Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 2000, p. 30

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30-Thé Canadien Champion, Friday, Auguat 18, LICENSED MILLWRIGHT/ MAINTENANCE MECKANIC wif h min. 5 yrs expl with the abilify tx ton machine Shop ettuipmenl, wslding, fabrication, press set Up expsrience, dit changes experience, good lroubleshooting skilîs, PLC topl. 2ND OR 3RO YEAR APPIIEfNCE MIUMIOUT n tht second or third year of a recognizeit apprenti- ceship program, witti a min. of2 years expérience. Both positions requira a strong team ployer. 801h these posihions are reqoired for steady atemoons or midniglîts. Pleane fax rosumnes to 905-858-7316 cm isvams Lnoking for Cahle TV tostallers witti compter eo- perrence andt Light-Duty Cabte TV Techorcians for immédiate ope g ia Burlin toni, Oakmille, Hlamilton aad sorroundiag areas. Must héa sétt-starter, witling to wort oldoors with timited supervision and hone a d'ean drivin, record. Encollent remunération pactrage anaitatite ta the right candidates. Att satimissions sutl hé reviewtd an confidence with preterence héing awarded 10 applicants with prenions expenience in thé Cahle TV indostry. Training is provided PIeuse mail, fax, ar e-mail résume toi Tbciiomi Operaleo Mauar Imrau Menket Selumile noc. 99 Bronfe Rd, Suite 530, Qakotls, ON L6L 3B7 Fax: <905825-8371 E-Moil. integratedmarhetsolutioos@heme.com Only fhose seiecteot for un interview wîll lie coofactee. No phvont calis cuis pieuse. Midas Auto Service Experts CLASS "A" or "E" MECHANICS Requireci energetic, scif-motivateci and experienced person to jain our "NEW MIDAS" team. We offer excellent start- ing salaries, group benefit package, on- going training und more. Succesoful candidaten meeting these qualificu- tions drop off or mail your reoume to: Midas Auto Service Experts 178 Guelph St., Georgetowen, ON, L7G 4A1 Attn.: BhIIy Maintenance Lubricator 0One of aaa ags odpoeso plants reqaires an eqeiptacot lebricutor. Applicu .nts ment possess a basic mechanicul enderstanding of machiocry. This position reqoires working fromn Sanday nigbe to Thersduy nigbt fnom 8:3Opm to 5:0Oum. PIeuse send resume se: Humée Resource Officer Maple Lodge Fermas Led. R.R. 2 Norvai, ON LOP iKIt Adlnanistratlve Assistant t.nitock Led., the targeat tntertocking Paving Stone and Retaining Watt Man- ufacturing in North America requires an administrative assistant working out of our Georgetown facitity. The su- cesatul candidate must be wett organ- ized and have aoilid computer akitis in Microsoft Word and Excel. The can- didate would report to the Sales Man- ager providing support in project track- ina white aiso meeting the adminis- trative needa of the VP Finance and the Senior Generat Manager. Unitock Ltd. offers a benefits package and a competitive satary. Seed yéur resuese le eonfidence wlth aalany expetatliié té: UNILOCK Lsd. Attn: Sales Manager 287 Armstrong Ave. Georgetown, ON, L70 4X6 Fas: 905-874-3034 Receptionist/Bookkeepiflg The area's leading carpel & Oriental rug cleaning compaoy is looking toi, an eoergelic, detaîled oriented indivîdual. Strong customer service. hookkenping and personal computer esperience is a must. Responsihîl- lies include hooldienping, helpîng customero on the phone, scheduling snnk, and managino tht daity ud- ministrative fonctions of our office. We offer generous psy, hénefil pregnam, professional sons ennîrooment usd 35 hoans per weéti. Cuit Peld te soduls e lntsevlW, OMRI Caupet Cive lue. <90)405-2337 2000 a new worl GREAT CAREIER OPPORTUNITIES We have the following PERMANENT posiions avoilable: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERKS - hvaicing, choque rens, oserieg hilling inquiries, data ont ry, custieor service, bockup réception und general donicol duties. Must knos Word, Excel and AS400. Mitimum 6 mentits expetience. 