Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Aug 2000, p. 25

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SERVICE SUPERVISOR r ------------------ Progressive medicai equipment cornpaxy i seekiog a meticuixus anti conscienfixus pursxn 1 I\FlLrC-ii~.' 10 supervise anti perfores service. Yxu: Have i gooti mechaxicai skiiis, somne basic eiectricai I knowiedge & eucellent prsbiemn soiving abiify. I Make a diffeoence i Furfber you communicafe weii anti cao super- I in the ife of a child throrigh vise oChers. Some Irse needeti.I Ropiy by fax 905 - 825 - 0501 1 YMCA empLoyment i is cuireoiiy souking a permanent pari I mn pesin Dutieni eclude seli xg puini & reluteti preducto to 000 relail & rarle coîtumens, merchandising, miuing paint, cash reisieti dues. Preolous relaît ennerience woud ire cenoidereti an aiiet bot oi neceiîory. Mail be available te work flexible houri. Applica- tions / resumen te ire laxed, dropped off or maiiled en GUDIEN PARNTS Atteiton: Stoe Manger Far (elle) 842-480 CLEAN-UP PERSON/DETAILER required FRJLL-TIME for the cleaning and detalling of new & used cars. Va8id driverls licenso equr Must be dependlable, oncetusad wllling ta lemmn as we wall train thea rlght person. Forwsrd resumnes t0: Dale Cogswell Kerr Cadillac Pontiac Briick lnc. 410 South Service Rd& West Oakvle, Onstario L6J SCI Fax: (905) 845-4U94 DRI VERS WANTED Wednesday, Fniday & Satrirday Moming & affemoon shifts available. Good sterlng nage Car rcquired Cmli Pearl (905)845-3824, ext. 281 (Louve Mesago> CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTITIVE Join aur growving teamn and lselp with computer scheduling of drlvfng lassons, administrative duties and telephone conselling for YOUNG DRIVER» stridents as viel as aur CoIlsionbraem Driver Improvement clients. You must be computer comtortabf e ta work with aur cuistoms software, willing ta meet stridents with a smile In your voica and detail aaiented ta maintain YD lnstnuctar Systerna. Wc intend ta meut strident expectations of excellence and maintain Uic standards that helped us attain oput IS09001 Registration. Mlase drap mbt YOUJNG DRIVERSO af Caniada, 235 Lalceshore Raad Est, Suite 104. Locatcd in dawntown Oakviile ta coin- plete an application frors 10-4pm. Builingon ftst ouo@iies ASSISTANT CIRCULATION MANAGER Tha Burlington Past is seeking an individ- ual who's highiy mativatad and resuits dri- yen, confident saitis strong communications akilis plus a background in s custamer ser- vice oni-ented organization ta Iead and motivate staff ta, meet company objectives Tise ideal candidatc wiIi have s comn- puter familiity and proficiency relUs soft- ware such as MS Word and Excel. Saiary com-mensurate wfth education and expert- ance. Please submidt yaur resume ta: The Burlinaton Post Atmn: Steve Crozier, Distribution Director 2321 Fairviere St. Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 Fax: (905) 632-1024 We thank ail applicants, however, only those'selected for an interview will be contacted. SCHOOL AGE CHILO CARE Supjewsors & Assstants 1 1 Resposible/texrble indruals reuire to work in oui 1 before and afier (sati rlrhkl uchool age child cure programus I 1 in thre laaxillox/Burtioglon area schools Prograxo provide tare for childrer aged 5 toi?2 yeaîr, before arnd aber sclrool on PA days, Chrristmras lrolrdays and Murcr 8ra.. Requireorents: Mort ire 18 pears if age & hrave preulous coachirrg/surervisory experieoce. le. Lunch room 1Supervisai, girl guide/boy scorut leader, sports coachr. [CE, Clrild & feutir or Recreaiue diplorora appicarrfs elcore. 