The Canadien Champion, Tuesc it you nave any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: îîAsk The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 . Dr. Tong Wsn'e Tooth Talk Towne Dental Group Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. BSc.D.D.S (905) 876-1188 Canker Sorus - Possible Causes and Prevention Thle exact cause of canker sore is still unltnown, but tbere is much research ta determine what maltces a person susceptible to ranker sores in tbe first place as well as wbat actions and mecbanisms trig- ger canker sore outbrealts. Amang tbose tbings tbat may trigger an attaclt oC malice a persan more susceptible are: -an ingrediexi camman ta almost ail tootbpaste is tbe additive SLS osodium lauryl sulfate and may be a cuiprit in canker sore forma- to.Try switebing ta a taotbpaste wbicb dues flot contain SLS sucb atbe Rembrandt Canker Sare tootbpaste or MarInant Sensitive (SILS free). - allergies ta food and preservatives. Researcb suggestu tbat r- tiens ta certain food products may bu responsible for many cases of caulter sores. Among tbe foods Ibat may cause canlter sores ix cer- tain people are, suta, peunut butter, seafoad, sptcy foadu. wbeat products, cbocolate. and milt. -pbysical trauma sucb as fromt overzealaus brusbing or cbeek biting. eating abrasive féots. bat foodi or drinlt, aridir drinlts (fruit juires). - stress and illness. - bodily (systemir) disorder wbicb sbould be diugnased by your pbysician. Usually caulter sores rIeur witbin 7-14 days witbout trealment. Try your besi ta stay away front tbings Ibat seem ta ireitate tbe sortes and lteep your moutb as dlean as passible witb sait vioter risses or Amusast (oral antiseptir rinse). During Ibis time. bowever. tbe canlter sores cas bu painful especially wbena people eut or drinlt. Titere are puis relieving medicatians wbicb cas bu purcbased ut yaur local drug stores. Thuse include uampoands sncb as Zitactin or Oragel. Plusse cosaIt your pbysicien or dentist regarding auy moutb sures Ibat resait in excessive or prolongeti pain or irritation. Tbey cas buip prescribu truateunts tbat cas furtiter ease tbe pain and may buip reduce the amocunt of time il taltes fer the ulcurs ta 2o awav. mono Hawkins Animal Hospital - - 550bi Hnawki BStr Sui, Milo CONCE :.Mnnn Doctor of Veteriexary Medicine eiemtlin Debbi Onakim BStretSot, DMilo MON Y : uul ud (Pizza Hut Plaza) us m alsse Oebi wkins Phone (905) 875-6888 ý I Tel: (905) 876-0940 Tffu nn B. se., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 Fax: (905) 876-2934 Q: Pieuse explain the relevance of Spaying and 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T i P9 Neuterisse. 9Q:What lu a RRIF' A: The humase reasos for lte uhove mentianed procedures ix ta redore tce numhcr of itomelesa pets who are eulhanised eacit year. Hundreds and thausanda of kittens and puppies, udult dogu and cala are euthanised ix Northt America alose, bucause they have no home, Humane Societica and adoption agencies are over Con with homnelesu, helpîcas pets tbat wiul prabably neyer bu housed. For evcry litter of papa and kittens that are hao ut borne and those successfully adopted meanu there are the same sumburs ix shelters who wiul neyer find homes. "H-eartbrealting" harely describus te emaotion hure. Medically speaking, upaying a dog; or cat befote poberty (5 to 7 monlts) bas becs proven ta redore tce incidence of mammary (breaut) cancer la its minimum and aisa reduces life-titrealen- isg infectiona of lte aunirs called pyamelra. It also eliminates messy "huat perioda" and redores teir urge ta wander. Neutering af maIes bufor poherty (7 ta 9 monts of age) will eliminute undesirable habits sucit as urine marlting in te bouse and wandering. Pets tat wander in seaci of femnales in huaI are mort mare prose ta turing killed as aur ever-busier raads. Again, medically spealting, a sound reason ta neuter a maie Elayn M. Thannoo er <905)85th 4cane4801osrtediea mone el th cnae us bourt inoa ion e. Ik a Wihan woand toha petsa hlnth anovd hlmp I wuld o .lm acrdbuEulos4 htm doM you lhlnk? AB.isbi As .,p flamber ai SW. issues. 1) P Snyx bvbesuia Ib " yo Ioedme.. iels Cyr onus scam ed by FbamilosIl mà u ta84 malt yo Uelall nea, pulton bis a or o u vends.ma1 A yea wiowld usae 1hatglises Myeiflsh a nd o re4ycr inaou an ) 1 , o are n bu reay or liex emola ebuon litaI itavsa indercurseawi de c ouve titoat u yuae b lua te mie as matur yoalt ae, tusm, putC bs mal matryur idealiy. flan ina speclal act between twa loviug andi commiilnd peo- pie and ut yoar aa. il ix nul developmentaiy possible ta be teme yet. 3) Part ai somethina being speciai sa tbe anticipation. Wouidn't il Cuis Christmas and birtitdayn If yos ltnew ahead emactiy witat every att ax toisa ta bu? 0f couse you are curions-but that ix nul a renflsr Indu il. Part of matarity ix the ability 10 deiay aratifi- catian. 