The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Auguet 29, 200 --6 ,/Milton veteran one of three Canadian I),~ 1 independent marchers in Netherlands F/Yllcliatofro Rate /mhO BYIENEENLE 1905 86-318225 Main Si. E ' ___________________ Suite #3, Milton When Milton resident Joe Lilko got his marching orders earlier this year, he was more than happy to take them. So he became one of only three Canadians - picked from 500 names - to take part in the recent Nijmegan Marches in the Netherlands an an independent walker. Thait's a grueling four-day, 40 km-a- day military hike Joe Lilko undertaken by thousands of soldiers and cadets from around the world. This year'a event feil on the 55th annivernary of the liberation of Holland from German occupancy by Canadian troopu. And it was the lirait time Mr. Lilko hadt retumed ta Holland since helping deliver it in 1944 ais a meenher of the 17th Duke of York Regiment. At that time he wais serving in the armoured cars corps, which haid been steadily moving toward Germany. But when they reaiched it, the fighting haid stopped. 1I went right into Germany, but the war ended," aiid Mr. Lilko. "They came aind told us the war ended yeaiterdaiy." Canadien Second World War vêt Joe Liiko pointe out hie former régiment et the Groesbeek Canadien War Cemet.ry durlng hie participation in the recent annuel Nilmegan Marches In the Netherienda. That led to a more unusual type of war story being pasued through the Lilko Unme. 'I told my granduon that when 1 gar there, they ail quit," hejoked. The war may have wrapped up, but Mr. Lilko utayed in Germany for a sehile, returning to Canada in Match, 1946. "I was single, aind single guyu upent eight montha as the airmy of occupation," he saiid. "We collected weaipons aind took out mines. We escorted 500 teaimu of horses baick ta Hollaind, which the Germans took." And Holtand is still grateful. Au independent seaikers, the three Canaidian veteranu - part af a team of 26 independentu from airound the globe - marched about 10 kms a day. In their off hours, they seere aisked to ese their medalu, even out of uniformn. A waitreai who discovered Mr. Lilko sens Canadian expressed her appreciation as he went ta puy the bill. "She said, 'You don't puy. Thank yau, Canada,"' said Mr. Lilko. The veterans ailso received a thank you medal fmom Holland. 'l wsea honoured ta go there," uaiid Mr. Lilko, who in Milton aicts au the youth and educution chair through the Royal Canadian Legian. Does a penchant for puzzles give certain people an advantage in the field of tax preparation? It's possible. Working with numnbers, mnanaging money and prepaning taxes are much like solving a good puzzle - pleasant work that's both challenging and rewardng. If you enjoy solving puzzles and have a desire to help others, take the H&R Block ticorne Tes Course. It's designed for people who want to increase their tes kçnowledge and save money on taxes, and who may be looking for a second career or seasonal empojnent. Alter completing the course, you may even have the chanoe ta interview for employment with H&R Bkock* For more iformatio or to regiser, Cam 1-877-229-6112 or 1-905-333-1212 or visit our website at wwwhkKk.oe »Ctemof ut ourunis nnthe an ultor nor a gunnunten df enpbnt. - H&R BLOCK 02000 H&R Block Canada, Inc. e-mail m iltonhopei nterhop. net