25K-28K UNDERWRITER - Respoetahiilies indudo o4Musling daims, underwrggiiqples, und spoakino w- iTntarrding their pohdces. Matie oramîhar with medical temiiseg and have good organizafonal skish. If you have 2-3 yeuns experionce this is an excellent canîpany tu work for. Boin iql à os. 3 K-32K EXECUTIVE ADMIN ASSISTANT - Titi person must have 5-10 years expérience ail h excellent Microsoil skills. Thtis person wil report te lhe Président for whvlom yeu sdI schedule and minlain aointrnonts, maiké travel arrangements, correspoadonce, internet résorcit and preoring reports, ibs person mut ho very «oraized, professionil aid a rée «peuple person«. 35K-40K MARKETING ASSISTANT -ibhis person is respomile for assisting und caordinafing créative und production adtivifies cf denaled p rojIs. ibis advorlising company is looking for a créative tnker who is very computer literoie, exn nepron k cdhs23yn ra rdcin éxperiece. Desired progroms are QuarkXpress, Excel, Dréauaver, HTML & Photositop. 280-2K. BLN ULCUSTOMER SERVICe REPS -ibis poion mut havé custonier service xpn Ic l wq cusaucjuiries aid prehliemi. Dola entry ail ako S14.0/r. JUNIOR IT PROFESSIONAL -ibhis for meintoiniig aid upradin thé curront uit-site aid devéWoing en ammiîg, trouhléshotiig, and increnisiig itèret présence. The idéal candi computer merkoiing ideas aid wil havé 1-3 years expérience. Collégie or nqivi Comrputer Science. 35K-40K ALL INTERESTEID APPUCANTS MUST FAX THEIR RuSD11 TO ADECCO IH OAKVILLEI Tel: (905) 842-5173 Fax: (905) 842-6468 E-Mail: adecco.oakville@interramp.com PERMANENT PART-TIME Positions avaîmble for a largo Milton Company. Tueaday Dayx & Thurodlay Nîtes. Please fax resume 10: 1<905)875-3522 ATTN: KATHY No fuiltlime positions avoulable. Receptionist/Bookkeeping Thé areas leading carpet & Oriental rog cleanîng company iv looking ton an eoergelîc, dslailed orieoted ondivîdual. Sirong customer service, hookkenping and personal compter enperîeoce is a musl. Responsîhîl- lies include hookkenping, helpiog costomero os thé phone, scheduliog work, aod managîvu tht duit ad- ministrative fonictions of oun office. We offer gootrovo puy, heottit program, professionol work envîrosment and 35 hoors per wéek. Cuit Paul te sohedluls an Interview, Oufil Carpet Cure lac. (905)465-2337 ACCOUNTANT Requineit for small business located star Milton, Ontario. Primurily responsihîs for overaîl administra- lion of office fonictions. Good accsvniing koowledge requined. Prefer CMA or CGA senior slvdént. Compvter teperience is a musl and knowledge of MYOB software iv an asset. Repý to: Yeu", Sairatos Sao Chadlered Accovolants 5 Douvglas Street, Guelph, Ontario NîH 2S8 Ph. 519-822-7670 Fn: 519-822-6997 Attention: Ross Sainstos r MATTHEWS CANADA LTD. Curréntiy han an opening for RECEPTIONIST - An individuel with excel- lent communication skitto & peroonaity. Must bé capable to werking in a foot paced office & handting différent tastra simultanéouoty. off at 550 McGeschie Drive, Milton, Ont. Ato: Humas Reorces DepI. AccountsReceivable Clerk- Bilingual Wholeoale phanmocevfical co. sseks as tnp. Bîlingval AIR clerk. Ahilîty ts wonk in a compulerized environ- ment. must have collection experiesce, commonicatîion & cuslomer services strîlîs. Ths entny level position offens a compétitive compensation package. Fax resumne in confidence: (905) 560-7013 Dxsstown Milles. Caîl aftén 6:00 pin. (905)878- 007 BASEMENT Apant- ment, 1 bedrxom, sepa- raté entrance, 3 pincé bath, no pets, son- omokér. Utilftiéo inctud- éd, scenie propérty in country. 