Photo by GRAHAMI PAINE «/Honourîng their effoirts Miltoniens (from i*ft) Grog Hopkins, Jim Flnn, Thomas posthume and Thomaene Benson dIsplay biood donorI certificetes reoentiy presontod to themn by Canadien Biood Services. Mr. Finn and Ms Bonson's certificates woro for 75 donetions whiio Mr. Hopkins' and Mr. Posthuma's worm for 50 donations. The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, August 22, 200-S Got a hot scoop? Please ca/I us with your stoiy ideas at 878-234 1, ext. 234. VInternetFrom $9499mth (905) 876-3918 22ý5 Main St. E. Suite #3 Milton DR. SUSAN JANV is pleaseci toi welcome DR. TRISHA BEAL to her optometric practice. Dr. Beal joins Dr. Stella Tai as an associate andi has evening and "Back to School" appointments available for your convenience. We hope toi see you sooni Dr. Susan Jany & Staff 327 Bronte St. S.e 744 sagr- - ' - - . . 1 - - 1 l 1 1 lm 876,4649