26-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Auguaf 29, 2000 RAI~I~NOW H/IG EXPERIEMCED SALES PEOP16E FLLKrrdilcPntac uikGM AGF Management Limi ted is an innorati'e Canadian -mutua/ fund and KerrCadilacPontac, uickGMCinresoment management company that has helped Canadians achieve BAUNER SAFF( OayMnF. is looki .ng for personalfinancialgoalsfor more than 40years. With over $25 billion in COUNER TAFFDay: Mo.-Fi.)managed asseto, we serre more thtan 800,000 inveotors through a range of Please a 1 wnprsnvith reuume f0: TVIO SALESPEOPLE! award-winningfund ond retirement solutions. We are seeking motivated THtE 92A ANADIAN BAGEL la lyr oilteolwn attm n otatpstosi u at Mapteview Matil Our 29 year history bas given us an outstandsn Tote and laesoile helo g a rtioeadns:aipoiinsi u or ax eaue f (95> 31-098 reputation and an increaxing market to worlTrnoadOkrlelctos with. If y ou have retail experience we would HA R T LI T ike 'to talk to you. You have a desire to excel CLILENT ADMINISTRATION INPjA N Eand build a career with a top performsng com- ,.REPRESENTATIVES *Excellent raesu benesit pacage pany in an exciting environmrent. Reparting ta the Supernisor, Client Administration, pou uif f enter and verify Guarantssd ttuurty and commission ..client requests into AGF's information systems. The processing environneent starttng at 40% Cail jack Rudnscki p requires concentration as pou wif f make seyerai detaieot processing decisions * FiI&pat tmuor Bob Paul to, enure accuracy and completeness. You are able to navigate in a Windows " Feibl woknghusn*(95c4518 work flexible hours incfuding: evenings. weekends and onertime. You possens "ui Equcatins SUICE sd e, excellent oral and suritten communication skiffs. Knowfedge of the financia * No chauntais raquirod ____________________________services industry; especiattp mutuaf funds, ix a definite anses. " Adance traningprovdedCLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATWVES Pleae cut o subit esumet:Reporing to the Coordinato., Client Services, pou wilf respond primarily ta 400 ain t. MLTONtetephone inquiries from Head office and Sales Representatives, as sue f as 8 -96O 1-15 ,perfores data entry. You are able ta navigate in a Windows environment pou Canfoof Corporation Inc.. an establisheot rouesug manuactusrer, , have a great client service mentatity and pou are suif fing to be coached for reqaires people tor ils Brampton plant. Thse plant produes industnie success. Vois suift be able to wark ftlexible houn., incfuding overtime. Voa rui gisffo atpcd ihpatmtdevrues - psen aeiroa n uitncm uiainsifa ut sCin Ledn bfsl itiuu itnae ro daings ansats. in difastae., Vousl ae a rec en gradaue t aoss ueiroa n vitncmm ncto kls sw sCin coxtro depadent. Mof bav previus etpriencein StChanini aptiude. Var seutuiServiceudeeupe09002ctandarsowlQdiis ofi chnddates houidinderaeirhei prefereci lcationand poitbun OnfspdLie reqaired. DR F Sen a AGF Maeetu ted. Pisss fx roemote:EriePryafy p'0ormaorFHmnRsore oe. 0 o 0 uEnty csbnede grawtb, n a So ck reTere i s ____________________ a3t6 ot otatpsto.WkignatemAFlohstefo W ha t are p ositionsg after wrk? CTOO & lr DIErnmnt MAKER SErVIe ab e H I e areos aeot Make aoDreseoedae!e. Your utoCA skils wil be apliedprepaing cmplexorigialwlt-ealue (Frenpart e fîrls)Cin Adunitrxatinga, setti Eopriece fot nd iemakrsarereqirct e resGergeosn bsedcopsn aci refoouu~toopnd oakngformninioas shomii hep afl u tath act evo o 10 JI o Uoges ~UIb inI ouI new p~ln tocated in Oakvif le. We offer a competitive wage and benefit package. ffs fa yourrsaume to: FIC PETERSONTOO0L MWFG. C. LTD. 1333 CORNWALL RD., OAKVILLE, ONTARIO, L6J MT Fax: 905-842-9015 PCL PimUlc orpuraton, a manufacturer ot Linear 10w Density plastic bags for the grocery, retait and speciatty carry oat markets as well as garbage bags for the refait and andustrial markiets in North Amnerica tas as opporfenity for MAINTENANCE TECHINICIAN ~ LECTRICIAN) neufsa of W2 12 hr continental shift, Mon-Sun Rats, $ 19.73/tir Plus Shiff & Weekeod Premiums & f rade aflswance Si1.25 Quaifiatkmmt -Valid Ontario Trade Licence. Escoflent written and verbal cnmmunication skiffs. -Good cnmputer skiffs. -Demnnsfrafed mechanical aptitude & abilify. Mail resame fIo attention Mike Wildes: 2300 Speors Rd, Oukoille, ON 161 2X8 MO FUMNE CALLS PLEASE Aufýmation and Robofîcs company in Milton requirea qualified Machine BuilderaToolmaker for immediate