlooilieî tram Seîilrmtinr lui Chnisîman: * Oirdrday Hîmsln * triait Sates * Stîrcial ennuis .Faed Service * O.e.Q Schiîiit Taon Golden Please corne Ce the farra to compiete an application. tee are open daiiy 9-5. Springridge Farm, 7256 ttett Ochînot Lise, Mitluîn, Ooiariîî -'j, tlepevdala/e Tnnvnponav y LdbOOf WORKERS NEEDED TODAVI Generai Labour (Att Skitt Levete) WORK TODAY PAID TODAY~ Meut be 18+ (tusurance) EQE - No Fees APPLY NOWI 2289 Fairview St., tOtO Burtingtun 145 145 Generat IleIp Generat Help SOALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION lv o fuît service fîsasciat îssliieiîes wîih 3 brasehes le Milieu, Acilîx oed Geîîroeiows Wîlh ovnis over $70 mitt as asd servîso aven 0516) rurînhers, ihe Credit Usios s csnestty acceplîse applications fer: PART TOME MEMBER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Thesuccensfat casdidaie wilt have a Crado 12 dîptomo, vIrose votes aptitude, rocettesi cern- lussîcailos asd costemer service skîtts. ahîtiiy la pracess flsascial trasvaciîuss s as accarate asd efficient sasser asd a famitianiy mut use of a pervosat computer. Qualifîrd appticasis shesld forsard ihoîr reseines se taler ihan Sept. 4/001v Carat Griseni Haiton Cernrnunity Credit Uniot PO.8es 40.44 Main St E., Mitton, Ontarie Fasr 905-a75-2465 Wa ihaek aIl ipplicoeiv bal eel~ lb ave selecird lares aitt be ciieloord Na irtephene catI please. KEI-Iy )~tOt. Slgn ep Donai jAfior SOirs cortcd cdii uts adi RI~ WAREHOUSE WORKERS for Forune 500 companies in MILTON $10. (plus +/hourt Drap by anytime Mon.-Fri. lOam-3pm 710 Dorval Dr., Suite 105 Oakville (Dorval & QEW) Resome/Reterences/ StN cand/ Void choque or cutt 1-888-GO-4-KELLY 1-888-464-5355 i LABOURPRS Lahourers needed bp Pavement Marketing Cospany tucated s Pakoîtte toI ho remaînder ut ho road cuh- stroction suasun G Lîcense, DZ mostd atso bu suas- set. Mary tung susmer hocîs, goud pay sud uvodise Muits nid accommodations paîd mhîte oct ut cmv Fax resuma: (905) 842-7001 or mail te: Unhlfi, 1097 Nortb Servico Rd. Eust Gaivilie, ON LIII lAI Laura Laura Laura 55 Petites 101 FAIR Sept. 6th & 7th, 2000 lOam-6p m Laura Canada sp îatîoos irtrigi qcatîtp tauhion toi muser We have ho tultomîsi punitions at 0cr nom Buîlîngton clearance location STORE MANAGEMENT SALES ASSOCIATES CASHIERSI STOCKPERSGN Corne end meet our Leura Team et the Burlinglon Malt, 7777 Guetph Line, Burt. Fax Resumes <905) 633-7199 FORKLIFT OPERATOR ttayeaîd Pout Products Canada tnc., a toadîng manu- facturer ot smissing puot equipsent han ae uponino for a Furhtih Operatur lu our Shippîng Dopartment. Bssgussibiltliuflincluda shippînt & receîvlsg ut peut pîuducts lu ouI warohnose upolationu, ouposure to compufor software (MRP) muotd ho a dotînito au- sot. A cossitment o quatîty, rotiahitity and guud cumsonicatîon skîtts nhoutd att ho desonntîated. Day shîf onty. Fau resumo Attn: AI CI.lt. <106>321-3636 Aptstp n person botmoen 83Oam-5.OOpm [ 2030 Piymo.tb Drive Oabvifle, DII tQEW/Wbastoa Cmurchuli) Sudds' Imported Car ~mpIoytite~it Opporlirnities W. requIn enatoma' foensedlwdlvlduala w a uidfls for thene~ofitimua: P~TML~KS P/T LOT P~KSON FAX YOtIK USUME TO: <905) lu-Mil OAKY1LLE ATTN: STEVEN KOSTEOKI f 4~ f45 Generat HeIp General HeIp THE OAKVILLE BEAVER We havo a immediate opening for a District Representative Be a part ot a circulation tuas with an attractive oui- ary aud car attowance package OtITES NiCLIIDE... Costumer service wîth reader nhîp, constant contact with puuth I adott carrier turce & prospective nom carriers. t yoo have a keen desire lu socceed and adaunco ptos gond commonicutîns, orgauloatior and tmm okîtta apptp 00W Send yuur nosome to: Steve Crozier, Direotor et Distribution Oakviiie haver, 467 speers