Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Aug 2000, p. 22

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22-The Canadien Champion, F rdy uuf1,20 Classîfied B0 S HOURS C-"lassified Ads MODYTO FRIDAYAi 9:00AM -5:00PM Mbbn appear at... lmI YOU1e (OD1DUMIIV MARRIAGE 0k Mum, naw like te annocee the marriage cf 1'm reody for their children Shari Ansi Doian cF the car keys! Chrisopher Donald Sheppard I16TH Mum Dod0 Murray & f3uyDi ENGAGEMENT announice the engagemnent of iheir daughier SaTr&ud tarsarehh pgt te Jeremgy Chaplin Wdmg te take place Augusi 26,2000. CARTER - Chuts and Jubie and aister Michelle jotiffymecomnetheoalfe arrivai 0f baby Joeemy Ddlnv oAgs4,2000,melghlng 10 ire 4 oz. et University Hsia, Columbus, &h10. Proud gmandparents are Bett ami Charles Sornerfon; Jira and Susan Carter of Bnunsmrck, MoIne, amdi ,m ami Sarah Smth of Columbus, JOSIFOVIC - Miro snd Aprif (Wison) are happy fa announce the barth of their son Garrot 9 lbs 2 oz. on July 28M0 et Milaon District H-oVptaf. Grandsonfor Dôn & Norma Wilson and Rose Jostovic. Speciel thanks f0 Dr. Sharmna, Dr. Kosiomeki sot sft the moniderfuf nurses. PRIOR - Slavon ami Denise (Colling) are fhrif fat fa announce the arrivai of their nom son Daniel Mervn George, hem Thursday, Augual 3,2000 et 12:58 p, meighing 8 fbs 1 oz. 0f Oakviflo cinotet mlfh Ibeir nom brother. Proud grandpar- ants are M"rvynd Rutb Ann Colfing ami George sud Cathy Prior. Tbsnk you la aur feai- fies for fbeir love snd support. Gramme, firanks for sawys being thora for us. ANNIVERSARY/OPEN HOUSE 11e ad» & f inerte/'e&îdie, te an open» q&aw tIo celàlrauiei ai ai tie mrudd4r Vu Siee Alve., 'Mfilton. Salirday, ,Atu4t 19, 2000 fr-uer 2-S pic. ROBERTSON - Priadila la ftrnfle 10 announce tihe birth of her brother Mackenzie Bradan, 'gh~ing lba. l3oz at 11:llam on July 7,2000. PJsovery happ parents Mikeand Christne (me Wonles) an very ha<~~aot ae Vtonleas, Barny ad .Rbrsnand Alec andi Judy Wilson. Many thanlrs bo ait the greol cars froin Dr. Shonno, Dr. Peersaond ait of tire nurses af Milton District Hospitl.L 8ZOZUCKI - Ted and Jancotor ai Mifton are Vrleàset ta ancounce the birfh of Iheir iret thilt Trvor Patrick James, hem on Auguet 3, 2000 et 10:45 pm, meighinq 8 Iba 5Sos. Trovor e moel-I comod by famriy in Milton, Toronoand~ Chathams ON. Praud grandparants are Emily & Ludmir Szczucld and Paor & Jan MacieomaIri 0f Toronto, Diame and Jiro Bail orf Chathams (grand- pa Jim s fa aching from eheve). Grea gan ants are Roy & Maves Seney and Catherine Bail 0f Chathams. Speciel thenka la Dr. Shanca ami the excellent mafomtity staff aI Mition Destrict Hospilo. Avery spedii hanks bo aur doute ond gond frmcd Cathy Crantes Bothars ai Kingston. Fox 876-236410o lis . off, doKoroyer, Hermon AI the Milton District aflspital on Sunday, Augusf 6th 2000. Korman deCoyr, survived by bis alfa Garr daugbler JoyceRubl and grsndchfldran Michael, Addfio ami David. Predtoesed by fis son Garald. Alsa remanrbared by bis in-lama BiN ami Baba Koa, John ami trame Kola and Henny Genrtsen ond their fomies. Family snd friande visitoed af fhe McKorsio4<ochor Funeral Home 114 Main St. Milon on Manday. The Funeret service mes hofd on Tuesdoy, Augual 8th, 210. foterman loe lamed et Evergrean Cemolery. Donations f0 the MknDistrc HosptalFouridtion mould ba DUPIJIS, foabolla Peecefully at Milton District Hopilon Sunda, August 6, 2000, Mre. lebieDupuls of Milton (Iormeriy Toronto) inj ber 73rd yeer. Boloved mile of fhe laIe RussellI Dupuis. Desriy lovod mother of Janet and ber husbsnd Roc Tomnsond af Miltion and Brce Dupais 0f Barrie. Cherisheri grandmofber of Maftbom, Amy, Jubie, Cary, Alysse snt gresl- granddeugbter Keilyn. Predoceaset by ber grotherGOrdon Priesfly and sialor Dorofby Burgess. Wil be scymissed by many crocos and ne ews. Famil snd friands called 0f tbe J. Scotf Eariy Funoral Hme, 21 James SI. Milton on Wedmesday Irors 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A funeral ser- vice mas beld fromn the Chopai on Tbursday et 11:00 AM. Cremation foliomet. If desiret dons- tions 10 tbe Milton District Hospital or fbe Canadien Cancer Society mouid be sppreciaee bylthe lamly. WrlbeSOn. Davd Piays ed emmbre fo asion fo r