20-The Canadian Chmampionî, Frlay, Auguat 11, 2000 COMPETUTIVE EDITUON GIRLS UNDER il Bargaus Tire Durisol Bath teains piaying with only ances tired tawards thc end of the gaine.i pulled away in Uic second haif. Kric Dermatt with Uirec goals, Alison Se wiUthrm and Valerie Burke with ai played outstanding. For Bargain Tii Alexandra McCutcheoÙ playcd a su gaine and scored Uic lone goal. Cail Greenwood and Michelle Stapies pi great in goal for Bargain Tire. Ariel Sereda showed hier goaltending pro~ for Durisoi in thc second hiait. Durisol Home Cinema Heady's Hair Care wîth Olivia Horbasz & Stephanie Rietrnan 4 BOYS UNDER 13 1 Can Cope Sales 6 7 Excellent teamn playing was shown bY both Halton Rent Ali 2 teams this game! For Heady's Hair Care, )ar goal tenders Andrew Locke and Jeremy Halton Rent Ail led 2-i at the haîf but )urisol Hamilton held the team at a 4-i win, while could not stop the mun and shoot offence of sa scorers Kyle Furik (2), Jeremy Hamilton Can Cope Sales. Leading the way for Can reda and Carson McCarthy went strong by the Cope was Taylor Tuif with two goals. ie ail net. Awesomne dribbling oe yYr 'e' Ferguson and A>n d ly Te: i ny Gazzola perb goled se--e tlin Willi : r B=ri el8'to w t ton ayed J3 The goalies were certainiy uyi Uiis game! Alison ere threef Durisol, Valerie Burke Sereda alto scored for Duri arzone Danielle Clarke bot omne Cinema. Good w ~ staW and Reanna esMe Cinenr and Nicole Coul Rachel l' ~r Durisai. Canadian T#, 1 Tim Horto 6 Tim Hortons ked open a closely fou game wiUi 5 Is in Uic second haîf. SamanUia Spi scored a hat trick and Sarah Asdru i played a very strong game for the uts. Justine Carlin played grat ceper and Megan Bru and Rachel Ca on showed lots of huA Good show ais m Baker, we're pi you're back! Canadian Ti 0 Bargain Tire 3 CanadianTire playe 'GorpIai Rachel Coulson and ouh fior hard moving the bail u con ts alto to Jessica Martens anosa in goal. For Bargain Tire h tp Re Anne Cushnic, Alexandra M con and Rebecca Davidson for thei lu to gosiies Julie Gagnon and Jacki Nicdzieluki for Uieir fine efforts. W'.A.~7<1 ~ Il or k, àrd for kc '4a DU y b UI1NI.FIKI11I Nature's Fire 6 Milton Heights Academy 3 Nature's Fire started the game off strong with Kevin Miller scoring in the opening minute of play. Scorers for Milton Heights Academy were Kevin lwasa-Madge and Jay Glinny (2). Scoring for Naturc's Fire were Miller (5) and David Burchett. Nature's Fire's John Russell and Milton Heights Academy's Ben Doddington made strong defensive plays. Nature's Fire's Gregory Brooks and Milton Heights Academy's Quinn Ward and Kevin Goncalves ail made excellent saves in net. ,tWualves and byÉ~ Ed ck Digiallonard wh k CIo while Charlie Wain slam -d i so goal in the net. Special mention Lee from Heady's who aithouhi. came out to support and cheer bis team- mates. Thanks Brian!!1 Scott Batenchuk2 Miltowne Collision 1 Both teams played a 1j and intensive fight in what may hal ben thc moat exciting game of theseason With a brick wali defe h~er by Zachury W j ~ c Steven rc~ Colin Bedard, d caim victory. _Bayton nchuk and NEwne letdemy's Kevin ith Uire goals und Pet their other. Ail of 1the goalies, Milton eight's Todd Massel and Geoffrey Price tiong with Brian's Auto's Chute Bell ufiW Calvin Wollaston played their part well%\Worthy of special mention are Brian's Auto's Tyler Arpu, 1Charlie Wain and Nick DiGiallonardo us &1well ud Milton Height's Maff$ewell