Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Aug 2000, p. 23

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Thse Canadien Champion, Friday, A CRAMP, Stewart - tn lovin g mernnry nt a dear husband, tather, and grandtather sha paaaed away Aaguat 12, 1998. Thara are thaae, whosa lita, daath cannt di- miniah. Hia love radialan torever, ln the hearts ai tovad anas. His light shinas on la the lies ha han toactnad tar so many yeara. Vivian, Brlan, Hilary, Caillin, Taytar, Brande, Don à Sharon. CHRISTOPHER GALIOTO tn toving memory of Christopher Salvatore Galioto, Who died Aug ual 10, 1995. Vour very bnîght lîght mas extingutshed much loci scion. We misa you, Love, Mom, Dad & Maria HALLER; ta Icving memra ofVivien Luctle Those se love remaia wlth as, Fnr tnve lIsait tives on. Chertaheai memnories neyer fade because Oaa loved is g0e. Those we love can neyer be More tha a ttnnught spart, For as tong as teres a mernnry Ttsey tins on ia oar heart. Cdieg, Grant, Eleverly, Val and thelr Familles. Wet a spînitad amile And a nod of the hesd Itt an anknown lad Peacetutiy p on rere tead. The gardea iablooms lsc swe ershn rm Oar paint aines aot esse. StItI yau acta in aur mianda And forever ia aur ha arts Tagether aur joamey is over White adiviae one stsrts. The garden an bloome Eactn petl daacing gently an the breeze Ils seet refreahiag aroma Our pain ft doas aot esse. Ia ait of us lods y Misccr aapieceet yau W, hotgur heada high As you woutd asIe us ta do. The gardieaia blooms Esot paea dancing geaitpia the breeze Ils sceet rerenhiag aroma Our pain d doas not esse. '1We Mis You Uonn...We Miae You", Ban. Nathan. Laaha à Adame Muli farnily of John soif Loto Richardson woulif like ta sincerety tlnank St. Gearge's Anglican Charch; J. Scott Eaely Fancat Home staff Icido speciat tttanks ta Jeramy Liagis for hiu direction. cure soif corefort). Tlnk yoa ta farnity: friands soif neighbouts for ail of die love, support, con- cern. an calt as aitthen donations, flowern, special hlep soif fond during dia pasi fèe waeks folIos- meg dia tragie car accident diai tob oua parents' tintson Salorday. auty 151h. Nancy soif Gary Monte Lariy soif Sharon Richardsona Dace anif Sheila Richardons Wayne Richardson ESTATE AUICTION SALE For thse ltl Ivan & Kathleen Ctarridge of Milton, plus additions, Wadnesdlap evening, Augual 16 at 6 R. in thse Agricullural Hall on Robert St., Mîlton Fatrgnounda, Milton, Ont Previewtng sarta at 4:30 P.M. AuclioNsant - DON COLUNG 877-0117 i Mon ALg jl t4 n Prea'ea. lrom 3pme _EaC Rudy Thepe. Maving East L"ue17 151 1 MIM. A111 1UO11X. 4 M 801111OF MM (24 MM) Consislisg nf Hoasehoif & Antique items. Shop & oa & gardee equip. Partial LisI Onty: 9pc cal. Giti- bard dissem saite, astique caria cabinets, Pensian raga. titchesAid washer/ airper, 2 yrs olf, aide-bp- aide tnidge gasif shape, modem pine 2-dr armaire, ses wuadbumisg slave, antique rocker, bank harts, odif dressers, Easy-nff carpet cleaner, I' ust charcb pas, sonder tub stand, eIder Inys. misc. glass & chi- na, Vict. rackrer, 2 Ultmamatic 3 shuel canas, Bruns cadi aider, Farnis 18 HP 61' tract maunt 3-shuel rui- iag asser, B HP trait typa coud oplilter, 1001 cadar rails, 38' an seeper. tece pant, tiramnaif, 8 fi- berglass dinghy, sppraa. 