14-The Canadien ChamnfrT ,- 4. A..-..- ii yuu itavte dli> questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax fln, R7R-d494' TIfE NATURAL CUI/OCE Thse Naturai Choice in Healts Food Laurie Vaughan-Sherman C.R., A.E.C., T.T., N. 190 Main St. E. Milton 875-1342 Q: I use ereans & oinfments on my acue & nofh- ing seema te, work, la there anything else 1 ean do ta make it heffer? A: Natural herbai remedies can help heal existing acne on the skins surface, but they do not prevent acne from re-appearing over and over again. This annoying akin problemi is caused by an over pro- duction of sebum, an oily substance which helpa protect the akin. Tlhe underlying cause of increased sebum production lies internally. Certain fats can be the beat dietary weapon against aicite. Unrefined, cold-pressed flax seed oil, sesame oil, pumpkin seed oil and walnut où contain the essential fatty acida, alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid. These oils lower the body's production of sebum, reducing the pore clogging which causes acne. A deficiency in the essential fatty acida will trigger increased production of seburo. Flax seed oil in particular ensures regular bowel movements, which encourage toxins te be eliminated via the bowel, not the akin. Second Nature carnies a wide selection of esseafial fatty acids ami herbai remedies for acae ami skin problems. Encyciopedia of Natural Heaiing YQaMFI INTERIORS wd or@., w. maka you fnl ai hom#" x f Carpet Vinyl è Ceramics * Hardwood __________________m, ePaint.- Wallcovenings i Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Krctn Fol y 15Martin St. 905-693-9594 Mais. San*ly Geraldine Heaketh 845 Ilifii SI. I*E. 111*1 RI Providing a Natural Way ta 878-4280 lTBetter Health and Weliness " 9 Q: 1 ntl.dfa dhst thant lnvolv.d protein shalkos, MnW 1 A ~ O AL BU INE SES alcohol. Needbaa te may, It dMdn' MMt very longfl lali r.aIIy LARGE & SNLULL. nocmarv te go ta the»a extrema. t loue weiglst? Have you Iooked at your surroundings lately? WeIl A: TIse anawer ta your queation is moat definitely "NOI" To avold such naturel fruits and vegetablea for the mataof your tif, la absîrd, you should! Have you ever noticed when going into and avoldlng alcohol for son. people meana an end ta their aclal some commercial environmenta how Blah they are? lies Why is that? Hoapitals, achools, officea, we work Sach extremea ara NOT ncecsanjl What you'vc bast doacrnbcd la a temporary change ta your eatlng habit: a DIET. To have truc wclght 8-10 hours a day and wonder why we can't wait to loaa recuIt, and moat lmportantly, LASTING RESULTS, you nccd ta leave. 1 love decorating, bomê offices as they are caesmtlfstylchanges, not ust temporay onelmTat's why dicta don't worc! Thcy arc a quiok fis for a long tens problera, and more conscious of their surroundings - choosing a lncvtatty, thc weigt eomca back on whcnyou go bcktto yaur comfortable look and thereby increasing business. I "normIu" eatlng habita. Thia lcada ta tac "yo-yo" ayndrome, athere yaur wclght eanstanty siinga fram hlgh ta low ta higs again, wrcak- visited s medical building with lots of various lng havacaonyour mtaboiaraînotto mntin themet f youebJ.,î> offices. The dental office was gorgeous, down to a Thc truc formula for wcight loas la cverything ln madaration on a firelaceandwingack hais an waaver bus, î dally beala. Thicehangca tIsaI yau makc to your cating ahould firelac an wigbac chirsandwas erybus, l BECOME your ncw habita, raitcr than s tcmporary diatr action from wonder wby? No we can't expect al] businesses te be your aId catlng habita. At Herba Magic, we underatand tais, and quite that sauve, but at lest when refurbishing, go havc dealgned a scnsile caing plan that Incorporaes your own groeery atore bought fooda. Alcoho, alang rolt tac aformcnttaned with brighter tonies. A mixture of color in carpet fruita and vcgctablca, ara most dcfinitcly a part of yOur programl hides better too. Increase. wearability with a good Safe, aIl naturel herba are uacd ta maise metabollo rates and ta easc crevinga, hclplng you ta devclop new and issting eating habits. commercial grade. No more grey level loop carpet Tralned nutritonal caunseltare are on hand ta provide anc-on-anc which will show soiling faster anyway. Work should guidance and full support. If welght lose la aometaing you've bccn consderlng, give us a cali or stop by. Ai consultations ara free with be enjoyable too. Want to increase productivity and no oblilgation. sales ... Decorate! Maxi.. Stanley ha. a B.A ln Socology andl an S..W. la Social. Come and see our extensive library of commercial tour yogih. hnd erela a if tî eh. Hetri ai Magiselplor fr . carpets and co-ordinate colours, or we'll come t0 Klufan Foi.y ai.o ha.. La.0, an .xfanaiv hackigrouind ln herbaisi your business and make working s pleasure. andlà la trained nutritioa ouna.iior m ei. Milton Therapeutlc Massage Cilie I 75 Main St., Ste. 10 1 (across rom Za U's P ra n cy) l 878-080 Q: How much education is required for a mas- sage therapist to heeome "registered"? A: Regtstered Massage Therapists în Ontario must con- plete a 2year fulI-time intensive training course (2200 bouts) al a recognized and govemment approved vocational therapy achool. Studies include anstomy, physiology, pathology, assesament, kinesiology, nutrition, tatment, clinical studies and extensive practical instruction. Upon succesaful completion of the programn therapiats are oequired to take wnuten and practical province wide exami- nations te become registered with the College of Massage Thlerapista of Ontario. Registration with this goveming body then bînds the therapiat to the legialaton passed in 1994 under thc Regulated Healtb Professions Act by the Ontario Ministty of Hea]th. Ail oegistered Massage Therapists bavesa photo identifica- tion card beauing their registration number. Ibis is your assurance that your therapisî is registeoed and you may ask te view il ai any dîne. Your therapiat must attend post graduate courses and semi- nars as a part of the yearly registration requirements, and may have amvas of specialization in addition to the oequired training and education. Please cati Ryan or Jittian at thc Miltan Terapeatie Massage Clisie, 8784)800o' for any questions regardîsg registered massage Iherapy or ta, bok an appointment. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, LOT i PS (905) 878-6479 1A Princea Anne Dr., Georgetowan, Ontario L7G 4W4 Grog J. I.arenc (905) 702-1611 B. Se., D. Ch. Mnb.r of the Ontario Socety of Chirapodisaa and The Ontraio Coliag& of Chiropodiaia eQ What sathietel'afanhawa if i treated? A. Also known as hmespedi, Attilets foot is a fuagal infection fiat affects about 12 pent of due population. Conbszwy ta its tane, Afiles font can stnkc anyone. Ih is onoe in bodi atolls and ctuiito. SynsptmS: *Adhlet's fot mayapperon any pantof diefoot butismcommson between die [mc <especially betwee die 4t aid 5ttocsas) and on due txatom ofdie lbct * Me ifection naagar wetor dy. " Ralness, scaliag, blisten, idting and Isasinga-tonson fing " One or botfeet ca bcaffece * Sufféeenoften have rcavenî episodes. What you eado: *Over-du-coonte aadifuegal pnsts am olfen effiective for skis infec- tions when ased accordiag ta, manufacturers instructians. Tltese plsstacts inusaI lustod for thdul fatoatrnnt paiod, wltich ouata lIt dryym sed cm afer disynimindisappear *Walt and dry fort llurougily on a daïly basis and spinkl font pasder (0 àbdperspirtion. *Wear thoea nate of naitta itnierals, lise leteu or canvas fiut shlow nsatre taaesf frondurslsa. *Selectsoc" made frSnmtalfibres, poefcraly cmao. ChOaigeslioesanid sodas reptlaly ta des naieure. *Font saaks cai l ladry excessive pfnpsatos *Avoi walkingbaefoea in publlic places. Tihe clinic offers exfended hours. No referral tg aecessary. House cls are also ao'aiable. Seniors on WATlC H 420 Maîn Street East Unit C, Suite 414 Milton, Ontario L9T 5G3 (905) 691-3312 Roland We "Seniors on Watch" are a group of retired Milton active professionals whose main function is to make sure you have a worry f ree Holiday. In order f0 do that we patrol your property at vary- ing times and take the necessary steps to discourage intruders. Also, we are experienced in pet care; there is no doubt in our minds that if they could talk, their choice would be to stay home rather than being boarded out at some kennel. ln our time, we have looked after the welfare of cats, dogs, fish, birds, and iguana's. Lastly, plant care is another one of our functions; maybe you have plants that you've given loving care and attention f0 over the years, surely they don't deserve to be neglected at this time. Please cal our off ice today in order that we may custom arrange a program for you. Our fees are modest, as a matter of fact, they have been drasti- cally reduced for the summer, some as much as 45%. In addition we are easy to talk to and there is no charge to arrange a program. Referrals and testimonials are available upon request..