thudee n hi ea woodword. omii almaysd be cherse and ated homs maànyso aml afinda he lves band Clrence pec o rampt. Failyand 21 Jmie Sf., s M i nlfo o TuSda fr liom 24 7 9 PMn. eal ser-ice as ofrors anox rferl ain Chrh (inmS, M ilo) on dealred menronal donationsdmay be mode f0 the h oCad n Cace socl y. ntind h frinscle tte.SotEd uneral ome (0)7-69 HAMILytON ria Atrc Min DSt, icton)ta on Saturdoy, Augusf 5, 2000, Mr. Sam Hamilton ai Brngoformetfy of CampbeIelfl e. Befoved husbnda Vers. Loving tailher af Don and his wlfa Jean af Million, Bob and hes wite Carol of Hamilton, Robert and his mile Linda 0f Ottawa and his fate son lirs. Dear grandfather of Amny, John, Jamie, Sarah & Chantai fe. Greotgrondffather ai Tyler and Braons. Survived by his sialers Marie and ber busband Ed Sedore, Carol and her busband David Kemp, off af Kingston. WU1 be sadly missed by bis msny Places and nempbews. At Same request, cre- motion has taken place and s private fsmilly ser- vice mili be hait. If desared, memoriol donations f0 tbe Hant & Sf roke Foundation or charity 0f one% droico may be mode byconfacting the J. Scott Earty Funeral Home, (905)878-2669 MARTIN, David Vernon Passed away peace- fufly at bdime on Friday, Auguat 4th, 200et 76 yesrs 0f age foflowing a courageous baffie mith cancer. David mas ram in Togynlais, Wales. Ha asves Jean bis beloved mile of 51 yesrs. Fathor 0f Phifip, Robert and his mile Mary, Barbera and her busbond Aubrey, Nancy and ber busband Richard and Gmon and ber bus- bond Ken. Ha mill be sadfy missed by his grand- childron Mailhow, Jayson, Samantha, Adrien, Sarah, Trovor, Brait, Rachool and Androm. David semved os a PifoI during W.W.l.l. ith the RAFsand FleotAir Arm. HeoOso worked on the Dewtine in Bain Iland, tbe Avro Arrow and tire Allouetto in Ottama prior la retiring in 1989 as an electronics manager for Mot ro Toronto Walormorks. Ha mas an serd sarlor and charter mamber of the Mimico Cnjising Club. Fsmfly and' friands, galhred aI tbe Mcf<ersie-Kocher Funeraf Homne 114 Main Sf., Miflon on Wednosday, Auguat 9fh 2000 for the funera ser- vice. SOREEN, Margaret <mes bfelop) Pescefutly, at Wamel Vila Retimment Home, on Monday August 7th, 2000 Mme Morgeret Scroon, for- miery 0f Miton, in ber »8t yar. Wlle of the Iota Ted Screen. Survived by her sistors Mms. Mary Homftf 0f Massisseugo ami Mrs. Ruth Spinks 0rf Peterboroughr. She mill be sorely mlssed by eit ber nièces ond nephoma. Famifly snd friands cefied at the J. Scott Esrly Funeral Homo, 21 James Sf., Miltion on Thursday trors 1 PM until timeo0f service ai 3:00 P M in the chopai. Intennent Hotion HISe Mamoriof Gardons. In trou oi flomers, donations f0 the World Wildli fa jFedoration moufd bn spprecotled by Ihe family I ~~~~7 1 ý Ave., sn8828 REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation - are apeitd FIREWOOD ail Split hardmot 12» or 16» - 175.00 For Augu" del. Thon 200.00 Sept. 1. Coul 878-8251 17' Creallrner BatI mrl 105 hp osthoard and traiter-al in excellent candition, barigain aI $2550 050. 905-854- 1881 APPLIANCES - f ridge, 2 door~ Slave; automal- ic mashor li dryor. Alsa, aporlmenl sel. Under Wsrrany. (905)637- FREE Estimales... GaI mobbiy chairs... meak sprinogs...lired lookicg wmodicabhes? We do R ait! Customn moad ratio- ishing1fumilure repairs. Frids Customs Furci- fure. 9-9 daiy 875-4427 MATCHING Cauch & lovasoal (f ho nom) ami vol rocker esc. condi- tion. Sbopamith & sc- cessorios. Ceil 878- 2981 SIT on it-DonIt et mn tI Replacement fams for cushions. Residen- liat/commerc aI. Fields Upbolstery. 9-9, 7 - daysMoeli 87-4427. SUPER Specel. Soa up bo 30% on decocator fobrical Pey no GSTI Love yaur furnilure... bate yar.r calours? Sofa & mafching chair f rom $788. Lovoseaf s tram $448. Chairs fromt $199. Free Estimalea. Senior Discounts. Frids Queli- ly Custom U.pbolstoriog, 9-91 (905)875-4427. ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlimnited Access only $15.95, great local service and support from SURF THE NET. 873-2602 SALE Ky AK POOL 20fr. ahve-groead iramediate deliver. Fkg. Isclades: lier, ladder. asd filtçr, pump & roter, vacuum eratp. 1.800-67564 dday, August 11, 2000 wNMwZMý

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