Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Aug 2000, p. 6

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6-COMMENT NOW WI4AT DO Things will heat Yo ANAAL after summer' sover Mis_ There may flot have been much of it tospeak obut summeri limping to a close. Only a few more weekends at the cottage are left before a slight chili appears below the surface of the balmy air, signalling that the leaves wîll soon be changing colour. With faîl, a series of events should take place in and around Milton. s l Construction for the first phase of the town's growth should launch. A municipal election will be held, possibly changing the face of Mn those who represent us at the most accessible level of government. d There could even be a federal election called. At least a portion of the Maplehurst Correctional Complex will like- Iy open as a superjail. The fight over land at the E.C. Drury complex will go before the Ontario Municipal Board. And a hearing to determine the fate of a tract of land leading up to the Niagara Escarpment will be held. Sînce most of these issues appeared to take a summer break, the .r- point is to enjoy the peace while it's here. It won't last much longer. 0OUR READERS WRITE It's aay to Sm0 why thoee signa aoe poilable 1 muSt think of those in my care first: nurse The despoiliug of rural Miltan bas begun. Soon thse current town will be aurrouuded by thousauds of acres of eye-numbing subdivisions. It would appear that many of the mer-'- chants in Milton are taking up arms; against this invasioi of blandnesti by displaying temporary sigus notable for either their outlandish colours or their proxinîity to the curis. It's easy to sec why these signs are portable. Nobody in thoir right mind would want one as a permanient sign. The signs comie in two basic forma the wheelcd, framcd plastic panel with the clip-on letters, sud the sandwich boad. 'Ibicse kinda of sigus; are intendcd ta advcrtise shot-term events but aflen are draggcd tai the roadside for display and die leftthdm ta fade or peel. Apparcntly there are bylaws for signs in Milton but they've neyer been enforced. As a result. tharoughfarcs ike Main Street, Steeles Avenue and Brantle Street have becomne ribisons of tackiness If sign bylaws haven't been eaiforced because nô anc has complaincd, let me be thse tirst ta take a stand. Doug Mohun Milton THE CANADIAN CHAMION Bos 248, 191 Main St. E. the Canadion Champion publishen every Tuesrlay and Friday at 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont.. L91 4N9 (Boa 248), is are of Tire Metroard Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Prirrrrg, Publisbing & Dlstribuiing Ltd. group 0f suburban campantes vainch icludes: Ajauifrickering News Advertiser, Altisior HeraldlCurier, Barrie (905) 878-234 1 itdvanceBarry's Ray Tis WeekBoltertniarprise, Brampton Guardian, Guardiar, ColilrnoodlWasaga Cornection, tat York Mirror, Erra Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AntoocatelCountry Boutes, Etobiecke Guarhan, Flamborougr Post, Foreonr Yaung, Georgetaown lrdepondeoilrhctoo Free Pness, Huronia Business Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingston Tis Weour, Lirdsay Thrs Week, Marktram Economisi & Sun, MidlaodlfPenetanguisnone Mirrar. Miton Shopping Newes, Mississaraga Classified: 875-3300 Business Titons, Mississauga Nows, Napanee Guide, Nassagaweya News, p iUh r Nenmarkaprharora Ena-Banner, Northuamberland Nens, Nontir Yorkr Mirror, Ian Oliver Pu ls e Oakvifie Beaoer, irakailie Shopping Nons, Oltbmns Hockey News, Oilia Neily Oliver A.o.ty/CrarangtPiabhrt PrrryITis Weak, OwenrSound NeU live Assciae Pulishr Trbun, PeerbooughThi Wee, PitonCoaty Gainte.ihmn Bill Beffin Geeral Manager HlIIllhomntriIVVtaugbar Liberal, Scarborougir Mimar, StoutIilelUxbnidge Tribuit. Karen Smithe Ediaor Adoertisitfg is acceptant or thn condition tirai, in the avant ot a typa- graphral errur, Brai portian oute advettismng space accupient ho tire erra- Steve Creotter Circuation Maagaer mouas Item. tugetmo mith a roastitable alifarece tfti signature, mIN rot be Teri Cam Ofice Maonager cirargeri for, bat the balance ut tire adoetltament mil bo pait ton ai the 'applicable rate. Thte pabliter nesarnen the rigbi ta categan alvtoe- TIna Ceoins Pronductio Manuager mntis or declirre. Dear Editor: How many times have I read another "poor me 1 arn a teacher" letter recently? As a registered nurse (RN) in a long-term-care faciity, 1 think it's my tum. On any given day of the week or any hour of the day RNa are responsible for 50 ta 200 residents. We dan't close on the wcckendo. We don't have Match Break. There is no shut down for Christmas and summer isn't the tiraS ta take extra courses. Those courues are done during the year on aur time, as we have no professionai development days ta update ourselves. 1 work 7 arn. ta 3 p.m. I arrive at close ta 6:30 s.m., as 1 have ta receive reports and criticai infor- mation on those in my care for the day. 1 then make sure paper work is done for outside doctor's appoint- ments, blood wark or x-rays. Then 1 make sure ail my staff has arrived. If nat, I must make arrangements for replacement staff. Then 1calastart my paid time. 1 give reports ta staff, pasa med- icatiana twice daiiy, ensure izvery- one has caten and check on iii resi- dents. Anything out of the ardinary that happens such as a fail orsa sud- den ilîneas of a resident causes the 'ta dos' of the day tai be set aside until 1 get back tai them. There's no course outline here and no amount of preparatian wiil work, as cach day is different and you learet quickiy ta be ready for anything. Families drap in ast any time and as many as four ta cigist families wiii want five ta 15 minutes of my undividcd attention for updates on their ioved one. I can usuaiiy fit this in by giving up my unpaid lunch and coffee breaks. As ail aur funding depends on aur accurate and detailed documen- tation, it's essentiai ta take time daily ta ensure records are updated and current. I wish 1 had 4.75 hours or so tai spend with these dear souls and use the rest of the time for prep work. 1 once read a question from a tcacher in this same paper. Cauid I teach four grade i1i classes of Shakeapesarean Engiish? I think so. I would prepare ahead of time, stick ta the course outline and just think... if I had taught the class for several years I couid juat pull out my aId notes. What part of the day shouid 1 remave myseif from the hands-on case ta these frail elderly ta do my paper work? Shal il be your moth- er or your father that waits? t cauidn't make the decision. ll continue ta do the work 1 lave and I'ii stay late again ta fin- ish up and not begrudgc a minute of it. 1 won't thrcaten ta go on strike iliegaliy, as that would icave no ane ta case for these dear souis. tt's what t have chosen ta do and t wili continue ta do my tocat amîd gavcrnment cuts and staff short- ages. 1 must think of those in my care before my own seifish needa and wants. I amn a nurse. Lynne Guay, R.N. Robertson Crescent Pwud by Steve Nease M_ Ma

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