The Canadian Champion, Fridély, August 11, 2000-21 Terr RcleyMeochammical hic. Your Heating, Cooling andi Barbecue Headiquarters 8978-1.979 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 925 MAIN ST. E., MILTON, UNIT 3 MILTON INTrERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE Standings as of August 9, 2000 Teams Garne Wins Losses Ties Pts. 1 SouthSide #1 21 16 4 1 33 2 Milton Bible 22 16 5 1 33 3 Southside #2 20 15 5 0 30 4 4Hillcrest 21 14 5 2 30 5 New Life "A" 21 12 6 3 27 6 St. George's 21 12 8 1 25 7 HoIy Rosary 22 12 10 0 24 8 Boston 20 il 9 O 22 9 New Life "B" 20 9 10 1 19 10OKnox 22 6 15 1 13 11 St. Pauls 22 4 17 1 9 12 New Life Daf 21 2 18 1 5 13 Grace 21 2 19 0 4 ~.iihi. Thanlk you to Terry Rowley for sponsoring the lIeague Standings. ~9M~Ui~OF1Wka ispmd spomier of Miton Mior Pasebail ~ ~ 6 yl. 1MILT;N'S LITTLE PROFIT DEALER P Thank You To All Dur Sponsors M tn MVr ChampiDonsfilip Dey SchdiI For Givinq Us A Great Besson Mito *M**'*r Ba eb Saturday August IMt, 2M0 The Key Centrs RunlsIdste Vitil us onl the web @WW.kylin-neUtamba (ClOf£nRoty Park ps, unnllsIndstres CulOut& BibTis Scliedul For Re(eoenc) Hunt .P4ymo( h ChrysIer Due ta smre unfortunate circummtances the rachis division player of the gern T-Bail Dlamond Horne çinern Viio, ' X %e~nd scoresedid not makel into the paper thmmeaion. We would ilke to % 9:00-10:30 Roole Bell 4th place va Mhplace recognize ail the players in the Rookie Bail division ihis stamon.( 10:45-11:46 T-Bail A vs B3 Thank you for your patience and undermtmnding on thîs matter. 12:00 -1,W T-BiliC vasD ~Qetv efoa~Congratulations t l h lyr :0-2- 4l klsCnptto 2. -0 3:0 T-asii Laser A/B vs Lasr / tLobaWs Milon MO4I<et LVon an outstanding season. 3:00 40e T-Ssii WInnsr A/B vs Winner CID Brsnis Austo Towne Don q roup e___ * Â~n & NOble InswanoeTristan Amold Curt Barter Grant BeeWe Jody Brooks RyanBras 4h-v51ple TeTodd Campbsîi Ryan Pott Mickey Cramer # ~Jsua iau 10:30-il:30 Roolde Bail Sidilsemrrpeition ThMon Jaylces Michael DwYer Adam Elmee Jason Entimas i- Jeffrsy Eves 11:30 -100 Roolda Bail 3rd place vs Winner 415 Bnc 40 ~V1Kyle Furlk Zac Galbrail - Travit Garnise Aaron Ghoura ý1 Shaun Gray 1110 - 2:30 Mosquio 3rd place vs Wlnner «/ Lifesyles/Drom sta Garage Weston Gw1It 4.Matthsw Hernilley, Jette Hetherington Wyatt Hnatiw 2:30. 4:00 Roolde Bail lot va 2nd Torontlq Dominion, Bank Michael Hopkîns Joseph Isaak Rosa Jolinston 0.'î Adam Kosor Pool Dlamond Gord uOGopJammson King Mitchell Koppers,.., Steven Lester i! Ryain Lisks 9:00 -10:30 Pas Wee 3rd vs 411r Jason MacDonald Daniel MacLeod - Jamnes Marshall Mlke Marhl 10:3 il20 oqi Pe s iîsCme Menitor Milton Transmission Pee sar ihe cliad Toa cs aao catr12:00 - 1:30 Pas Wee lot va2nd Apple Auto Glass Storm McNIsh -~Brandon Mendoza Tyler Moir Spencer Nadalîn 1:30 - 3:00 Mosqiuito lis vs 2nd - Joathn Neîns Mallew erela x Jami PoellOther Events MeCuaie insurance Limited Chris Caputor JoahnNvn ate PriaJm*Pwl Tmophy Preseintations Kentuclcy Fried Chicken Mark Prusha Michael Rlchardaon Stephan Sherman "' Kyle Stevens 0 Mon Spoballks Auen NeUTiasprato Ryan Stevens James Teesier î' Bryan TW»a Brock Wannington 0 Sila Cornpeltion Alourdst <Individuel)I Owen Smlth Peter Veraet 1- Daniel Wilsion Tyler Wilson 0 Piching Speed Radar Challenge Waliipo Pontac*BuiCk *Brau Milton Chrys!eorI0g/Je Chamionship Day Arrivai Times 0 Babau MI!OnTan Canadian Tr» Thf Door Centre Ail playere Muet DOet ROta1ry Pa11rk 7/Z hour halbi 8=cheduled gaeff ilokn ha t h r20 ConUnaà~~~~ Sui>pOd 43&1 T-Bidl participants muei arrive et the T-Bail Diamond by 12: LoiaAedt h er20 WlthoutYour ~ ~~~~~j~*3OOkIal Bell Skiiia participants muet arrive et the Llghted Dîamond by 10:Pe-gmirfrte21saoonCmpnsl This Seallson Wouid Not Have Been Possible MSut n s e ke atcpns uiarv ttePo imn 10. Day et Rotary Park on Auguel l1t, 2M <ai~i~ii IUU LS TRANMSMISION iuwvver IN U TRE - N standard -Ciatcires à Diffa em.~ SP4e oreign à 00115500 Front 50.51 Drive l> ~ io H u eeaA ise Perfooce -Front Axis RepaIra NATIOMWID WARRANTY AVAILABLEV Jricar.h * Pipe a Hydraulica - TmT A WOINO mAWS PUCR - Frae Inspection a Valvesa Home MON*-WEO -Wf*ne Granta. on AJiWorkrfyh NwT.itrÇJ'hJut#1~ MI LTO NS CH OiCE - Fittingea Adapters -HR Free Towing lihin 5 Miles orit Major Repaire etcelmf SINCE 1860 761 Main St. E., Milton aOS .53O P. 90a78d5 spa sauce, ait neised 49 in an lamouultorNlia. Tel: (905) 693-930 Fax: 693-9900 lsSTEELES Ave. EAST, Unita3445. MILTONI *xgr, 276 Main lit. 878-4171