35 aq.I. Argyle cinyl siding (dlay>, dbt soamobite traiter, 14« bond sas, 4500 selt ganeratar, Pro-Air vertical air campressar, 24' satellite dish, B HP Aries anas blaser, beach drill press, 1000 PSt pressure washer, comhinaian 6' & 9' disc sonder, 1iF radial ose sas, Eli partable mitre sas. cas 5' patio daar, H.D. submersible pump, 100' of 3-1/2' caated tancirg, air 1/2 tan chain lotI, 2 pool pampa & tiller, Wetdmate 75 port. welder, 10' radial arm sas, I HP garden iractar, chains, 3-1/2 HP B&S engina, gaad sel. hunif & paser tools, sheethorros, StihI 044 choin sas, Stihl cul nff sas, 35 gal. autaide commercial shite paiet.. This is i gueif dean offering aitti many more boasebutif & shup reoteif items. Terns-.,Casheor Chq. day of sale. Four year oId Black, Wýhite and Orange tabby car. Right aide of face As btack, left aide As white with somne orange around eye. XOFIite front. Last seen Auguo 8, Camnpbellville Rd and Weetihan area. She As wearing a collar with a veaerinary tag. Cati 905-854-0635 U~LrMIEq o riniessiottrai ouylua. "n docks abrippeci andi refinisheci la nere. Cedar [Speciatil Free Estimalas. (905)632-1074 TUES, 7AUG. 15 e S'ale AIthe SHAFER A 2004 Caraline St. Important auction sale con Coltectibles tram carioas Carey) & private individua qualily glaao & china, etc. hausetrali ettecîs Delivery Ceuh, vs, av, i D1r ta Barlington, Caral the QEW & Lakeahore 311*1ER *001100S Caîl tor conaigamen Edwui I. 51.8 PREVIEW A: www PICK VOUR OWNl PICKLING CUCIJMBERS 6 pmn Presles 4 prî Ganhic & DIII UC TION GALLERY AT CHAS. GREIG FARM (ai Brant) Barlington Bob & Mabet Devolîn siais ai qaliy antiques andf 15 Sideroad, 1 mils ment of TrafaIger Rd. estates (i. Coalsan & 3rd. drlvswvay ment 0f R.R. Cracks. Is. Antique ak & sel. ltn., Free RecApes Contemparary turnishings & DalIy: M-F: 8-, Selt. & Sun. 8-5 anoîtoble. Weaîher & Conditions Pormittleig tii 5% #qapa 877 748 ieS.muets BrunI baiseen 8778 . me pblcparkig. t or Estute Inioramtios: ar (M0)643-1616 laocatbapandnal cam GARAGEIMOVING SALE 810 COULSON AVE. Millon. AUG. 12 S:OOAM.12:0PU» RAIN DATE AUG. 13 GARAGE SALE SAT. AUGUST 12th 8:0OAM - i :0OPM S FAMIUES + 25 VICTORIA STREET Vartety ofit auN, lncludlng baby & kid Items such as double etrotter, change tables, toye HUGE GARAGE SALE AUGI12 -13 SAT -SUN 8-2 Farm my Falthar barn & Marna kitchea atiag, bools, hardware, aida a"af, electric molora, tablas, ayton lie dlosas. 2262 S SIDEROAD MILTON LOT 2XII GARAGE SALE SATURDAY AUGUSI 12100 405 ONTARIO ST. SOUTHl Eaat Sida, 4 houss south of Tilttiumn Schoot. HUGE GARAGE SALE Skis, bikes, pet eqaip. & sapplies. Lots tor everynne. 6351 BELL SCHOOL UNE SAT. AUG. 12 9:00 AM - 2:00 PMi YARD SALE SATURDAY AUGUST 12- 8:00 A.U. . 1:00 R. 681 McCOLL COURT (Milton) GIANT GARAGE SALE SATURDAYISUNDAY AUGUST 12 à13 3344 -20 SIDEROAD NASSAGAWEYA 1 Mile east of Guelph Lina. Famhare, bikes, computers, and mach mare? 10 AM -4 PMBOTH DAYS. GARAGE SALE m2 LYNDSAY CRI. 8:00 AM SAT. AUG. 12100 Varlely of Items GARAGE UOVING SALE 5040 NO. 2 SIDEROAD West of Trernane SATURDAY 12TH AUG. S AU Fumiturè, alises, beanie babies, camping GARAGE SALE SATURDAY AUG. 12 9 A.M.- 12 P.M. 815 CEDARBRAE AVE., MILTON KIda carseat bike seat, laya couds, dryer& more. BONUS! ALLcIassfied Ads appear at... www.mifoncaaùihupm.coml The YMCA of Greater Toronto is carreatty accepaing applications for its Georgetown, Actos and Milaon lncations. Positions include part ime preschoot, hefote soif after achont cote and supply Early Childhood Diptomaus soif Recreatn Diplomas are reqsired for anmte of the positions. Please forward your restâmes tn Part Edwards at Fax# 878-7633. A criminal referesce check wAtt he required prior ta startin ynsr positions. Ooly those selecieif for an interview witt be costacted Mature cashier requîred for part time days - must be avail- ble to continue these hours through school season. Apply within "AZ YARDMAN" Retiabta AZ Driver raquirad ta yard/shunt traitera, Milaon ares for watt estabtishsd transport compsny. Agricuttura back- ground an assoit. Daîty ahflt atari 