1 Fox or mfl resune bAugust 1, 200tthe ttetion of Shor CampWel Famrly & Chrldrexo Servnces I9ICA 01 HOndta/lwugw 1 79 7tla St. 5.amtc, ON L P2ZI Fox (905) 52946682 fYMCA SONTARto LA MARCHE MARCH DESDorssous hUdOP OrMES DE L'ONTARIO FUNDRAISING COORDINATORS (Excellent entry or job re-entry opportunily) Self-starters are required from early September, 2000 ta mid March, 2001 on a contract basis ta implement annual fund raising programa in: Georgetown, Miltion, Mlsscauga and OakvIIie. We are looking for outgoing individuals who have experience working vit h volunteers, are organized and who possess excellent communication akills. We are an equal opportunity employer. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Ploaso mail rosunsb August 101h ta: Jo, The Mlssissauga News, 3145 WoIfodaIe Rd., Mississauga, ON, L5C 3AI) t paini ad pope peopis 475 Main Street Eat Requares a fullime salesporsonw~ho enjoys decorating. Training provided . Please apply in person with resume. SPORTS MINDED PART-TIME RETAIL SALES PEOPLE wanted for new Oakville Sports Store. Excellent cusiomner service skiIIs required. Ploaao ropiy teobox #0Ml, Ombvilic "Mvr, 467 Spmnrs Rd., OmblIc LIE 381 Growrng Oakeilte compaoy requires tbe iollowing for futi-time days, 310/heur, a INSIDE SALES REP CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Must tue uut-goîog, triendly and enjoy the chrallenge of sales andi costumer service. Excellent English tangajage ikilîs reqaired. Cati Lud/ Michell e 905-827-8230 te appty. e OFFICE CLERK for inventory/ shipping sud collections. Mail bave word and Excel uuperience. Seud rosame lu 905-825-2163 Sales Representutivo Metroland Nerespaper in Miitnn is seeking a Sales Representative who is highiy motiosted andi con achieve rauluts in an uggreosive soies utreas- phare. Be part crf as sorurd wisming teuce mith sn uttrac- lina compensatron package including snisry, commission and car siiowanca. Your oespoosibilibieu inclode: " Servicing ond growing euisting accounts. " Prospecting for ond acquiring nues uccoontu. " Prapaoixg format, wintex ond visul prasentations. * Pout uaconduny school diptomn or 2 years axpeniance in markoeting. "A houx deim tx succreed und udvonca. "Tis a bilfy ho monage seoueral prxduchs concrraety * Good communication, orgonizaion andi f eam siis. Pinsn forward rasume ta 19tw Co n ") C11111101011111 Attenion: Bill Begin, Generl Manager 191 Main St. E. Mition, ON L9T 4N9 Mida Auto Service Experts CLAS IIA rEnr MECtANICS rRequrretieerei, self-motivated and experienced persan to join our "rNEW MIDAS" teans. We offer excellent start- ing salaries, group benefit package, an- going training and more. Successful candidates meeting these qualifica- tions drap off or mail your riune ta: Midas Auto Service Exporta 178 Guelph St., Georgetown, ON, L7G 4AI Atta.: Bily Industrial Electrician Licenseti Etectricians requireti ta work with a minimum of supervision for a large foaed processing plant. Applicant must be a self-starter witb strong contrats sud PLC's troubleshooting skiltu. Ratating shifts, $24.25/ br ta start. (Ail 4th or 5tb year appreatices are welcome, applicsable rates reili apply). Pinsn sentd resumne ta: Hunian Reseurcea Officer Maple Ledge Farns Ltd. R.R. #2 Nervat, ON LOP 1KO Industrial Milwuright Large Brampton Company requirnu experienceti Mitlwrigbts. Must hotti a vatiti Ontario Mitisarighs tireuse. Experi- ence la pneematics, hydraulicu, rebuitdixg of pumps and gearbaxes, stick and tig wetding, ptsmbing and trouble sbootixg of processiug equiposens. Rate crf psy $24.25/ lit. Midnigbt shift. Must bave own (Dois. Please senti resumne to: Human Resorarce Officer Maple Ledge Fanai Led. R.R. # 2 Noral, ON LOP IKO