The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Auguat 29,2000-19 liard work resu its Watch for our in award for Scott Bv IRENE GENTLE The Champion The gift of the gab helped Milton rendent Joyce Scott grab the gotd thîs nummer. She recently eamed the Toastmasters International Advanced Toanîmaster Gotd sanard. The preatigiouo prize is a oeauln ot more than 15 years of hard work, inctuding countiena carefutly-honed speeches and work within the executive of the Toanîmastera organization. Ms Scott joined the Milton chapter in 1984, ahortly afler nomi- nating another reaident for the Citizen of the Year Award. That ted to the Milton Chamber of Commerce asking Ma Scott to aay a fean worda at the Chamber awarda ceremony. "1 came down off that podium in a blur." ahe recalled. Not long afler, bolntered by three frienda who smo joined, ahe attended her firat Toaatmasters meeting. And the reat, as they say, la hiatory. 'I uaed 10 be an extremely ahy person," aaid Ms Scott, who in known in the community for creating Deboraha Home, a place aimed at providing independent living for diaabled adulta. "lt helped me. g think h bas given me more confidence in myself." To eam her award, Ms Scott performed varloun executive mies anithin the club. Though work on Dehoraha Home kept her occu- pied, ahe distinguiahed herself during her tenure as president by seeing the Milton chapter named Ihe mont diatinguiahed club in Ontarlo. It was alno ranked number aix in the world, afier which Ma Scolta name was entered la the Toasîmastera International Hall of Fame. But the mont aatiafying moments stem from watching others aucceed, aaid Ma Scott. "You continue to learn and the reward la to sec new membera come la and improve" she aaid. Though on a aummer hiatus, the Milton Toastmasters generally meet each Tuesday St the Royal Canadian Legion on Chartes Street. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. The club teachea confident, easy public apeaking and commu- nication for adulta, many of whom see it as a atepping atone to greater profesalonal achievemeni. Up Holating bottled water ta toast the ralslng of the new Halton water tank le (left ta right) Mayor Gord Krantz, Haiton Chair Joyce Savolina and Haiton Huis Mayor Marilyn Serleantson. The tank wIIi b. used ta service new growth in Milton and some cf Halton Huis. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE A&E section in thîs Frîday's Champion. e.. s e On page 5 ot the Shoppers Drug Mart tlyer in effect from Sunday, August 27, 2000 to Saturday, September 2, 2000, the AT&T Phone Card wilI flot be available in the $5 denomination due to a supplier shortage. We apologize for any inconvenhence 1kw this may cause. ~SHOPPERS XDRUO MART EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY me Town ot Halton I-tille requires an ACCOUNTING CLERK The Finance Departrnent lot the Towa at Halton Huila us aeelang an indunidual fer the tait-turne pnsutuan aI Accnanting Clerk, repartung tn tha Manager nI Accaanting. The raspannubilitien for thia penituan wiIl tacas an the fallawing arean. * praniding anauntance ta Accaanting Staff n tOn praparatian af financial analynea, badgat dacamenta and year-end warluing papera; * data ena-y at acceanta payable ana narnal entnea; * praniding asauntance la tOn umplernentatian and angaung aperatuan af tOn Tawnn aew financiai naftware: * preparatian af bank and financial racaneulinanna. Candidatea far tOua pasutian shaald pannena the faflawung: * pant necaadary adacaSan la banunena adminiatratuan ar accaaating * f arniliauity with nattaunre applicatiana inclading tOn Miernanfi Seita af pradacta * rninimarn 3-4 yeara aI nepenence un an accaaating enairnement * dernanatraîad abulityta waufu ta deadilana The aalary range far tain panitian la $20.032 ta $34.tfft (praaeatiy ander realew> A campreheanine benelit package ia alan praaided. Intarested candidatea paaaenaiag the raqaired qealiticatiana afuaald famard a ranarné an later than 4:30 p.m. Mandap, September 11, 2000 addraaaed ta: Ma. K. Lenere Ranaptuantat Tawn aI Hatan Hilla t Hattan tilla Dune, F0 Oaa t2a Haltan Hilta (Geargatawn). Ontaula L7G ali2 Pernanai infarunatuan un callectad a accardanca with the peaainiana aI the Manicipal Act. OSO. toto, Chapter MéS and aili be aned ta naieci an apphcant. Any qanattana abaat thia enliectuan nhnald ho directad la tha Peranenel Ollicet. At apphcatiaea arn appraaateut, hnwanar, anly tItane applicaran duaaee tan atteuvaiwa wdl be enetactent t46 CORRECTION NOTICE in our Auguet 23-29, 2000 flyer, the following errors occurred: The Fidomatic Nokia Digital POS phone advertiaed on page 16 ahould have stated the following: Airtime as 10w OS $0.25/minute and includea 176 airtime vouch- er. e The Compaq 5BW1 57 advertised on page 3 mistakenly stated that the computer ayatem comes with "30GB Hard Drive." Il ahould have been "20GB Hard Drive". e The Soundman S.20 3 Piece Speaker advetliaed on page 9 shouid have stated "Remote has volume power and includea head- phones jaDIs." W. sincerely apologize for any inconvenience 8h15 may have caused our vaiued customers.