20-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September 5, 2000 G The enune _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 4 ou 600ked W. have achool rings for Blshop Reding, L WeekO,, Milton District & E.C. Drury O5uyer HEome larlware REAL MEALS nti yt? 385 & BuildinAenust» EASY AS KFC 45 Ontario St. N., Milton %; Tl. 0)87n 98 Tel: (905) 878-4131 Fax: (905) 878-3099 875-2999 Fex (905) 878-4981 276MAIN 7 ST 1 rent@discountcar.com 218 MAIN ST. E., MILTON 550 McGeachie Drive Milton Ontario L9T 3Y5 Phone (905) 878-2358 Faxý (905) 876-1344 Ai111, à d é SHOP ZELLERS MILTON FOR POINTS MILTON MALL 55 ONTARIO ST. 878-8178 Houri: Mon. - Fr1. 9:0-9:00 Sm.8:00 -0:00 Sun. 9:00 - 5:00 the paint and paper people Wd/ 9 te44f 75 Main Street East Milton 878-2629 Sales - Leasing - Service nily Owned Business for Over 38 Vears 410 Steetes Ave. Milton les 875-2277 Service 878-1672 Vebsite: haltonhills.com/gorrud 4 G A Far Sa Terry Run Sunday, September I7th, 2000 1 Oam to 3pm E.C. Drury School Ope*,Kt 1eenoS Pledge forms available at banks, drugstores and The Champion Office For Info. Cati 878-1206 5me RESTAURANT Banquet Faclîties Âvailable Up to 200 people Everyday special lunch and dinner. 360 Steeles Avenue, Milton (905) 878-8125 Fax: (905) 878-8126 Leading by building ilvalue for you DUFFERIN AGGRESA TES DUFFERIN AGGREGATES Milton, Ontario MILTON (905) 878-6051 FAX (905) 878-3442 J MarX HAHALThomas FAM/E Assocîste Broker Serving Milton for 30 Years 22O troS.S EXPRESS 220 Main Street E. Milton L9T 1N8 Pokemon-Beanies-Magic-Comics (905) 875-2226 comicexpress@globatserve.net OSTOMY REPAIRS BETTER LIVING HOME HEALTH CARE Dedicated to improving the activities of daily living with personal and professlonai services. 25B Commercial St Milton Tel: <905>4875-2458 Fax: <905)-875-2081 TF: 1-888-720-7256 'A Team of Caring Professionals" RENTALS WALKERS ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B.SC., B.B.A. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Lite - DIsablity - Annulties - RRIFs - LIFs RRSP's - Mutuat Funds (Lic. withi M.S.IL.) &Miltowne â 1Insurance Agency Ltd. Bob Lee & Kim Mitchell 245 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 870-5786 FAX: 8784U92 email: robertlee@aztaeC1tcom