24-The Canadien chammpion, Frfday, AugtJ5t 11, 20 Mature Drivers Requiredi For Occasional pickup & IAs delivery of vehicies for - auto dealer. IPs Dniver's abstract a must! . Phone: (905)875-4925 P Springridge Farm Cnaney Iitzwrsskey'ssep rriten htmas:nn K I ! be H I'c SelEvens anFd Setrdaye MutBaevlld drvS liene P.. . ol T o r Giesse o t ma Robrowing at 875 3673 655 Mainl S t Ue, Mlor, Onti Pickuo MILTON MALL aletant Cosmetlc Manager 8 houes par waak. Invoivas somae avanings and rsaakanda. re-Time B.rnuty AIvlSOIr rivoivas evaninga and rsaakends. 1t-Timne Cashior/Merchandiaer yme, avaning and waakand shifta avallabla. p application at dispanary counitar. sould be an assai. Positions include day, evening & weekend hours. Please submit resume to: à COUliUTRY 14ILlE 265 Main St. E. oFx (905) 854-3529 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is nos hiriog full lias l2pîn-8am, 8a-4pn and part time 4prn-l2pm. Tire succensful applicarrts muet be feisble, hioy motivated and able bo woih wseads. Vair motiva- iorral sirits coutd sain you an average lroudy wage oi betreei $1O-lOllrr euht a base psy of Wrffr. Fiesa apply in persair at40 Cirisirtir Drive. No phone catis plefse. Part-time Salespersen Requlred Medium to, high-end leather furniture galtery seeking professional, efficient and knowledgeable part time salesper- son. Experience preferred. Must be available to, work flexible achedule in- cluding weekends. Also: fuît and part- time Feindter Delivery, Persons are re- quired. Heavy lifting involved. Apply in person during store hours at the: The Olde Hida Hersas. Lîfetime Furnîttare Gsllen 49 Eastern Avre., Actes, ON MAPLE GROVE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC has hialtopening for Ptrmsntenl P/T STAFF Thurs sond Fr eoenings sond Ssiurday mornings Fiase hsnd deliver resumnes lu: 511 Maplegrove Dr., 14, Dalrville "ONTARIO LA MARCHE M ARCH D!5 Drs sous hdOF tiMCOtE L'ONTARIO FUNDRAISING COORDINATORS (Excettent entry or job re-etry opportutfy> Self-starters are required from early September, 2000 ta mid March, 2001 on a contraci basis ta imptement annual fund raising programo in: Georgetown, Mlton, Mississauga and OakvilIe. We are tooking for outgoing individuats who have experience working with volunfeers, are organized and who possess exceltent communication skills. We are an equat opportunity employer. On y candidates setected for an interview rerli be contscted. Plasa mail resues byAut 9fr to: c/o The Mlsalasauga News, 3145 Wolfsdale Rd., Mlssîssauga, ON, L5C 3A9 EXP. MECHANICS UP TO $24IHOUR required futt-fime for busy lifi fruck shop. Excellent benef ils & bonus. Apply eo: Haltors Lif t Truck, 1054 S. Service Rd. Est, Oakville Ontario L6J 2X7, tel: (905) 849-5855, fax; (905) 849-3515 PETrS ON TrV Dogs, Cats, Birds and Exotic Animais needed for TV commerciais, senes, films, cataiogues and brochures. Send picture wif h name and phone number with info on pet 10: RO. Box 58541, 197 Shepparcf Ave. E.. Tor., M2N 3A8 ALLSTATE INSURANCE W.,.e groWng In Oakvflie. Wara looking for auccasofui satas parlorm- ara. Vou hava aitier y aur Lufe or Ganarai Agents Licansa. .W offer untimitad incama potantiel, guarantaad salsry + commissrans. Banalita and psid axpansas. Oppartunity ta, mn your awn office. Sand rasuma ta: Vinca De Angalis, 2427 Trafligor Rd., Unit 1, Osivitte, ON L6H 6K7- e: (005)257-0068 MacLachian College