4) Lautiy, i wanl lu tllt you the resaits af a receut study mhat ws doue. Five itnndred ltids bulween the ugnu of 12 and 17 were interviewed. Aimant 60% said titey bave flot bad nea. 0f thoue wbo bave bad sea, 3/4 of the girls and ouer 1/2 oi lte boys wisbed tbey bad waited. They reaiized mhat lbey were flot prupared for evety- lbing Ibat foiiowud. i find lte mame resulsu witb lte yousa peuple mhal i coansel. i bave neyer bad anyane tell me ltaI lbey wisbed tbey bad sun noaner. If yon bave issues, taikte yonr parents, or a trustad aduil, or came taikte me or ausîber coanselior. bat respect yonrself and yonr body enoub lu sait antil yoa are sure. i bopa mhai i bave convincud yoa la wait bat if flot, plusse malte sure yon use adeuate birtb castrai euetv single limel Wbile tbe pili lu stil1 mhe most effective agaiust prugnascy, mhe condom ix lte ouiy way 10 proteel againsl diseases. Use bot if passible. If yon are arown ap enonati ta bave seu, yon butter be arosn up enonahte 1 b respossibiel Elaye Tanerois a Cures/led Social Wiu-kur in privicu piaetce inmearu Miuae. If yen hae flasher qustions or if yu would like to arrange an appaieoeeee. pleane rail (905) 854-0801. CW nlo uatm i A: A rcgistercd Retirement Inrome Pusd or RRIF isa nsaturai cules- sion of yonr RRSP. By Decembur 3ln 1atf dhe year yoa tom age 69, yoar RRSP muaI bu rbanged mbt axe of tbrue options. Two are nt desirable. 1) If you do xatbing, yonr RRSP ix nntomatically deregintered sud yae pay a bage amaunt of tas at tat timte. 2) Yau cast convertiit an ansuity wbicb carrently paya a vety low intereat rate. Tite denimable chaire is: 3) Yau convert it into s RRIF witbaut any tas cossequences. RRIFs are usuali[y lte bunt option. The RRIF aiiaws yon ta continue witt tce saime type of investmenls as you bad in tbu past. RRIFn pmovide yan witb s regular iscome from yanr retirement savinga. Hasever, once yoa start yaar RRIF, you must talte ont ut Iat lte minimum incarne requirernent cacit year, s0 same iorltcd-in invesîmeuta are sot anilable. Yeu aniy puy tas un tce amount dsat yon receive wbicb bulpa miximize incame taxes. RRIF minimnum incarne requirementa are determined by age and are based npou a percentage of lise aunuai value of yanr RRIF assets. At age 69, tce minimumr is set ut 4.76% sud it increases eacb year. Same people stant their RRIF bufore age 69, but since yan con malte witbdrawalu fram your RRSP, usually tis isnet desimable. Fartusalely, if yau are under age 69, yan ras canvert yonr RRIF baclt ta an RRSP withont penalty. Coxfuncd? Need belp? Cal Money Concepts for information regarding yaur RRSP ta RRIP conversion. Pbone 876-0940. Afrniated wnu MnyCcepts oup apit Corp. and N.F.esasuceAency la. R PtIYSIOTHEFAIMSTS 876-1515 Q: I spaied my ankle huit year and 1 atill have sonie diacoon- wd. t aemileof epoblm ison ' 'd s i hap- A: Ilie mm common type of injuey tal causes on anlcle sprats ns as "inversion injney" wite te foot aid artie torsavec so lit te ontoide part of te astele ix injuoed. Tie ligaments on te outsidc of the ankde cens be uremd. A mild, biodierate or seveme speain muy ocrer as the ligament is sttesoed or tom. The mout common ligament affecled is lie anterior talofibular ligament. Titis ligament cons frtsm lte laIeraI artle base (lat"a malleolas) ta te nearesI boue in lte foot, tce talus. At limes, tce muscles nmnund die calf, enpecially titose at ie autoide of the calf (lie peroneii) co bu injuned as sdIl. As wiît any otiterltype of secain or spiain, a ligament injury wili go titrougit te normal phases of bealing. Witen tce ligament is first injumed. inflammation occams se that constant ailtle pain and anle swellisg appear. Duning titis peni, it is important ta reduce any activities tat migitt aggne- vate your injery, limil sparts participation aid aslt your pbysioeterapist or phsysicien about an anrie support or trace. Over te sexe phases of itculing new lissue starts ta form aid lte tissue gradnally matures. Over titis petiod! of lime il is important la improve yoar anltle age of moton, steength sud Su, if you have crmsic anle pain sud "tursing ovee', tis rua occar due la poor balance or Iarlt of suengtit Slsenglth training ta essentael ta emsure maximum "utl potential and support daning activnies. Rctrainng balance improves sometiag called "ltinestitctic awarensens" alse called "proprio- ception". 'Proptioreption" is lent wbes the receplors in the sltle arn damaged darisg an ankle sprain. These specia receptors sendi messages ta the tmin about dxe position of the foot and ailtle. the lenusth and tension of the musrIes sud the speed or direction of movement. Exeteises cen bu per- formed ta retrais the fonction of liiese receptars sud improve balance. This hitepu ta improve awareness of the poaition of die fout sud improve staitili- ty of te fout dnting activities lilte rnsisu. so titu ming ovee' sud Chcl with a pitysiotherapfint ta sue if you have any longslandisg pmhbletm