I 12-The Canadlan Champdcçi, Tuesday, Septembor 5,2000 THE GENERAL MOTORS CANADA WIDE CLEARANCE PONT1AC SUNFIBE MONTANA CRANS PRIX ]iCc~?u.Y UUAL LUSAUSU 0~ 3MC SONOMA SIRRUA RUtILAS CAR S For the Iatest information, drop by your local dealer, visit us at gmcanada.com or cail 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Yea shauld knawthia~ Saongo bassd on 0.0% poonaoa fnanong compasad o cotîsot anesaga finoncial notOullon loodng sales Fnanong on appsoned GMAC crndO only Doon pop mant.tsadaand/orsacuntydapositmaybaseqo~red Monthlypaysnanlandcostotbonoontgrnlloary pa.dingonamounîbontoesa4anddo~npayesontiîtada Eoampla.StO.OOOatOO% APA, Ose nsonOtly papotant o 0212.tatoa48months. Coslotbonoosogis $18464. Total obligation 0010,18464 Ottesapptiastothaporcbasa ol OgO0nawosdesnonstsatoa moiels and appîses onlp ta qual4sad tatou osatontats n 16e Ontano Ponton Busols GMC Doalor Maluating Assocuatuon asea onlp Lonoaro quanîstas aoalabta/wOla soppbos ast Deola, rada ntap b. nscessary Doalats arn frea 10 set ordoidoal pocas Um4a4 tons olfen 0h06 ntap ont ba oenlbned erth .01er oSens Sa. pour deator for condCuons and datais ERRA RXUNDEO CAR I~I ABrnCK~ I I I KE~~ j-