The Canadian Champion, Frlday, Auguat 4, 2000 - 9 «Flatbed trailer stolen from Chisholm Dr. G o _________________scoop? A flatbed trailer was solen from the pects in the incidents, police said . Drug charge W'ed Fifth Wheel Truck Stop on ChisholmRk hwJ olc Jio er A2yerodMssauamnas Ieo Drive somnetime between July 26 and 3 1.Rc honP lc k te A 8yaodMissugmnws lveo The 1992 red Fontaine trailer was worth A window at a Woodward Avenue home charged witb possession of a controlled abot $5,00.drug st Friday as about 10 p.m. hearyoijî about $5,000.was smashed alter someone tossed a rock Street chased a man who went into bis A motorist was sitting in a vehicle tr Mailbox recovered shrougb it overnight July 27. vehicle and stole bis wallet. parked as Britannia and Trafalgar roadls. f An investigation is continuing aftier one Damage was estimated at $300. Is happened on Sunday at about 9:30 After a police investigation, a amail quanti- ideas. of four stolen custom-made mailboxes Mailboxes damaged p.m. sy of marijuana was Iound. Please The stainleas steel mailboxes were Eigbt maithoxes along First Line East wbicb was wortb about $30. cai atoenfro Smo Cuto Mealonwere smasbed at about 3 arn. Sunday. A aleAscreen door was ripped atabhome on Brone treet SioeniCubto Frida an Tbe damage waa estimated between $20 Pus tinWilson Drive overnigbt Saturday and 88 BreSatur. engt rd n and $50 eacb. A purse was stolen out of a car parked as Sunday.231 Thatotalld$y 00.h terseTifcae Burns Conservation Area July 27 between Tbieves didn't gain entry into tbe borne 234 aeilboes boae nos 00 Teen reoer ehe cae 3 and 4 p.rn. and there was no estimate of damages, ext. 23-1 Thiboefs om ee car d The owner of a vebicle parked on Bronse It waa wortb about $ 100. police said. Tbere bave been several tbefts from vebicles parked as tbe 122 Bronte St. apartrnent boilding. - Tbirty CDs, wortb about $300, were solen from a locked vebicle between 5:30 p.m. July 26 and 4 p.m. July 27. * About $1.300 wortb of golf clubs were solen from tbe backseat of a Cbevroles Cavalier ovemigbt Saturday and Sunday. * A passenger window of a vebicle was srnasbed between 1:30 arn. and 3 p.m. Sunday and about 30 cassettes, wortb about $400, were taken.. Stereo stolen Thieves smasbed tbe driver's side rear window of a 1995 Honda parked on Main Street and stole a sterco, amplifier and speakers ovemnigbt Sunday. 15 waa valued at $1,500. Car broken into Thievea broke swo windows on tbe dri- ver's aide of a 1990 Volkswagen and stole a sterco Saturday. Tbe vebicle was parked as Bingo Country on Regional Road 25. About $800 damage waa caused. Van vandalized Explicit worda were painted on a 1994 Ford Windstar parked as a borne on Maplewood Crescent between Il p.m. July 25 and 9:30 arn. July 26. tt will cost about $50010o repair tbe vebi- cIe. Door forced open Tbere waa an astempted break and enter as Leland Group in Campbellville last Friday. Thieves forced open tbe front door caus- ing about $500 in damage. Notbing was taken. Windows broken Vandals bave been as work breaking ,Townoswere broken as W. i Dick Middle Sebool on Higbside Drive sometime between Monday and Wednesday. Damage waa estimaled as $400. -Two windows were also broken as Sam Sberratt Sebool on Laurier Avenue as about 9:30 p.m. Wednesday. Damage was estimated as $400. Two 15-year-old Milton youtbs are sua- ADVERTISEMENT Don't Pay Another Cent in Rent To Your Liandiord Before You Read This FREE Special Report MILTON - If you're like most rensers, you feel trapped wiîhin the walls of a bouse or apartment that doesn't feel like yours. How could il when you're nos even perîniîted 10 bang in a nail or îwo without a bassie. 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