26-Tube Canadfian Ctampion, Fndcay, August il, 2000 - - - --Z oeriýng ru mont a srai ove or twe bedroom apartment or house in or around Mitton. Reter- ences avaitabie. Leave message 519-827- 1549. FOR rent 3 bedroom condo townhouaa. Cen- tral air, 11/2 bath with or without apptiances, treahiy painle1, avait. mid Auguat. Cati 9-5 827-51S1, ater heurs 878-5070. FOR Rent. 3 bedroom bungalow on 4th lina, Acton. $1,.500. Applica- tion before showing. Contact Mark Maiialieu, 876-0633. Common- wealth Real Estale Services Corporation. IIOUSE for et Guelph Lina, Milon. 2 bedroorn hease, 2 mabroon, very ctean, big lot. $825 +. Must ha handyman; raduction tor main- teance in the area and on other units. Rat. (416)787-1125. Evan- inga (416)781.9410 HOUSE tor tant. Ruali, large and dlean, 4 bed- ton, dining ns, large ktchen, living ton wrth tireplaca, office $1 ,650/month + utilittes. Close te Mississauga, Oakviile, and Milles (905)875-1917 MILTON Attractive 2 bedroam house, tenceri yard, garage. $1000 plus utilities. (905)876- 0422 aparnaeni reir renm. Avaitabte laI Sept. $750 plus hydre. Cati (418)663-7756 ROCKWOOD sunny 1 bedreen nain ttaor apartnent bigla ceilinqs, hardwoed tlonr, ait in- clusive avaitabte Sept. Is. Commercial space avaitabte. 519-856- 4900 FURNISHED on lor test, weed steve and tridge. Phone aller 5:00 pm. 878-0225 Fa! $3800/nonth. Att inclu- sive. Canpbelville. Avait. Oct. 1. Phbase lot appt. 905-691-4673. ton houe for stle te Dorset Park on 50x150 lt. Pride et ewnenship apparent tbreugbeut. open bouse Sunday Auguat 13, 2000 Iran 1 -4pn. 878-2939. FLEASE RECYCLE 1HIl5 t'AIER Woodward. Deiached 3-bvdroom home. im- maculate moe-in con- dition. Great location seat achools, parkand a nd GO. Pretesaiensily p ainted lhrougheul. New ileor covaringo. New 4-inch colonial baseboards. Twe mash- tons. Cezy dan with tiraptace. Finishad rac ro. Garage, doubla drivamay. Privsta yard with deck. $194,900 Cati 878-5019 PRIVATE SALE ilage Parc Condo 2 bedroomn, 2 bath- room,5 appliances. Froshly, painted & carpeted. Indoor parking, pool, sauna, party room amd guest suite. $179,000. Cali (519)794.355 PRIVAI! Sale: Tmo story ail brick, ibrea badraom bouse in Mil- les. Fisished rac. monm. 2 1/2 mashron, 2 lira- places, double nae. 40'x187' Lot $229900. (905)875-1528 leave message. 5F'RING CLEANING? Advertie your Garage baIe lm ffr Canabian (bampion is the fiyer distributor in Milton. Our regular customers include: *A&P BIWAY CAMPBELLVILLE FOODLAND OC CNADIAN DIABETES * CNADIAN TIRE * CSH WAY *CHINA HOUSE *GOODLETS *HOME HARDWARE I.D.A. DRUG STORES * LOBLAWS * M&M MEATS * MAXI & CO. " MILTON MALL * MOORES THE SUIT PEOPLE " NO FRILLS " RADIO SHACK " SEARS " SHERIDAN COLLEGE " SHOPPERS DRUG MART * SMITTY'S " TOWN 0F MILTON " TOYS R US " WAL-MART " WORK WORLD * ZELLERS .plus many, many more use the Milton Canadian Champion for highly effective and cost-efficientflyer delivery. Pick your preferred distribution day - Ilbesday, Friday & Saturday. The only distributor with day after verifications, so you wilI know the effectiveness of your flyer. Ask your sales rep about Flyer Bonuses ... available only through The Canadian Champion The Milton Canadian Champion Distributed more than 9.6 milion flyers in 1999! Cai your Champion Ad Representative 878-2341 R.C. DECKS AND FENCING LTM. MARK GALSWORTHY SALES/MARKEING FENCING / CUSTOM DECKS / DECK RERINISHINO Tel: (905) 879-2329 Invisible Fencing of Burlington 5006 Tremaine Road, RR#1 Milton, ON L9T 2X5 lube Fence Yordog safeOhome.- Punt McCteurv <905) 876-1288 Entail: pamnrcg@gI<>uhulserve.net Web Site: wwwinvisibleýfence.com LOADER IRRIGATION Automatic Irrigation S for lawn & gardon Residential, Commercial ( c Sales & Service Specializing ln Raim Bird Sprinkier Systemsll Paul Loader (905) 876-1731 11110 OFS IT caliI878-2341 REQUEST FOR PROPOS.AL 8Wd documents tor tihe contract or service lIsred below, aodressed to the Manager ut Purcoasiog. 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3Ll will be recerved untit 2:00 pm. Oakville time on the specitied clesing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Puîcbasing Divi- sion et the Corporate Services Department, same address as ahane, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7573. Documents will be avaîlabte tor pick up on and atter thursday, Auguot 10, 2000 There is a non- retundabte depeoit ut $25.00 plus $1.75 GST. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting wiIl be held ou Tuesday 15, 2000 uit 9am ut the Halton Regionai Headquarters, 1151 Brente Read, Dakviile, ON in the Sheridan Revm. Potentiai prepenients wiil be giveo the oppertunity te ask questions cencerning this proposai. Bido wiil be epened te public at 2:l5pm on tbe due date specitiod in the Nelson Rnem at thse abeve address. Those submittiog bide are invited to attend. Undor ne circumotances will tacoimile or lote bido be occepted or considered. Loest or any bid net necessariiy accepted. 00-P-002 REGIONAL COURIER SERVICES CLOSING: THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2000 D. BIRKETT, ACTING COMMISSIONER A. MINDENHALL, CPPO, MANAGER CORPORATE SERVICES PURCHASING SERVICES wwetbidscom www renioin halton.n.a/Services/Denart/Cors)/Porcbasina L 1 -