I The Canadien Champion, Tueaday. September 5, 2000-23 Classified CL.ÇFBI eO N US!% HOURS dm =:0AM-5:0P ALLCIassfedAd aooear at... UIEEST, Albert Pessed away peacefutty aftter a ahort ilineas at the Miasissauge Tritium Heafth Centre on Thuraday, Auiguat 31 2000. Albert ia awrvived byt hia lovng wlfe Trudy of 45 peara. Sadly miaaed by his aon Dannia & Kim Garvii ot Acton & daughter Yoande & Peter Derotd ot Bradenton, Fionda. Survrved by broth- ara Jeep & cite Cor. Ceea, siaters Jo Qosterclît, Annie & Wim VanZeyl, Net & Riat Bom ail of the Nethertenda. Brother Piet & wife Riet of Nova Soute, alater-in-iec llniy of U.S.A., Jota ot the Nethertenda. Predeceaaed by brothera Han, Joop & Disk. Aiao survived by brottera-in-iew Ted & cite Jane of Stoney Creeo, Guua & wite NeIt of the Nethertenda, Genry & ele ilet -0f Mifton, John & elfe Mary ot Kitchener. Sastera-in- tac Leny Ooatdam of Nethertanda, Mary Siatennana of Burfingtorr & Margaret & huoband Hubert Vermeeren af ingereoi. Predeceased by brolhers-ln-iaw Wira5 Wil & Ed. Rennemnbered byt hie niece & nephewe in Cenada, U.S.A. & the Netherianda. Femity & friande visited et the McKersie-Kocher Funerai Home 114 Main Street, Mton 878-4452 on Fridlay. Thne Funerai Mass cee celebrated on Seturday, September 2, 2000 at Holy Roeary Cetholic Chsfrch. f otennent foiiowad et Evergreen Cemefery Miton. In laeu of flocera donations to the Heurt and Stroke Foundeltion wouid ha appreciated by the famiiy. 190 Ontario St, Milton 878"522 Monuments Marfeera * Bronze Markers Cemety Lettening In Memorlams In the form of jLeý donations ta The Canadien Cancer Society are teeply eppre- cieteit. liA RIAGEANNIVERSARY ~ OkWeddîng Anniversary Ermanno & Antonietta Rineidi of Burlinglon September 10t/i from 2:00) - 5.00 and Gerrp & Pat McCulligh of math owftiersn Mihton announice with pleasure the /two iersn torthcoming marriage of their children Scott, at 363 'Wifliams A4venue Albert and i iin Simer EMains. etuhsoypfwe Wedding ta take place Sept. lSth, 2000 C. s si. o/jpe.e at Saint Paul's Parish, Budington ~ P»aul J. Scrlvar 1972-1996 Our heerta ache Emch day we weke Knowing that you Were teken toc, soon tas oniy ashen me steep Thal we do not weep For you are alive and true Laughing the wey you usai to0. Aiways in aur dreama Love Mom, Dad, Grog, Nanci TEASDEL, Ken- in toving meraory of e dear father & Poppe cho paaeed awap Septerohar 5,1997. Ifs lonety here cithout yau We miss pou more each dep For tIe s flot the same to us Since pou cere oetled awap To pour reshing place ce niait Place tiocera tsere cdth cere But o one knooc oar heertache, When we tam and leeve pou there. "Forever In aur heurta" Love Karen, Rlck, Scott à Melanle TeZanaita fmmlly aoutt tike to extand their ertait thanka to eh their relatives, friende ant nighboura. Vour acts 0f tindness during the recetlossaof our daarmother and Nona, Luiza Zwate will eaays ha remaemberet. Spectai thanke are atso sent f0 the staff of Alendele Residance for tMer ioving cure, to Sr. Audrey and tha Holy Roaary Pastoral Visilora for Useir visitsaendp rayera, 10 Jerempy and Michelle of the J. Scoot Earfy Fanerai Home for their support and 10 Fr. Mite Francis for ceiehrating aach a beaotifui Vgil, Fanerai Meus and Committel Service. We aidant our deepeet appraciaton and thanka to ait. Tint, Jeck and Reg and familles INFORMATION CENTRE FALL TRAINING FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS Fait Training programt for new votun- teers relt begin on Wednesday evenilig, October 4, 2000. For more information undt/ar application form, please colt (905)877-1211. The cut-off date for the return of application forms is Wcd- nesday, September 20, 2000. AUl applicents muet be over 18 gears of eue. Milton Publice Library Re-opens Sundaya 1lp.m. - 5p.m. beginning qk September 1Oth COMMIJNITY LIVNG NORTH HALTON iSupporting people with deveopmenta! handicaps for forty-riee gears) The Board of Dis'ectora cordiatiy invites you ta attend our Annual General Meeting TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 CLNH Administrationa Office 725 