reqiMnor o non7 i'?gf e Mé-u ýisîiîsaoga anus. Ideut candidate wiut bave s stronn knowledge if AI 5s, Ys and 2 famiiy PLC's, as wtii as, Siemens PIC familiarity. Esperience in hardware andi commu- nication canligursiion, wilb eopoiore lu iMI's a muit. Appiicaniî wii ire required te perforr field support wiih ledastnial Electricians and projet cammission- ina. Candidates must ire ftuent in bnth Windows and DOS sysieres & aise have excellent cammunication ikilis. Pinsn lax or mail your resume Io: M.S. ELECTRIC CO. LII. 1462 Wallace Rd., Dablls, M LII 2Y2 Fax 905-27-7430 REQUIR11ED Part Time Eveninga and Satrirdays Please contact Robert Browning at 875-3673 or fax resume ta 875-3676 8M.ltL5ER M 65Main St.E. Milton, Ont. * a erNtwork; %e We have an ummedrate op.enm es ur accounting deparuraentResponsibitiMes ta include: A /P iqure and processrng, dheque runs, suppler reconcilsutiona and the preparatian and pasting of depanits. Must heu antronrg teamt ployer te join aur Oakrritle location. Piee fowr or resuame by entait ta, or by fax (905) 847-2471 Affordable relistia chilt- care, trul tUme or pai time Mon. to Thure. OLV areS. Pleasa cati 878- 9482 DAYCARE requireti for 9 yr old before & sItar scisool. Same Sherraut ares. Cati Kelly eren- imgs 876-426 LOVING Day Care pro- videti in my home, J.M.Oenyes ures. Dsiiy walsik, noîritionsi meas. Registereri reili the Hal- ton Chiid Care Registry. Cai a75-3163. QUALITY tisycara avuilabia. Play Centre, ii- brery, croCts, wsiks. Cai Carol at 876-0620. ACCOUNTANT Re- qaireti. Anr Espars Com- pany la Mitron raquires an acoouatiag clark ID perfai genremi sc- counting dulies (bsnk reconclrations, geneal iadger analyrsis, month- eci procedures, etc)j. Accounting asperiexce anti strong computer sila are requireti. Pref- erener wiit ba gheen lx candidates woriang ta- reards an accounting designation. Piase for- wrd your rasuma by fax ta 878-0096 (Alto: Lee Hacker>. OFFICE ASSISTANT - Moi-Fil. 10 S.m. ID 3 pre. Answenng Tête- phsonea, Courier, Ship- ~ ng, & Canerai Office atlas. Woitxing knowl- atige of computers nec- esary Fax rasuma ta -% The Family Place has chiid care openinga in their Infant & Toddler Roama for September 2000. For mare info cail Kelly 878-0121 9 ' .tinexts SMignature, mint acondition, excellent mechsniciiy, festner, sityroof, louieti, newiy, psinted, $4900. 878-2777 GOUU'5 SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITIi FAMILY VALUES WE - tUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTt0N 0F USED VEitICLES IN MILTONI 875-2277 Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or prchase yorir car or tnack Hwy 25 S. at Derry Rd. 878-2393 Tise Canadian Champion, Friday, Ariguot il, 2000-25 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Credit and Collectionls Reporrng ta tise business manager, aur Oakvrlie office requîres person with thse foilowing reisted expeniexce and atolls. This posi- tion lx respansibie for maintaining the sccuracy and timelineus of accounts receivabie information wehite ensuning tise credit wortisi- nesu of tise customer reflected witlsin and coiiectibiity ai their accounts and muse aiso pocess tise foiiowing: *Computer Literacy *Collage dipioma in accaunting or 2 years of relevant experience *Seif-motivsted oulti tise abiiity ta ware independenty *Excellent orgaxizationa skiiis *Abiiity ta deai witirate customers or alies represantatives *Abiity ta contact and negotiate payosent Fax before Auguet lGth, 2000 ta: TorI Casas, Busincas Manager - (905)337-5566 We regret that only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

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