Tuesday, August 29, 2000 I Rape crisis centre's Thought Ch...,ýeck List aims to dispel myths about sexual assault By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Thoughts can hurt. And that's why the Halton Rape Crisis Centre (HRCC) is releasing the 12-point Thought Check List aimed at dispelling the myths that stili swirl around sexual assault. "We gel so many messages from 50 many places," said Jacquelyn Sehialman, co-execulive direclor of the HRCC. -Il's pretly poweriui. We realiy need 10 combat them." The liaI, which was drawn up with Ihe support of lthe Hallon Violence Prevenlion Council. wiil be distributed Ihrough schools, social agencies and police and victim services nexl monlh. AI Iheir worsî, unchecked ideas conînhbute 10 a continuum which can result in domestic and sexu- ai violence. And they can leave siclims feeling isolated and guilty, said Ms Schlalman. "Thal's present in any sexual assaull Usve been privy 10," she said. "The vidima do blame them- selves. They lhink they must have done some- thing." Unconscious beliefs are revealled when ques- lions like 'why does she stay' are heard more ofien Ihan 'why doesn'l he slop,'. said Ms Schlalman. And they're mosI dangerous in people such as judges. police officers, lawyers and the clergy. Prevalenî misconceptions thai the Thoughl Check List aims 10 debunk include the notion that SEMINARS ON PROSTATE CANCER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 "Prostate Cancer: Issues and Controversies in Management" with Doctors Punen and Sathya at Milton District High Sehool from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Displays from 6:30 p.m. Cali 338-4379 to reserve a seat. Halto HéaWwaJ? s E - t V i C. sE *s and "lWe get so many messages fîrom so many places. It's pretty powerful. We really need to combat them."9 sexual assault can be provoked by a certain man- ner of dress, that many if not most women lie about sexual assault, that women say no to sex in order t0 be forced or teased int it, and that being bought dinner or drinks obligates a woman to have sex. The beliefs that a sexual assault can't occur unless an actual struggle takes place, that maies can't be victims and that most assaulta are reported to the police are also tackled. Also busted il the ides that women can't be ses- ually assaulted by a person they've had intimate relations with in the pasî, and that memory is always accurate after an assaull. Finally, the Thoughl Check List aims to increase the aware- ness that women of ail ethnic and racial types, as well as disabled and lesbian women. cati suffer an assauli. By addressing popular misconceptions, the Thought Check List aims 10 show îhaî the offender 3%~T CasBc otYLe 3% CashBack. 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Mmsnuage must b lxxiAm Iry Ozrîl'e 31, 000 andl advarced by Decemier 15, 2000. 0crf May Ie d=%rred ti wihlrawn ai any rime. 3% Cailiedi nu availalle in cururulimrîm wirr amyuir( l rat nedircoli is solely responsible for Iheir actions, tIsaI being boughî dinner and drinks is jusî that, tIsat many women are too frightened or shocked 10 slruggle duning an assaull and tIsaI the very same fear and shock cas affect bolIs long and short-lerm memo- ry. It also altempts 10 show Ihat women say no in a variety of ways, Ihat men cas be victims too and sexual assault is wildly under-reported. For many, il may seem asîounding that people believe what's on the liat. But they do, said Ms Schlatman. "You start thinking you've gotten past it but il's surprising how many limes it alili comes up," she said. "We've heard il even from young women. TIsey've absorbed that from somewhere." To fight back, the HRCC plans to bring tIse list 10 area sehools, along wiîs tIse message of equal respect for everyone. But the buik of teaching still has to take place in the home. TIsaI means parents should examine their ideas about gender roles and sexual and domestic assault. Even chiid-rearing bas 10 corne under scrutiny, said Ms Schlalman. "Its just teaching respect for everyone, and nur- îuring our boys, nol going s0 much by the stereo- type that big boys don't ciy," said Ms Schlatman. "Allowing thers 10 have feelings, show feelings and express feelings. Anyone cati hurt." Encouraging boys 10 share a care-laking role wiîh women could also help, she added. For more information, contact the HRCC aI 825- 3622. Canvassers needed It's not too laie 10 gel involved in Arthritis Month in September. Thse Arthritis Society is seeking phone volunleers, leaders and canvassers for ils Sepiember residential fundraising campaign. And members of the communily are asked 10 give generously to canvassers to help find a cure. Aribrilis is Canada's number one chmonic disease of which four million people of ail ages suffer. For more information caîl (905) 712-228 1. I BudfllgtS Pot .Preent the Labour Diq Wakend (auadas Lartest September 1, 2, 3 4 - FREE5! SSO $OM MMpkqrie Um OMM al