Maie Street Eat Milton, Ontario 7:30 p.m. Everyone is reelcome -Please update your membership in order ta be ehi- gilbe to vote. For more information - please contact: 905-878-2337 - Ext. 22 AUCTION SALE SEPT. 7 AT 5 P.M. Antiques, Dus, group of 7, 3 window vanes, househoid, bumnper pool table et Hume's Auction Farm, 9313 4th ine, Milton. Sherreood & Gordon Hume, Auctioneers 905-878-4878 CARPET Cerpet. t have severai thousand perde of nec Steinmaster andt 100% nylon cerpel. t cull carpet pour living roomn andt hall for $349. Prie includes cerpet, peit and installation. <30 sq. perds). Steve, 905-09- 2902. 11JTORING aîal- able avaninge in my home - Grades 1-6. Gradusted on the Hanour Roll from E.C.Drury. Cati Lise 693-1723 jUntimted Acceaon'$1.95, gret ocaser-I Ivice a ntauPplitfrom ISSUFTHENEI Furratine Laren Sale Patn or ahne! Sat Sept.9, 9 am. -3 p.m. 11998 WINSTON CHUJRCHIILL BLVO. 1 1/2 mi. N. of Mayflald RdMOver Dr,, Georgetown New reado to finish handcrafted furniture. TV Armoire,à TV video cabinet. kootcases, dressers. niahit tables. wardrobes, armoire, blantet boxes. Harvest table. deacon kench- es, hutch & buffet. corner cabinets, sofa ta- bles, hiait moon tables, corner tables. coffee and end tables, jelly cabinets, jam cupboard. china cabinets. ptant stands. miceowanve stand, pedestal titchen table, hatl mirror cabinet, desks, maazine racks, magazine ta- bits, mirrors, and much. much. more. Briag a trusck and take it wtth youl lOrters welcomel Brng your item or photos HOSTED DY WADDINGTON ANTIQUES SEPT15 &16 SWarpla.e Heritage Musea. M R E 9:3Oom to 5:OOpm SHOW U Mad.dslnlry $2.00 For more informahion, coil 905-815-"017 or 1-800-265-3673 est. 302 or check ouf aur websife: www.prouuerconsa.mshsws.coi PICK VOUR OWN PIcklng Cucumbera & Tomeâtoos Oleokberries DIII Herb. Cucumbare, Beens, Beets. Sp. Onions, Fresh Garlic, & Broccoti "THE FARM" De Paoli Pick your own - eady piekeol <pi«»a cal) 905-873-2050 - 77-7976 15.-I SlSit.8-5 1km. Is Hoflge Rd. Fîret ferra on north aie, SOewrttown JOIN OUR HAPPY TEAM HERE at Tlm Horton, Second Cup Pizza Pizza & Harvoyel Various positions, Mon. thînsgh Sut. F/T & P/T hours suitable for parents ciih yoong chilitren! Hiuh school and collego students ceicome! We offer compotîllue wagos ndi benet ils. We iI train! APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL: Luke or Mary-Lau, M-F 9am-5pmr, et Beaver f oods (a Cara Co.), ai Sheridan College Cafeteria * Oakviiie 1430 Trafalgar Rosit N. -(905) 844-8532 IG RE HSWER M E Home eveningsaendt weetende. Boom ex- pence an esset bot I train. Top ratespe. Ornap iournce. Ct 905-63-80 or 1-800- 288-3973 BUSY courier/expedite compeny is aeeking Grener Operatora astI nans5 ton trocks. Muet have some expe*ence andt ha familierwith the G.T.A. Excellent hi- weekty aary with monthip incentivea. to arrange for an interview ptease cati Doog et 905- 6à3-1143. EARN $200, $300, $500 or more per week asaembing product in the cornfor 0f our oren home, sent a selt et- dresse t amped ennet- ope ta: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St., West Suite 541 Raf 940 Miesiasa- ga, Ont., L5K 2R8 FIJLL limte Gas Attend- ant ant Store Cierk needet. Ptease cat 875-2492. HUINTER/JULMPER show stable needs exp. rider for sterting & train- ing young homses. Ceit Heather (905)466-4421 LANOSCAPE Main- tenance tabourera re- quired for Hetton/Pee ares. Must ha bard working and retiabte. Winter colt avaitabie. Pieeee cet i (905)875- 0640 or fax resume 10 <805)875-3577 Canatisa Serno & Etectronico, tocatet in Ouhyilto, requires F/T hetp immediately in the foitoason deparimonts: * PART CLMAINC * PART a INVENTRY No esp. necessary - au ciii train. Great heoefit package and colts ensîronmoni. Cmli SueIo arrange an Intervew: (905) 825-2000 " PLUMIER " PIPEFITTERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Fol-imu Cuit: 905-693--932 Fao: 905-693-1064 Car Detailer REQUIRED FIT Eoperienco an asset. Compeitive psy andt bonus. reel eqoippoit. modem facility. Apply ta: Halton Honda 2300 Fairview St., Burl., L7R 2E3. Fax 681-0098 a Missile