PART-TIME LIBRARY ASSISTANT RosponsibilitiOs silli octate proooioig assistance for lire oponalion of theo MacLachian Collogo Libnary. Training in Liirory Procodrtors wili ire provirter by tho Librarian. Exporionco in a libnary eoienon is rtesirabto as sali as being computer liioralo. Planssh.blt a cavar lttr à tasints ta: P. Keer,, U- ail, 337 T~ala M., Odalle, M LSJ 3813 sahaswutrlsb reom Initial Secuntry is recrutng Pa«t-rime Temporary Security Officers for the Bell Canadian Open at Glen Abbey. If you enjoy fresh air, tire game of golt please submit your resume pnior to Astgust 18, 2000 t0: Initial Securlty, 54 Centenniat Parkway North, Hamilton ON Tel: 1-905-578-6955 or 1-800 613-9458 Fax: 1-905-578-6993. Initial Security Services XTL Transport, lac. & Coast te Coast Personnel lac. Currentiy have positions availabie for AZ OWNERDOPERATORS AND DRIVER S We wili be hosting a JOB FAIR Fri., Aug. 18 & Sat. Aug. 19 ait 5th Wheel Truck Stop & KittIing Ridge Winery Inn QEW~ Exit 74 For presentation times & bookings please cali Catherine at 1-800-665-9318 ext 4498 International Moving Company Due to expansion. Cia, Wsniw.Meu ira as sperrngn for lire lollosiot * river/Crew Chiot (il or B-Z Licenso> * ouseood Coudes Packers/Wrappsrs Esperience on overseos moving desirairle but sot esseolîsi as training relt ire given. Drivers must hove citas abstracl. * Wareoose Superviser/ Dispatcher Experrence on shipping sort receroing, goort communication sius sort lorirlili topri- ence roqoired. Must hove abilty ix ooersee sarerouse staff sort operation cree Io lSO tf02stantarts. Ail applicaots monut ire boodable sort self-mslivolet. We sufer fulfime espoymeot, good sage sort ienefil package.A»!t: 1375 Artisans Court, Burtington, ON 17L 5Y2 e Afin: Davidi Webrster Consltant Perfeci parltime prolessionsi posit ion. Weeisnds ond somte eveings. Are you oufgoing, personable and interasted in a sales carsar? Fax rasnte la: (906> 639-0996 COMCARE H-EALn-I SERVICES Accredited by lire Conudion Couscii on Heuilir Accreditulion Srvices s NOflLECUITN PSWmIf 0 MOis MMW LvI 1,2 &3 Ils 0 IPIlS Those iotorostod in lui- ivg Gomcaro's Home Soppurl L vi 1 Course qouiify for ompioymovl eulh Ccu 1355 Plains Rnt. E. Budingion, L7ff 3P7 Tel: (905) 637-5271 Fux: (905) 634-4661 Are yon ai etergeric prorns FIFTN waning te, sort ia a fait MHERL paced environmesr? We arr currently acceptiig applica- tions for thre followins: FIT.Pfr Shart Order Coois FfI tOP-?1 Arn Dlsbwanber F/T Maintenance Fa.TIT Fuel Attendant Appty in prorn: Fifrir Wheel Truck stop 40 Cbisholrn Dr., Milton .... ' AVAILABLE IMMEDIATEL CUSTOMER SERVICE REP/ SALES CLERK Full time (approx. 35 hrs/week) includes one evaning par week & sorte Saturdays. Muai be bondable. If you wish to worc in aà pleasant atmosphere with gresi people send your resumne to: Box 2349 c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main St. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Attendant Service Worker JOYCE SCOTT NON-PROFIT HOMES $11.35-$12.85 HOURLY People wilh goori communication sius sort loont pirysicai lifoess are neacien t 10ssisi oniolis Mth a physicai rtisobitity in actiities of dsily living. Tire soccessisi opplicoot must ire skie to sari o variely of shifts, have reliobie vericie sort ire skie to rtrive in ail aroos of aotIon. Training provirfer. Successi caorti- dotes sut ire subteci to o Criminol Chock. Contact IProgra Manage 8784722 or fax raconta fie 878-o4m. KIDSI KIDSI KIDSI - AGES 2+ - Wsntad for TV & Movia jobs'l No Fasl ManWoman 16-65 yrs. Naadad for amaf No entras. Parents CaOU <410) 221.3829 "Free Training" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US FOo0 0 ) Caîl us aow ait: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laidiaw s e n equal oppoetnity employer Permanent Positons avallable fer FaIt Hirlau 11. 