Th1e Canadien Chamion, Tuesday, Auguat 29.2000-27 CARING home envirn- ment hec roonu for pre- schoolar or infant. Re- ceipta. 878-4415. DAYCARE Avaleabla: Affordebla rellabla chiled cars, flt lima or part Uima Mon. to mura. OLV ars. Masese oeil 878- 9482 DAYCARE needed for 9 month boy. Drop off in in homes - Mollet 1 Caropbaîlvîlle airesae p lus. Mondey thmougft Frldey,Caxcept Thur$- days. Cen a flexlible wtt houra. Cali (519)767-1307 LOOING for mature,' rellable, fll lima Nanny/ Bebysitter in aur home dlose ta Robart BalWtn Scbool. We have 3 cttikdren: 2 girls Syrs old in school fulday andi1 ~col 3momings a week. Ddivers ficanae and car raquireol, pissas oeil for interview (905>693-092 NANNY or Nenny Shae needed. For 2 g id a t doat love ta lam3pog6mob Mon- Thura T EW Foster erea 875-0001. QUALITY deycae avellate. Pley contre, Wl braryý crafis, welka. Cal Cara et 876-062. WANTED Care provkIr in our home, from 3 pin on for 9 & il ysar old ? irI. Flexible bums, mmlô 10-20 tira a weec. Able ta eassistwltb homawork & provide nutrillonel meala. Milton 875-2082 Please leava mesage. NO Feet Cerner Expia- rations aise 3-Week Course designad to help yoepan your ce- er. Furrdeby HRDC. For more intormalion/to register oeIl Graeaie 349(05)87-20 CARS f rom $0 Selxed, eusu &moe Cali for infominnn catalaoit e 1-60 il31 Ext200 SAm à LEAISS NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE A FAMILY BSIMES WITtf FAULY VALUES WE - BUY-SELL- LEASE UB EROEIOS IN mu TON 875-2277 Make It To lest or putcase you car or truck ttwy 2 S. Wi Dem Rd. 878-2393 PDA REQUIRED For Orthodontic Position Please send resume ta: Dr. B. Hturd 720 Guelph Line, Suite 203 Burlington, Ontario L7R 4E3 No phone oeils pleasel FOR RanI. 3 badroora bungalow on 4ttt lina, Adtn. $1,500. Apflce- tion bafore sfiowtng. Contact Mark Mallelleu, 876-0833. Common- wealth Réal Estate Sarvtcas Corporation. HOUSE for ranI. Rural, large end dea, 4 bed- mom, dinlng mi, large Idtchen, rang moom teilf f replace, office $1,650/month + utliies. Close ta Mississauga, Oakvilla, and Milton (905)875-1917 omàiIfy custom Monnaie SAdditions - Renovations Commerclelllndustria Construction Fron Estimatas (905) 820-0892 rà.0 Over 50 Ymrs ExMnmS S1111111111111117K 111111MM PUMPIM Autor»fic Lawn SprInUen /Arv-- commericlial & R**Men«ai Robert noble Ltd. Save time and mony and HARDEWAN ROOFING - 180 ft of hose for crossing lawns prqk« your landscape irîvestment. .4v-Fi- CO. LTD. oen; 3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you vomit fer e - a. - A - pffliti, butera " too total lèm Rowley M«haniral Ine. (Should pump et least everir 3 yeors) Toi: (905) 870-0958 Never use coloured or double ply toilet parier 92 5 Mak Street But, Unit 3 4M * . PA" (mie) 1111133-0sffl A&Ien 878-1979 IL& ne. 1, mien Answering Service 878-«69 Loir au OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCEI W GARAGE DOORS PAINTING & RENOVATIOMS HEATING / AIR CONDITIONING àf nor MmAcRoCu B 14, Idi &0 JA il% »),AI 11-drec a--- WANTED immediately spece for et for up ta 25 busse&s.Pese Calt (9Z5)877-4448 YOUJNG proleesional sesldng lo ranI e small one or two badroom epertreent or bouse In orearound Mltion. Ileer- enca evalleble. Leave message 519-827- 1549. cet kp wi he demardLR IMM 4JJIAN M" M OfffISOEAERS. mfflreuttt in th*e , idulxiy to the amasser mta plà~85% __ __ Irie4> t velu for thi monauW.EE h 11w mo"Al e" LbwjePA tseMefetigrOwt ite incluby. RePa IlcDeWda =Ir enkgtml00-$ D*5. 000 =Nd"he ocon for i5-20 gra proiéld Exeent Suppout Systain ta Ixcote corilliuel growlh Dedeu kwesen $35,000.00 Col Gary McDonel ai 1-80-91154-880, 1-204-228-7485 C24iurm weselends & oea*lqs errai 0 glOaiïu nb.cell heSe cky Contpaiof Exoence UWbsit ONE and two bedroomn apartmants in Milton. Ail inclusive . No dogs. Cali 878-28U8. ONE bedroora fur- nished besement Ca- ble, fireplece, air-condi- lioned, private entrance. Shopping, transporta- lion. 8750 eh inclusive. No smoking/pets. Firsateet. Raferences raqulred. 876-1222 SHARED kitchan& leundry 8400/monîth. Firsf lest required. Cati aflar 6:00 p.m. 876- 0294 IStAI-ALLiAI Ma and 401 Nousa with pond. Private enttsnce, 2 bedrooffi, no dildren pillese. $8Wper monlii. 878-1105 ClUsSriedIIIFffinuIIUUl on Pa -UjeLWI toomf basemant spart- ment. pe0 r mnl Sept 1. (905)878623 THRIEE bedroorn + den, sedluded couritr, dose tai toten. $1 200/month plus ulilities. Raf. le- quired. No doge. Avad- able imewdately. 854- 2294 lou -ô uenry arss. Non-smoking protes- sional ta shere s.ic neat 3 bedroor ton- bouise witti ana alter. 2 bedrooras, rec room, laundry, utiliSas inc. S800month. Immaciatar occupency. Cali Chris (908>878-528 roora hause. Milton. Aveilable Sept. 1 Welk ta Go train $400/montfi. Mille 693-1110 badroora fousa on large lot. Excellent ares. Too meny upgradea ta liaI. This bouse wttl ot testl Open~ Noum tOua Sundey il am - 2 pin. Privae Sala 878-3771