22 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, August 18, 2000 vHeartbr&*eaking finish for local al-star duo Questionable end to round robin play means Milton pair fail to advance to semifinals I By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Controversy reared its ugly head in minor bantam boys basebail play during last weekend's Ontario Summer Gamnes in Clarington. And a couple of local leens were among those who suffeoed from il. Millonians David Aggio and Liam Tennant - 14 and I 3-years-old respeclively - were part of the Central Ontario Basebaîl Association (CUBA) ail-star squad that competed in the 1 O-team toumnament. Rebounding from a lacklusîre start, the duo and their COBA counlerparts were within lhree runs of qualifying for the semnitinals when their final round robin conlest reached its lime limit and was callcd. Questionable conclusion This in ilself would not have been cause for debale had the game slarted on lime - but that wasn'l the case, since a number of Inter Counly team players arrived late. COBA took the six-inning clash 2-1, hut would have needed to score three more limes in order 10 win a runs-for-and-against liebreaker and advance in their division. With a couple of runners aboard when the game was cul ahort, their chances of doing that appeared slrong. "Il waa pretty disappoinling," said Liam, who along with David was hand-picked l'or the ail-star team. "They really should have let us play the full seven innings." A heatbreaking finish aside, Millon's players each enjoyed a fairly impressive showing - ai least over the second hall of their team's four-game round robin stech. Liam was parlicularly sharp at both second base and shortstop, helping îum îwo double plays in a 9-I romp of Windsor's Sun Parlour. He also drove in the firsl mun. on a line-drive single up the middle, in the victory over Inter Country. Solid on the mound Meanwhile, David pitched the first five innings of the latter win - giving up just three bila and slriking ouI four batters along the way. 'My bat wasn'l really there, but I had a much better effort with my pilching and catching," said David, who last summer was picked up by a Burlinglon team (hat caplured silver aI the national championships in PEI. Unfortunalely, Miuton's players and their teammates were a litle slow ouI of the gale and feli 10 bolh Eastern Ontaio (2-1) and London (6-2) in games one and two. The two locals play for the Milton Red Sox' com- bined minor/major bantamt leam, that has earned an aulomnalic berth 10 the Ontario Basebaîl Association "A" division championships on Labour Day weekend. Please fax your sports reports to Stec-veLeBRlanc at 878-4943,- or drop them off at 191 Main St. E. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Miltonians Liam Tonnant (leit) and David Aggio were part of the COBA ail- star team whlch competed at Iast weekmnd's Ontario Summer Gamnes. c45$4ago# 5ekpposîtussq c4uebiss 11 *4~ke1~DîNeàgoos 5.90t»/« 6.1O0/ 6.35«/>t Rates aubject to change 1 yr. 3 yra- 5 yrs. 7 .10,'/C 7. 2Oc/» VARIABL MRGGRAE700./ 905482748009 ABSIY PLAZA, OAKVILLE Third Lina et Upper Middle Love to Sing? Join Us! The Milton Choristers is a community choir, made up of men and women from Milton and the surrounding area, presenting a varied repertoire of both classical and contemporary music. We are Iooking for singers to join us for our upcoming season. Milton Choristers' 2000-2001 season: îe Deck the Halls with Brass, Belis and Chorus (November) Majesty of Baroque (April) Songs of the Silver Screen (June) Rehearsal are Tuesday nights 7.45-10:00 pm, Grace Anglican Çhurch, Milton, starting September 5th; no auditions are required. For more information, cali Robin at 876-3307.