3 Full il. Flmer Salea/ctmpetitive sagesl6enefit Package Offered. 1 Part-lima Cook Partima assioclatet oeeded for varlous areas/casirfftoor/aioroiog cres/restaursot. iease luIt st Zetiers Application at Our Service Desk (ooly completed applicationrs considered) R.A.M. LGTN FULL TME RIAM Ligjhting requires energetic person frgeneral office duties. Computer skilîs required. AppIlin person to: 30 rnte St., S. Milton AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW AND LEARN WITO A PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATIION! Local ceoate giftware anufacturer ta accepi- meg applications for Culi-Urne permanent crani productien positions ($9.(XI/Hour eo start. witir a cottribution-based progression sysicai and profir-sing). Stilîs requirent are arrose self-initiative, tram- sort. communnication, probieai-solvttg and asual dexterty. lndividsals will work to bring oui tireir oms. tiroir toais and rire bussi- sess potentiai, tirrougir perfairmito any dif- forent typos of work. Heavy lifting requirent. Hours: M-F. 7aai.4pai. Britg ressaie ot Mon. Atg. 14 to Wed. Aug. 16 betweet 7 amn and 4 pin, to: AIU Fired UpI Ltd. 180 Nipiasing Rd., #1 Milton, ON Pmolioes applîcantt oseent laPty Burlington Association for thre Intellectually Hmndlcapped raquiras: Rosidmntial Livo-In Manger$ Tir association correniiy oporoles 12 homes for per- sons suI intleuled disoirilities trot are supenviseni by a manager airo renintes in lire home. Tire manager is sali compeosaleit siti o doiiy rate of core. free accoimmorlolion and living enponses. Staff sop- Ud is alno providedto theibouse to ossint the Lirs-In nagerto prvide uppo t Irte 4 nesideols oft sacir home. This is on ideai position for an individuel or couple to maintain direct contacti sur clients sort at fia snm lime dersiop management and administra- tiresknitls. Tire successisi candidate(s) wnli ie se- sponsibie for tire ovrroi oporalion orif ire home, cane managemeet of fia residenis living in lire home, fami- ly liaison, coordination of services surh commonity ageocien and directing tire day-to-day support reqoired for tia renideols. If ftho soccessiol candi- dole(s) are a couple, one0 lirte pariners con continue 10 sanrk out-side of lia home. Inlerested appfi- canIn nhooid loreord lireir nesomes iry Augosi 2eh. BAIN, Human Reoes 3057 Mainway Drive Burlingion L7M lAi e Fax: (905)335-9919 o.utlus mpgrdliam a lus? Coul tobyn tRheinluorter, Live-In Mgr:(905i335-t504 Y1NtçA Iscurrovlly turing ful sort porltime staff: " Saear@ & After SQuel pragra. 15-30 hi/eh 7:30-Purs & 3-tpm " Todilon & Presohool Full 1100 6-9monlir conîruci. ECE reqoîrod SProsohool lastructors Part-lime coniruci 10-20 hi/eh *Yomt* Secer à Bsliethall Csaoh efsrm *StqPly Staf Applicants muni ho minimum ityrs. Crimina Check & medicai reqoired. Suirmit resome o L ori Jacques, 410 Ilahacc St., Odmila, LU 117 or Fnx :965- M424172 tesumes sl hoe acceplod onlil ail positions are hulent.