The Canadien Champion, Fnday AugueO 11, 2000 - 3 ino Gorrud's "No. Frifls Outiet"' (pst down the street from their main location). Prices are posted at lowest levels possible and accordingly have to be non-negotiable. This facility's function is to provide a gocd "LOWECR PICE VEHICLE LINE» with a littie higher mileage, but with solid mnechanical warranties & non-accident repair guarantees - plus many other piece of mind assurances. 97 HONDA CIVIC "EX" $2, 98 NISAJFA[TIMAXE $12,8Z 5 sed, air, PW, PL, P.S., PSB., AM/FM cassette. Very popular import with ail the rigrt options Slk #907479. One owner original. Stk #117867. wtChretien T4773 % UlCt svlefrte price. Stk competltors reauis shake. Famlly 4 dr Wl ail tire sport Halton Working # cel~Sè497 Primo Minister Jean = Harder to stay Chretien pollshes hie foreign pcazignIsuneClb relations at the Pollsh 97Oc "OU, X CAS $18995 94JEEP OR CHENUKE LIEDS $12000 ScuigWorld Jamboree Ma iorn al one rianer, inc 3 tirs. leather = oplr 404wt i h pin h rlre Scouting~~~~~~ fle x4wt ai th opin th tonauSo&cmaeeene lu5237 ymdeegneSu#14 held ln Acton lest weekend.ho&cmaetepie t#597. rne.k1493 Scoute flew ln from il count- tries to attend the event. Photo by TED BROWN ( ~ 7 2> 7PONIALC SUNFIRE SE 2JEEP CNEROKEE LTD $9,895 Spoo t blc 0J r eyeonmcl&e,ýZ ý, !eprne&cniio fti n sse op2ons Jst eeesd Ave0. Milt619.div.ond in QO-a5ti9 l sekfris.S