9tI~Thc C~unnrliun t~humeiner Fri,4c, A, rami A iflflfl standings as of August 2, 2000 Game 20 21 21 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 Teame 1 Souihside #1 2 Milton Bible 3 Hîlîcresi 4 Souihaide #2 5 New Lite "A" 6 St. Georges 7 Boston 8 Holy Rosary 9 New LIfe "B" 10 Knox il st. Paule 12 New Lite Deaf 13 Grecs Wins Losses Tios Pis. 15 4 1 31 15 5 1 31 14 5 2 30 14 5 0 28 il 5 3 25 il 7 1 23 il 9 0 22 10 10 O 20 9 10 1 19 6 13 1 13 4 15 1 9 2 17 1 5 2 19 0 4 M ~Thanlk you to Terry Rowley for L~EN!J sponsoring the league standings. li a proud sponser of 1998 O~ UM1'A S(J.TMiIIo»Minor Pasebal VO, atà, PS, M, Cass/C, lx eu ,,,_______m a____a«_ alouig wfth other local Oite e bo U S sme lbu MILTON'qS LITTLE PROFIT DEALER emsot 41-73 M.Warrnty- Bai Hause League Standings M lo io a e a Champlonshlp Dey Schedule aseoor. Playr sali antI Have Funi (lMu ntr e ww.kînnt-nna ~ L Rotary Park As cf Juiy 30th 2000 <III:u ntewb@w.kln-eiwb Cul Out & Srlng This ScIodule For Refeorence) (rain cula - lie -1 P Austin end Noble Insurance 112 4 D2IIsion Teann Score Player of came Team Score Player c f Dame 9:00 -10:30 Rookie Bail 4th place vs M11 place Lcbasv MianMarel 4 2 T-Bail Key entres 20O aobby Nice Hunt ChryslerlPlymoulh 20f Tylrsn 1:4-1:5T-alu TcwneODentliGroup 7 5 5 1HoeCnm Io 20 NA Dary Quee 1raziar 14 NIA 12.00 - 1:00 T-Ball C va Ruenalls Rcad Runeera 6 8 3 15 Rcine 1:00--_______ - 2:00 T-Bail Skille Compeilice Ce=tv Memnorials 4 10 4 12 Mfflui Lifestl4esl ro Car S Patricki Mantin e ete 12 Braeden Oral, 2:00.-3:00 T-BaIl Loser AIS vs Laser C4D MsuloTeam Canadian Tire 1 ia! WAisirari Bruce Hocd Travel & Mitchell Cccl,. 3:00 - 4:00 T-BaIl Winner AIS vs Winner C4D (rain culs - ie -1 point> Milice Jayamas 12 NIA Key CaýnIes 12 Craig Nous. Llphted Dlamond Key Centres 9 3 5 23 Bruce Hccd Travei 20 Mickey Cramner LW«eles0oe Car 9 NIA 9:00 -10:30 Mosquito 4th place vs Mi place MiIce Joyce«e 7 3 17 POO Wele Gorrud Auto GOup 14 Jordan l'agis Milice Tranmissicn 7 Brian Wallcnscn 10:30 -11:30 Rcckie Bail Skilte Ccmpellitic 'LifaatltiaslOrea Ca~~ 6 TBanki1 aecian pluois NIA 11:30 -1:00 Rcctde Bail 3rd place vaWiner 415 Bruei-ccTreavst Ca sao 7 a 16 Milcneransmicio 15 Palnr ian Aple At-oBae ile Minaro S00- 2:30 Mosquitc3rd place vaWiner 415 ;Tear Canadien Tira 5 9 2 12 Bantam KPC 4 Chris Prica Actco 5 NIA 2.30 - 4:00 Rcolde BaIl loi vs 2ed Pe WeeKP 7 Jessé Pearson Waimdowm O NIA Pool Dlamond (rain ot - 1 pont Neill Tranisport S Colin Nephow rians Asic 5 Tim Mclrr 9:00 - 10:30 Poe Wee 3rd vs 4th :Apple Auto Glas* 13 2 2 28 Waiiace Wkeelera 16 Devin Bayloe Kilbride 7 NIA 10:30 - 12:00 Mosquit /Pee Wee Sidîls Compegice? !Oomrs Aub Orcup 9 ô 2 20 WallaceaWhsi5 1l BrinMorgan Hcvnby 5 NIA 12:00 -1:30 Peee lstiva2nd ITO Banki ô 10 3 15 Yculh Meriicr 5 NIA Kiliride 9 NIA 1.30 -3:00 Mosquito lst va2nd 'Milicn Transmission 2 13 3 7 Milice Cnter 16 Doenis Muller Actor 9 NIA Other Eventa *Santom Merdeor 9 NIA Georgale, 7 NIA . Trophy Proentatioes Neill Transport 14 ô 2 30 . Muti Sportsmanlika Award W aiiaca W h etars 10 7 4 24 C h m i n h p D y r i a i e S ls Compallitio A ard e t ndividu l T aam iMcCusig Insurance LlM. 9 à ô 24 Ail players must be St Rotary Park 112 hour before Scheduled gamurne tie Pitching Speed Radar Challenge 'BriesAuto 4 13 5 13 . Barbeque KPC 2 17 1 5 T-Bail Skiiis participants must arrive at the T-Bail Dlamond by 12:3Opm UMPIRE Dunk Tank Youth Rookie Bail Skils participants must arrive ait (ho Llght.d Dlamond by 10OO0am Looking Ahead to the Vear 2001 MiNoc Chrysler 5 7 3 13 Menitor 3 8 1 Mosquito and Pla. W.. Skllls participants must arrive ai the Pool Diamond by Pre-regisier for the 2C71 season on Championship 10:OOam Day at Rotary Park orr Augusi 19th, 2M ~If>tC~in~n IUEEI14TRANSNMISSION autie à Tracks & 4u4*Cuc s 811 2 ___ýawss4 Foisie à 00015551 Front Wheal Dlve C bam pw u Miel Paret-ec Front Acta Repaire maATsOmwlO WAAUTofY AVAILAMLE V~ Je cdriroeo riglt. Pipe eHydraulics - nv A WOIUUO&IMMS PIRCIE VSiV* e Ho 111 Frae Inspection Valve 0 Hoe mm WED Wrven Guârane en l W"i T57 the Ne*~ Tièitter ÇvinJ,&,ich k v 2 MILTONS CHOICE e Flttinga eAdaptera .MS Fme Tcsmfiitnsn5 les wM MajorrReairs tî SIN E 86 OS ic P 90 -8 8- 15 TiiAstr's h- CuRry Chtocke S"rrlettce #W'- atu1 SINCE 1860 761 Main Si. E., Milton andmser 905 78 15 i4 p sauce, 811 heAad tp irr a serrS or motiM Tel: (905) 693-930 Fax: 693-99001 sTalLes AVMI.I*tMa3. 4&5. MLTON1113e 276 Mdain St 878-4171 MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE 20--The Canaëlian Cham !on Frid Au ust 4 2000 Tearry Ro»wley Mechanical incm Vour Heating, Cooling and Barbecue HeadIquarters VISIT OUR SHOWROOM an 925 MAIN ST. E., MILTON, UNIT 3