The Canadien Ch ampi on, T uenday, August 29, 2000 -7 O UR READERS _WRITE Fil! from 500 new homes should be enough for pond Dear Editor: In order 10 keep the pond debate alive I'd like to add some technical data 10 fusr- ther refine my original lelter about t'illing in the Mill Pond. This is back-of-the-envelope math but il's probably close enough bo the Irise fig- ures. The Mill Pond has a volume of 100,000 cubic yards. One possible source for the [tII would be frora the construction sites putting up the new Milton subdivisions. If' the average new house basement bas a volume of 200 cubic yards, then the f111 from 500 new homes ought 10 be enough to [tII in the pond. From what I've read of Milton's plan, there will be more lhan enough new base- menls to lake the fill from. Assuming the average dump truck bas a capacily of 10 cubic yards, it will take 10,000 trips 10 fiII in the pond. There are two possible routes 10 gel the f01110o the pond. One is 10, go up the old railroad track beside the Robertson plant. The other would be to go soulh front the railroad tracks along the old abandoned line aI the wesl end of tbc pond. Assuming two trips per hour for six monlhs of the year il would take no more than 4 years 10 MI1 in the pond. Contractors bave a nearby source to gel rid of the unwanted mateial [rom the new Milton subdivisions. Since trucks wouldn'l have t0 travel lhrough the rest of Halbon there would be less environmenlal damage 10 ureas oui- side of Milton. Wilh a shorler trip the coul of tranisporta- lion would be less. There would be added employmenl for the truckers required 10 make Uic 10,000 tri ps. With less fuel consumed there would be fewer pollulants released 10 the almos- phere. The projecl could be achieved in a short lime [rame, thus reducing the possibilily of coul ovemuns. P. Caateoia Milton Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes letters ta the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revis., and reject leffers. Letters must be signeci and the address and the telephone number of the wriler included. Fax lotiters ta 878-4943 or leave themn at our 191 Main St. office. Spati Selection DM "A Ma lacé m.Sdwe MOIe, 150cmn widn 100% codon. Assortnd ets& ours, includns quiteds. Our Rng. 14.98-19.8m MM S% OFOrRU. Prlen SpeciSolncton! 11 5cmn ide, 1 McoHo. Brushnd surlacen Uidfor childrnsweur.OurRng.58.98 808448m Spncua Seleton! SPOTSWEU MMUD 150cm ade, 100% cottan and blesds.Our Reg.5.98m 1111092. Speceal SeWbetnl UIAIICI.O11 uSas aide. Pslse festn blnsn Our Rnq2.44 m M 91. Special Snbctes! 150cmr sdn, 1-5 n Wigths. AssortenUcsoias & tnidurs. Our Rng. 8.18 e MW LUe0 Specini Snenle U FU NO 4-150Ocma idn, 1-5 m bngM$s.Our Reg. 24.98M mew 12.41. Speciai Seleti! CIM TUF 811 L. bug, pre-packed. Our Peq3.96 bag. gow LU bu Special Setdenl 140cm wide. 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REGION 0F HALTON PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE LANDSCAPEISTREETCAPE PLAN FOR GUJELPHI LINE <REGIONAL ROAD NO. 1) RECONSTRUCTION PROM 250 in NORTHI OF NO. 10 SIDEROAD TO 220 im NORTH1 0F 15 SIDERORI) (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 15) T10N 0F MILTON PR-092B Halton Region as proceediiîg watb tic reconstruction of Guelph Uine toa two-Iane roadway witbin tse project limaits in order tu pravide improvemnenis to roadway geamnetry, sight distance. safety and pavcmnent structure. tI conjunction' wiiis tbis prajeci. mie nre now conspieting the lansdcape/streelscape design plan and seek public input and cainineis on Use plan prot ta finalizatian. A Public lnfoeistion Centre will bc held: DATE: Tlsuruday, Auguat 31n, 2000 TIME: 6:00 p... - 8:00 LOCATION: Nauageweyu Ceisuuuity Centre (Ilreukville Hall) 11264 Guelph Unew, Milton TMiu Public lufonmation Centre sel bc an informai meceting ta provide iiîterested mmbers of Udm consnunity with an opportuisity ta discuss and review witb Regianal staff. Uim proposedl lnscaWestrectscspe features for the Guelph Uine wiîbin the projeci lintus. If you are unable ta attend Use Public information Centr and wish ta provide coninents on receive furUser information about this projeci. pleuse contact: T. Finelli. Design Supervisor Haltan Region 115 1 Bronte Road Oubville ON L6M Xi1 Mtais: (905) 825-6030, Est. 7615 Georgetown: <905) 878.8113 finellit* ww.ruobabltaLonca