1 yéar xtd. Air conditixning & fireplace. Pisé kitchén. Reténénc- ex required. $800 pér month. 854-2575 CAMPBEL LVI LLE country living 2 béri- nova basémént aport- ment, very cléatr, no pets. (905)854-9865 RECENTLY nénovutéd 2 bédroom in héritage 4-pies. Minutes from dosntosn Milton. No pelo. Appliancen inciud- éd. $875 pot mxntb plus ulilitiex. Anaitable Oc- lohén 1.- Cati 905-459- 1592 aller 6:00 p.m. TWO bedroem condo ut éaat Cumbridgé/401. Fine appliancex, out- door pool. $050 + hy- dry. Glenn (519)741- 1400 Century farnmhxuxe lx ohare, fuiiy modemizéd, fully funnishéd, ns soking, no polo $750 pen mxnlh. 854-0959 FURNISHED noom for nent, olové and fridgé . Phone aller 5:00 pm. 878-0225 ONE bédroam avaitable Sept. 1 in Mites in 4 bédroom home. Accexo lx ail living space. $450/mxnth. Walk lx Go-frein. 693-1110 4000sq. fi. $3600/mxnth. Ail inclu- sive. Campbellvilte. Avail. Oct. 1. Phone for uppt. 905-691-4673. CARLI LE. Hait acre lot, 4+ 1 - bdnm nideopîit, 2-1/2 batho. Updafed. Fireplacén, Hardsxxd, ceramico, décti, hot tub $319.000. (905)690- 2425 PRIVATE SALE. 715 Woodward. Detached 3-bedroomn home. tm- macuiae mové-in con- dition. GréaI location near echoota, parkiand and GO. Protéxsonatty ý a nted thrxughxut. ès tîxor covéringa. Nés 4-inch colonial buxéboardo. Two wsh- toomo. Cozy den ms.th firepiace. Pinishéd rec rooým. Garage, double dnnvewsy. Privuté yaàrd with deck. $104,00 Cui 878-5019 Open Houée Sunday 1-4 pro. PRIVATE SALE Village Parc Condo - Miltion 2 bedroomn, 2 bathroomn,5 appliances. Freshly painted & carpeted. Indoor parking, pool, sauna, party roocu and guost suite. $179,000. eIll (519)794-3556 nom-I R.C. DECKS AND FENCING LTM. MARK GALSWORTHY SALES/MARKETINGi FENcING / CUSTOM DECKS / DECK REFINISHINra Tel: (905) 876-2326 Invisible Fencang of Burlington 5006 Tremiaine Road, RR#I iltron, ON L9T 2X5 Pani MrCk av (905)876-1288 Enait:pan n(@yi ha! ervenet tée/v site: ww nv i/lýèten i n7 LOADER IRRIGATION Ô Automatuc Irrigation for lawn & gardoen Rlesîdential, Commercial (y Sales & Service Speclallzlng ln Rain Bird Sprinkler Systems Paul Loader cotaco (905) 876-1731 CERTIFIED FOREST ThCHNICIAN Looklng to purchase quallty standing timber * Free On-Site Consultation + Cali Gerry Leveoque as: (905) 371-3550 PO. Box 59, Fenwick, ON LOS ICO -(905) 386-6984 7 CC61 LEGAL SECRETARY 1 LAW CLERK An opportunity existe in our Office of General Counsel loaet ed in Oakvlle, Ontario for a légal secretery/ law clerti. Although the position is being offered on a temporary basis it may exst f or Up to two years. The succesa1u candidate must posss the foliowing gatfica hoflO " Legal Administration Diptoma and/or several years reore experience et a law firm or company; " Good typlng speed arnd proflciency in PC applications. (Windows 95, WordPerfect, MS Word 7.0, Excel, PowerPoint, etc); " Experience in tegal flte management. The positon requirements include- " Aasisting several lawyera with minimum supervision in a team environment, n Thé ability to organizé and pniortize a varied worktoad and 10 demonstrate initiative and eagemess ta, festm; *Strorrg interpersonal and communications akilîs; *Commitment 10, high quality standards. Qualified candidates should aubenit their résume, transcrIpta and références et thé address below. Onty those candidates who are invltéd for an interview will be contacted by the company. Candidates witl be required to démonatrate their proficiency in PC applctons. For Motor Company of Canada, Llmlted Organlzatlon à Personnel Planning Departiment 9PO. BOX 2000, Oskvlie, Ontario LOJ 5E4 Fax: (905) 845-7016 FORD 0F CANADA IS A N EMPLOYMENT EOUITY EMPLOYER

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