5:00 arn., Monday - Fridsy 50 - 60 hr. par wask. Complets bensfit package. Start set $15.00 per hr. ncrase la $17.00 par hr. sar tree moneha. Sanci current abstract reIth resumne c/o The Canadien Champion 191 Main Sa., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Box # 2350 or fax (519)442-1962 CCISTOMER SERICE REPS là COR «UTENDANTS Discount Car and %~ck Rentais requires reliabte &enlhusuasuc F/T & P/T people, Milton &Georgetown locations Gi-eat growth potentiel offereýd! You must have a valid driver~s license. Please submil resumne te: 45 Ontario Str, Milton, ON LOT 2T2 Fax: (905) 432-2253 e-nmail: pfllndall@dtacountcar.com Building supplp yard requires EbX ERimVuRS Heavy lifting involved. Dnivers must pr-- vide current drivers license wîth boom Snack experience being an assaI. We provide a competitive atarting wage and company banal ils. Applp in persan ta: Palene, Building Supplies Lld. 7449 Trafalgar Rlood (South ait 401) Hornby, Ontario Telephone: (905)87540279 Attention: Willilam Grandy Trafflo Manager'* YOUNG CANADA Store Manager Be pan ut a inning tearel Wl are searchiegftor a Store Manager tor aur IadIqtaa MII lecaltea in Builinglua. The qualitied applicant musI be a self- starter, caatiauoustp respanaiag Io te challenges ut a tast-pacef, dyaamic eviommiet. The chasen candidate must alan poasesa 3 years et masagement enperience cith a saccestul track recard. Strong communication andf excellent leader- ship skilîs sog aitti vissaI merchiandising quotities, knoteaige et praviding oatstanifing cuntamer service, mnthuaiasm soi ftantin acareneas an asset. If yaa Maid Rire te lab a iyaule tea lhi Mu effer y« a sapffltt salon aad bea- fila M'e g, planais fax peur reaa. te: (ORUi 6w44 Wé are an Equal Oppoitaoîty Employer BAHR Saddiery ra- quires F/T soles assn- claIe t0 ji nar team. Il pou have homse expert- ence, eajoy people, and are a self-starter thîs coulai bhei job for pou. Sales ana/or comeputer esperience as assaI. Coipetitice sages & besetit package. 878- 8885 COFFEE liÎme couater heip required for ail shsfts.Ap'lyn pernon ta: 405 Marti St., Mit- Ion. Ses Sand. FULL lime Grooms ne- quired: yesrling prepa- ratin; Auguel 21-Oc- lober 7 inclasive. Homse asperisace pretarrsd. Phone 905-854-0991: FULL lime sarehouse position avaitabte. If pou are a hardwortriag and depeadlabis paron, Masse fax pour mres te: SL-Speciat Labora- tartes Ltd., Fax (905) 876-3729. MILTON Chamber aI Commerce, Farmeros Market Assistant - Fni- dapa, Saturdays, il hours/eal Augual 25 - October 28. Ta assiat an opeatna Ina Scholar ship'Cale. Reqadre dnv- es icense and acces ta a vefnicle. Briag re- aume ta 251 Main St. E. Cai 878-0581 NIGHT Fuel Bar Attend- anl/seoity poison re- quired 3 aights a seek 10 prn-8ar. Senti re- surne 10: Truck Tacs Terminais 10862 Istelas Ave., Miltas ON, LOT 2X(8 ABsn: Kea Cross. WEEKEND Stable hsip required for trieady, pri- vals bamn of11 herses. Gond wagss tor expert- seced self-starter. 877- 7080 COINITRY Mi, OAI(VLLE Serait, tniendlp hotet an the Oak. / Miss. harder reqairas PIT i Nlit Audlf:r Clark Witt1 train saccessial opplicants. Please cati: (M6) 820-02 REGUIRED IMMEDIATELY Waiebeaaa Pares Cempetitine sage, hanetits. Pieuse matil resame ta: SPECIALTY BOLT a 8T11110 IC. e92880 Argetia Rd, Missauga, Ontario L5N 7X8 Attention: Wareheoe Managerf BROOKLYN Bar & Grill at Burlington BowI CookU e Fuiltime & matue part-trne: Walt staff C0k Assant Bartandars Buaparçona Cuit Moira, 2-6pm for appt: 681 -1000 A teading tlss club requires F/T1eor tser Inat lstels. 0 Cadhhai Paraaaal W a Andeera$42r-2aM Fax resame: 842-2M7 W___ -

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