Ni. Dalrvilie, Onturin LIII 384 Fus: tU~ >337-5657. No phovo catis ylease. L Melnvtsnd Newspupor la Mitten lu seeking a Sales Represoutalîvo wha o hîghty mvtivsted snd cari achiovo nesullo n an aggreusîve satos sîmos- phono. Be part vlan amard wîvuîvg loom wilh an attrac- tive cumponsolian package inctoding uatary, commission ond cor allumasse. Yaor rovpvvoibî/îlîou îvclude: * Soreîciug and growîug ovîslivg occoonts. * Pnospecfîng ton ond acqoinîug naw occousta. * Pnoporîuî tarmol, wnînov oud viacal presontolîvos * Pava sncuodory schsvl dîptomo an 2 heona eopenieuco s marketing * A hues desîro lu scccood aud adoanco. * Tho abîlity la manage severat pnodccts concennently. * Gvod commonicelîcv, cegeoizasian and roas skilts Pleaso furmerd reouso lv Attention: Bîtt Begîn, Generat Manager 191 Main St E. Mitron, ON LOT 4N9 Shrader Canada, a manufacturer of proprietary automotive cherntcal productu tn Oakvttte, Ontarto han openingo for: Machine Operators We have openingu for individuals who witl be responsible for operattng automated and terni- automated packagtng equîpment. The ideat candidate uhoutd posseus good dexterity and be mechantcafty adept. A working knowfedge of PC's and experience wtth SPC, heatth and safety poticies and WHMtS. Some heavy lifting is required. Starttng rate la $11,68 per hour. Thia rate wilt move ta $1 3.1 8Ihr. after one year'n emptoyment. Qualified candidates uhoutd forward their resumes n confidence, 10: Human Renources, Shrader Canada Llmlted, M e-mail: cr@blnaonSshradercan.com or fax to: (905) U7-0738. Wr spererole ail reipassel hsserev esiy Ihate aae~dste, r d te, os oserres- s-dl be essisnird iI i I £ i I SkIUod Hetp CLASS A Mochanîc, ne- quired imsediatety fur wett eefablinhed auts- motive deateruhip. Di- egnustic skitts an asset. Ptease fax resuse lu: 1<519)783-8832 MiLLWRiGiIT/ FABRt- CATtON tNSTALLA- TtON Firm semiug Brampton, Mississeuga, Gaetph aod Kitchener requires Protecl manag- ers, Mittwright & Pif- ferlWetder Supervisors, Lioetsed Mittmllghts & Filten/Wetders. Perma- 0001 positions, guud rates aod benef ifs. Pteaue feu resumes lu Dave (519>853-3077 OFFICE HELP/Dîu- patcher required for bus y coarier cumpany. Luuklog for a uetf soti- valed individuat whu cen haodte a vadetp ut tauku. Ourles inctude answenng phunes, ur- der lakiog, dispatchiot aod îuvuîciog. Sume ba- sic compater nuperi- ence requîred. Catt Dvag aI 693-1143. AFTER schoot sitar ne- quired for 6,9 & il pear otdu. E.W. Poster ares. Catt 076-3743 DAVOARE aveitabte o my hume. 1-2 chitdreo ages 5 aod under. Rot- erencas avaîtabte. Catt Lise 693-1723. 1 part time aod chitd ut my owo. LOOKING fur mature, retiabte, fatt lime Nauop/ Bebysilter o our home etose to Roberl Betdwlo Schout. We have 3 childreo: 2 girtu 6prs otd o schuot futt day sort 1 ho p lyrs utd o nursery schuut 3 moroingo e meek. Drivers ticanso aod car required, ptease catt for Interview (905)693-0927 NO Feet Career Explo- ralluos s a 3 Week Course designed lu hetp yuu ptso pour ce- reer. Futded by HRDC. Pur more intormationilo regisler caît Grace et (905)333 349t/)t05t878-1240 HEARTHSTONE BY THE LAKE lst Cook or 2nd year Apprentice 20-35hrs lu start. Wage depeodent on experience, ha~ing aVis an asset. Apply by fax/mail ta: Scoit Hudson 100 Burloak Dr., Burlinglon, ON 171 6P6 Fax: (905) 333-9646 INDEPENDENT BROKERS DUC Espion has immediate openings for locat/ expedite drivers with their own Car, Van or Mînioan. Abstract and criminal amy reqoired. Guararteed Mini mcm on ntart up Fleet Insurance and qroupod health insunance also avaitable Pieuse contact Darlene at. Tel: (905) 332-8911 X223 dur Fax: <905) 332-1954 ~ ~,< Iena@decexoress.com

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