The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav, SePtember 5, 2000 - 21 vBMX siblings ride -high at nationals By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Gold, silver and bronze rained down for Milton's Branciers late last month at the 2000 Canadian BMX Championships in Crabtree, Quebec. The local siblings - who both sustained seri- oua injUry earlier Ibis summer in Iberville, Quebec - marked their retura wilh medal-win- ning performances ai the combined eastern national/national competition. And in the process, both qualified for nexî year's world championsbips in Kentucky. Having broken both her wrists lasi lime out in Quebec, l3-year-old Natasha admits shte was "kind of sketchy" heading int tbe recent show- case. But any nervousness she feit quickly tumed int confidence - and by close of the weekend championshipi her only emolion was Ihat of pure joy. Sensational showing Thal' s because ahe managed a second-place finish in tbe opening day'a eaatem national main event and followed thal up with overaîl victory in the national main event August 27. As if Ihis waan't special enough. her second day's triUmph came against a femnale rider frm Alberta who earlier ibis year finisbed sixth aI the world championships in Argentins. 'I'd finished second to lier ail weekend (before tbe national main event) s0 il was nice t0 finally beat ber," said Natasba, wbo's only in bier sec- ond fuIl season of racing. Not wisbing 10 re-injUre ber wrists, tbe teen rider stUck close to0 tbe ground - going slow over tbe jumps - during botb ber preliminary and main event races. Tbe conservative approacb didn't seem to bin- der ber mucb, bowever, as sbe took sîmong sec- ond-place efforts tbe wbole way tbrougb until ber national finals win. Meanwbile, older brotber Alex, 15, enjoyed a bronze-medal sweep in Crabîrce - finishing tbird in botb main events. "I was pretty bappy witb my performance. I bad some good gales ail weekend," said Alex, wbo'd suffered a broken collarbone and a couple of cracked riba during bis firsi trip 10 Quebec Ibis season. Quick out of gale Sîrong stars were a major conîributor 10 bis Ibird-place finishes, altbougb somewbat adverse weatber conditions may bave cosi bim tbe silver or gold. A raîber windy weekend, bie said, curbed tbe amaller riders' altitude and velocity over tbe jumps. "You go over a jump and tbe wind would pusb you rigbl back. Tbis definitely gave tbe bigger guys as advantage," explained Alex, wbo was one of tbe imalleat competitors in bis age clasa. Tbe Branciers' medal-winning efforts belped lead tbe Milton Track 2000 îeam - mounded ouI by local ridera Bradie Jobnston, Josb Spmoul and Sue Lyons - 10 a second-place finish in the leam competition. Alberla's sîacked Powerlite tears captured tbe tille, but bad stiff competilion frors the local contingent, who were only ai dozen points back for the runner-up spot. Milton Track 2000's learn is sponsored by Brancier Jeweller, Qualiîy Inn and Spokes'N'Slopes. Tbe Branciers closed ouI the season Ibis pasî weekend ai the Grand Nationals in Kentucky. Resulla were not available due 10 holiday press deadlines. PhoIs by GRAHAM PAINE Mîlton's Alex (lef!) and Natasha Brancier enjoyed a hefty hardware haul a! the recent Canadian BMX Championships in Crabtrea, Ouebec. Yl'ercha uts net pre-seaison shutout over Hamilton By STEVE.LeBLANO The Champion The, 2000/01 Jr. A Merchants probably won't be making quile" s0 many puck deposits as some of their recent predecessors. Keeping the rubber ouI of Ibeir own net on bhe other band, appears 10 sometbing the local club will be fairly auccessful aibis comting season. AI leasl if initial pre-season resulta are any indication. Milton bas allowed juat two goals in as many exhibition tilts so far, and none during ils.laleat showdown in Hamilton Wednesday. Glenn Walsh marked bis firat lime back in steel-town as an opposing bead coacb by wbitewashing bis former Ieam 5-0. Veteran Joel Cameron and 20-year-old bopeful Frank Doyle who backstopped Guelphas Jr. B squad lasI ycar - aplil tIse net- minding dulies in tbe shutout victory. "I tbink wc'll be pretty solid in our own end Ibis season," said Nick Slawson, Miltonas director of hockey operation. Pmotecîing Ibis year's netminding tandem - whicb may include with capable veterans Elliol Altberg and Dan DeLong plus bighly promising sophomore Anthony Marshall, who's currenîly trying gifted newcomer Flavio Fagionia, Ibis year's club isn'l Ihal deep ouI witb the QI-L Brampton Battalion - is a blueline Ihal while up front. stilI withoul a powerplay quarterback is quite sturdy and experi- "I think we're better (offensively) than we were a couple of enced. weeks ago, but there's stilI tome boles 10 fill," admitled Slawson. Joining velerans John Nadalin and Steve Scheniag plus a retuin- Signing on Wednesday nighî was I 7-year-old Vince Laise - ing Mike McGrane are newcomers Rick Janco, Chris Rook and another Toronto Marlie - wbile fellow midget Marlie Tyler Chad Vindin. McLellan and Scott Malcolm (lan's 17-year-old brother) of the Rook - a 5' Il", 185 lbs. 20-year-old who'll attend the Mississauga Senaîors are among others who've impressed the University of Waterloo Ibis year - Ioiled witb Couchiching lasI coacbing staff so far. season and now gives the Merchants a fourtb defencemen witb Jr. Veteran James Coleman - nol known for bis acoring Iouch lasI A experience. season - tallied lwice against Hamilton Wednesday. Alan ligbt- Meanwbile, 5'9", 185 Iba. Vindin, 18, bas pîsyrd Iwo yeara aI ing the lamp were ex-Marlie Kevin Arruda,,MacLellan and the lower junior ranks witb bolb Erin and Orangeville. And wbile Fagionia, who aank a beautiful top shelf goal in the final frame. ex-Marlie midgeî Janco lacks experience, be makes up for il in Tonigbt Milton is aI Miasiasauga's Iceland Arena 10 face the mobiliîy and size - wiîb a 6'l1", 190 has. frame. Chargera aI 7:30 p.a. while Friday Ibey hoat the Georgetown Millon's offense remains a mucb bigger question mark. Event Raiders aI 8 p.m. INN F ITHE ~~ONTH Dear Bob, A note to say thank you to you and ail of thse staff at Georgetown Toyota, for assistance i parting witb mny "beloved" Toyota Camry after 13 years of service. Now tIsaI 1 amn on my own, after fifty-five yeara, iny needs are slightly different sand the Terce! '99 just seerned to fill tIse bill. This takes soane adjustinent on my part, but lin sure l'il "malte" it. tlaving llved at "Nab Hill" for these 55 years, 1 need transportation, and when 1 amn unable to provide my own, major changes, must lake place - so far so, goodi Thank you to thse service <trusty as I call tbem) depariment and aitnerly MainMacNab Cran your own #2-342 Brente SL to enjoy ut MR" ilome &W and 876-WINE =J F_