permanent or contract empfoymenf. Experfence in buifding auto- mated assembfy equipmenf a requirement. Knowfedge of PLC's and Robots an assef. Contact Two Stage nnovati on: fax (90587 391 ornait eric@twoatage.com MY skIl set. Commet f mufle use of disn your wnbpfsoue? Profcient Ceerduiaor, Sysfematic Enabatis, Teaawcok, Proed Planning Accompflshed f nafWeoc Effective Ceesmuiaaf, f imafive, Pracioe Organization, Esfabffslbed Proctidures, Motivaabseaf Leadership, Trouble Shoutirn infevenfion Strafee. Contact cpwScanae.ca 905475-1813 ing microprocessor based UHFNI-IF radio remoate confrof proci- ucfa. Experience wvifh troubfle shooting and repair f0 com- pooinenf fevef requuired. Afao gooci customer and team refafed skif needed. Pisase forwani resume with salary expectabons to: Cattron Controls Ltd 150 Armstrong Ave., Unit 5 & 6 Georgetown, Ont. L7G 5G8 Emeil: wfraed@cattron.com JOBS AVAIABLME NOW! PRODUCTION TECHNICIANS " Fuil-time Temp to Perm. * 12.50-$13.25 Hour *Days & Aftemnoon Shifts * Faat-paced Safe Environment * Uniforms/Training Provided Fax: (905) 876-7212 Cal: (905) 876-7214 ATTN: RECRUITING 8205 PARKHILL DRIVEIHkSN MILTON, ON L9T 5G8 CONT MLSO Ans% EXCELLENT OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES Adecco ia currently recruiting for qualified candidates searching for contract andi temp-perm positions. IFILE CLERKS: $9-$10/hr. Organizafional skiffs requireci. DATA ENTRY CLERKS: $1 1-$13/ht. min. of 6000 kesystrokes. Word and Excef se an assef. APCLERKS: $1 1-$14/tir. Muet know Word and Excel. RECEPTIONIS1I $1 2-si3/tir. Muet know Word and Excef. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTAINT. $12-$15/ht. Muet know Word and Excel. Minimum ais montha eoperience requiret. Att infereafeci appficanfs muet fax resame f0, Adecco. Fax: (905) 8424348 Phone: (905) 842-5173 grusis su cietes service. Staff Accountant This position reqaires a well-rasxded, hi individuat suitti excellent communicationskabatt years af puast siversity esporience is de masagod campaniex. individuai candidate abu bath CaseWare, Casoieu, TaxPrep and M Responsihilities uif t isclude masnagement ai a file prepuratias. fisascial stutement prepar reviesu and a client relatiasship management. Bookkeeper We require us experiesced haokkeeper ta bh qsurterty accauntisg duties for carparate clien inclade preparatian ai finascial utatements, pa PST retamu and WStB. Extensive experiesc uccaasfisg saftwuare packages sorti as Qu Accaanting, MYOB and ACCPAC is essentia Caseare wauld ho a definite auset. If yas tbrive sn us entrepreneurial envirosme witb awner-manager campusies and bave a cantrihute exergy and ideux ta a dynamic gro invite yaa ta tulfi ta as. PIeuse send yasr resux in confidence ta: Fansham Seaton, Chartered Acces Fax: (905) 270-8000 E-mal: bjs@farnhameatnc R:ECEPTIOCNISTr Busy administration office t ocaled in Milton requires an energefic fu tlime receptioniaf. Responuibifities f0 incfude: *Reception *Typing *Shipping & receiving of matenia Genera office dufies as asaigned Muet have computer experience, MS Office, Corel Wordperfect, and a pfeasanf tephone mannerism. Pt ese respond by Fax or in Pereon fa: Sulco Industries Ltd. 264 B3ronte 85.9. Unit #13 Milton, Ontario L9T 5A3 Fax: <905)876-4676 (No phone cas l bOfe accepted) appoxil . is IKMu forban p Oak. ighly rofesional chieopractic xffice. ghiy proexamnet Some evonîng/moming sud uit leust flirce boums neesay. MusI eiing suitti amner fa rmpuer f foraIn. Id ho composent in Drop off retumle fIs. [icrasofs prodactn. Cbpaciic nîc portfolio af clients, 250 Wyecî-wo(i Rd atiax, lucarne sas Suite /5, Oufmnl audle masihty and tu..Rexposbititiex yraIl, GST returus, COMCARE ewieth a cammos HEALTH SERVICES ickBooks, Simpty ccrted by th and as expasure ta Health Accreditation Services os NOW RECRUt TtG- nt, enjay working F111Wsfli 0 * strasg desire ta 111its Lsl1,2& 3 îwisg prectice. sue MN 9 aIfti se by fax or email, rhose iteresed iv Pub- /up Comicasus Home SupportlLv 1 Course intants qus/if>' foroemploymen with cCaiuL om 1355 Plains Rd. E. Berlinglun L7R 3P7 Tel: (905) 637-5271 Fan: (905) 634-4661 Office Manager Soif Starage Facitity in Misuisuaugu reqaires a flexible ostgaing undividal, fluent in Engi isti sitt pleuvant pbone masser, suett arganized, custamer service and office administration a must. Sales esperiesce an annes, includes uome weekends. Il Cati: (905) 567-2932 MII86-36