and fQuin4, Warl for theur great effo~ Mil( nIesght& Acs4Inm JLa ose 3ak4jy underda S. players a side, Uic gaine. Milton Heights cain wiUi goals from Kevin iwuta-Madge, Jamie Galbraith (2) and Quinn Wurd, -but La Rose Bakery goalies Josh White and John Galick came Uirough wiUi many out standing saves. Milton Heightu goalies Kevin Goncalves and Todd Mutuel pre- servcd the shut out. Outstanding gumes were played by La Rose Bakery's Derek MacKay and Jonathan Riding and Milton Height's Matt Sewell and Bradley Hoy. att Maskel Domino's-1'E 2 Yuri Hrysyniuk score Jat trick in Uie firat haîf for Cun Copeties. Other goals wcre scored by Ray Parcel Kris Boomhouwer, Taylor Tuif ~tin Moir and Tyler Lafontaine. Strong g~ by Can Cope's Cameron Vader and Kis Boomhouwer who both assistcd everal goals. Dominos' goalies eve~ and Aaron Reese faced many a Y stood tal. Scoring for DomiEw Lff' Kitchen. Bi-Line Conveyor Systems 5 Spokes mi' Siopes 4 Bi-Line got off to a fast-start with Max Robertson scoring in the 6h minute. Spokes n' Siopes fought back, and Stephen Gazzola tied the score in the 30h minute. Tim Keyes set up Alex Bemdt in the 39th minute to give Bi-Line a 2-i lcad. Alex Bemdt opencd the second half with anoth- er Bi-Line goal, set up this time by Eric bdon. Being down 3-i inspired Spokes Stron- Czikkt two goý, Uien Ju for Spe game v went , scored 65hunm n' Sîop minute Neitheî Bi-Line Conveyor Systema Donaino's Pizza %*»Line ko.qWh#«Obal mout of the firut haîf, defense and the superb Steven Kazimer kcpt Uic until Uic 261 minute, whcn Groves scored for Bi-Line o powering shot from about 18 icol Uic 3 .91 minute, Jesse Rashatte off ss a series of quick, accurate paes that stan- li cd wiUi Uic Bi-Line defens 'iving his gai team a 2-0 half time lead.j«he second haif wtt a différent story. D~ ino's came out UN strang from Uic openin whi stic, and their pre-ssure led to agoZ FruerYuill i Uic >Mi 4711 minute. Their Coulombe w4 iMe M awarded a pcnaleick in Uic 571 minte Bote ee oyzkk popp~ ube ocke! inUi th M b ~ d sirew 'tied.lBi-ne tsh otry thi regin th~ 4 rgl ces were 1 mite by ~ailss hà&,wrvervI~ Iiiu c bail clouer 1111 ' -Îlmeadapted ta this by shooting froin the midfield position. This paid off wiUi Matt Lalonde's winning goal in Uic 72"1 minute, and Alex Bemdt's insurance goal two minutes later. Medei Sinani for Mi Es ta go on an ail out offensi - by Bi-Line goaltender urn e onslaught preserve sle about 10 minutes stin Sin ored two quick kes n' SI d suddenly ias tied ag L-line immi ick on the d Alexi his third g igbt in mnute. Re e up, es tied Uic thiri later with W rteamn reuI* wanted a s( ntinuepo press for go 1 alfthei stops in the f~i s' Gavin Charies sco Ut Uiree minutes ta UNDERi1 ng game for Subi WnF4Aen Giynn and ls (2). Ieat goal by îforIl C arIyBo~ for IDA. W 'n t dut Id ive. Joey dI Uic but goals Uic ediately Bemdt Uic Spokes ctime a ard. thcy Bi-Line few the win- 1 3 with ly was the [ cam wtt ignited by the retum pc-up of Quinn Young, who scored Le, ut well ut by the efforts of Robbie od Frank Fuzia. Alto scoring for twere Chance Stewart (2), Mark rot (3), Greg Van Es and Rya cn. Joey McKenna wtt strong in net Ilton. Milton New Mechanical 3 Bolton Husky 1 Great defence by Ben Stutt, Jeremy Smith and Stephen Hopper kcpt the Bolton teum ta one goal. Scoring for Milton were Brad Adkins, Mark Medeiros and Frank Fuzia. Jaey McKcnna wtt an ace in net once again for Milton.