12 - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, August 29, 2000 <~o.>t Police orchestrated fictitious hit: trial .scoop? We'd love to hear your stoiy ideas. Gai 878-234 1, ext. 234. We've ireli à fête il te crowd froue titi Chomu of Commet"e 9owtew Futmet Mart. If titis il 1o1, CeRne dmw te lte Camadial Citampios liai ideelify uefef itefere 5 ?pm. Fiday, Septeuber lt soi 100,I1 wime aifl serifisate fre. litkemse. 1 DAZZUNG DEAI.S during Halto Credit Union s LqAN SALE rate as Io« asi PRIME VISIT US TODAY TO DISCUSS: a anew car or boat a deck or.Iandscaping for the backyard Srenovations to the cottage -ea vacation a comnputer for back-to-schooI YOU CAN EVEN APPLY ON UNE www.hcu-onin.com PI.eae bing tibs nodSc wlth you ao we can maissue how wel our communlcelltis wllh or memners u workn. AcrON (519) 853-0911 GEORGEIOWN (905) 877-6926 MElON (905) 878-4168 Certain çondwSso ra ay apply. Entire offer auisiect to, change wthot notice. "icominon -ep says if be (Mr. Floriuo) w0ints to&keep the relationsbip going, he's got to go legwith y" .......... e,... ...... ...... By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion If murder.suspect David Fiorino wanted to keep a business relationship going, lie had to be a part of everything that was suggested, the jury heard Friday during an ongoing first-degree murder trial in Supenior Court in Milton. "AIl I'm suggeîting 10 you is very simple," said defense lawyer Robert Nuttaîl 10 undercover OPP "ePolilce seize -marijun Plant froin Campbeli-viJle. corti field About 1,100 marijuana plants areas of noM HjplaI beul; uli in to :flhsoy. ttit, ai vanouatages of matanrty were The largonit.itl of mjuas plants. seizeri frons rural Milton. 'na vas foUp4 in a St4 east Se. Frnk.Pillipa sasd thd, Wednesday and Tbtsreay by of Guelph Line, ti nübth plans"# wil b. âestroyed ai a Hultoti Regional Police's Druga Camptielville. - ;untllBclosed loatiNebts and Morality Bureau. About60 la$nts were nszid wëSlcdad s n oiiarg were Thse plants have an estimatnst from that locationa. Anothe 500 laid stet value of $1 million. smaller growtha were se*zed in Police -illon itin thse project TIse helicopter waa usefi for thse anothwq aea. witb thp;goal of reduscing thse deug eraicalot projeott t r- Ail1 thse plants were spotted availability of marijuana and gels marijuana growth'in rural frora thse tir, witli grounfi imita detening people fr-om growing if. People. Resuits! LAURIE Iost 22 Ibs and 32 !inches Staff gave mue lte mtotivatioli 1 se"eddt shed ltoe extra bIches. Than'ks Hierbal Ivtagall Ful service progrants Garanteed weIght Ross Dcl. KcnncUi Watson. "Common sense says if he (Mr. Fiorino) wants 10 kccp the relationship going, he's got to go along with you." In cxplaining what he meant, Mr. Nuttaîl told thse jury that Mr. Fiorino had 10 do a fictitious hit so lic could continue bis relationship wiUi his fricnd. "Refcrring 10 common sense, t don't believe Uiat's common sense," Dcl. Watsons replied. Mr. Fiorino, 27, is charged with the death of Stephen Andreopoulos, 36, of Barrie. Mr. Andreopoulos was last scen with the accused on July 2, 1996. His badly decomposcd body was found buricd on a Dcrry Road propeety 18 monUis latcr. Mr. Nuttaîl spent Friday morning going passagc-by- passage tbrougb an 80-page transcript that was played earlier in thse trial. Thse rccording, intcrceptcd by a probe in Det. Watson's vehicle, was captured on August 26, 1997, aftce a meeting bctwccn thc accused, Uic detective snd bis pueportcd boss Dcl. Bill Campbell. The convcrsation includcd discussions about tIse liquor deal that Issppcned July 2, 1996, sud a fictitioua hit. 'I eNo pirepackaged foods (monaSafe, easy & effective UEL OV Rogi EXPIRES: Sept 5, /00. MORE WEEKI POdset 15 MARTIN ST. ~teP6d ~693-9594 But the conversation was scripted, Mr. Nuttail told the detective. "Wittingly or unwittingly, it is you sir, because of the job you got on hand, you are orchestrating or cee- ating the conversation." Det. Watson told the jury his jo was 10 obtain more evidence about the disappearance of Mr. Andreopoulos and to find whcre dhe body was. Dcl. Campbelîl also took the stand Friday. TIhe detective had two dealings with the accused. During thc firit meeting, Det. Campbcll told thse jury he wss unfriendly 10 the accuscd. During thc introduc- tion of thse two, he walked right by Mr. Fioeino'î out- stretch band, lie said. "I wantcd 10 snuli him," said Dct. Campbell. Mr. Fiorino was also scarchcd when he entcred the hotel room. At thc end of Uic conversation he told Det. Watson t0 tell thse sccuscd lie wasn't impresscd. "I was neyer sdviscd 10 do that," Det. Campbell said. "t thought maybc be'd impress Kenny rather than imprets me." On Tbursday, Mr. Nuttail bold Del. Watson he was Uic direct link bctwecn Uic accused snd senior investi- gators. "Dealing with David Fiorino ... il was your cyca, your cars snd your brain," lie saiti. Dcl. Watson agrced Uiat il was. 1I mean no disrespect 10 you Constable Watson, but prior 10 titis investigation, you had been on the force since 1995. Their cyca, their cars and their senses was wiUi a police officce with nine months of expeiencc." Dcl. Watson agrccd. Thse trial continues today.