The Canadien Champion Fnday Auguat 4 2000-11 CH Foundation wants to move on: chair Due !!~~ENTLE route, reaching the teds without pausing at money was in essence being funneled no one has poxnted at out b me." y j The Champion the foundation. through the foundation," he said. "I have And though a review of procedure ~ holiday Fiîst the volutiteers were fired, As far as she has been able to detennine, no womes at ail on that." Iikely in order, a financial audit isn't, said produc- followed by a flurry of fired off 'there'a not a motion on the books approv- If thats the case, Ms Lunau wonders Mr. Snow. îng the application even now," said Ms why ber requests 10 see the Eco-Action "A forensic audit, in my opinion, is tion missives. Lunau. documents even in the presence of CI-IF or called upon wben theres concern about But now the Conservation Halton Though tise foundation is eligible for the CH members have been denied. wrong-doing," he said. "I'm not aware of dead Foundation (CI-IF), which is the fundrais- grant, CH isn't. She has alto suggested that the CHF any wrong-doing. I'm pot aware of suspi- îng arm of Conservation Halton (CH), is So Ms Lunau is womed that the founda- undergo a forensie audit to prove ils com- cion of wrong-doing or missing funds." unes, calling for a cesse-tire instead. tion would have to take a hands-on role in pletely dean. Now ils time for the new board to get the "It's been a difficult year. We've proba- the projeet to fulfaîl the grant requirements. "If theres nothing wrong, why not do on with the business of raising money, said bly created a lot of bard feelings, said That was denied by Mr Gregor, who it," she said. pointing oui that she isn't the Mr. Gregor. Tuesday CHF chair Dennis Gregor. "I hope we can also serves as the vice-chair of CH. first or only person calling for an audit. 'The only tbing that would revert our just move on." Jim Snow, a former CHF member who 'Theres enougb speculation and concem. attention back to the old board is il ibere is edition Both CH and the CHF have been in tise chose not to reapply after bis dismissal, Why not address il?" bard evidence being presented," said Mr. wl/I eye of the storm since a controversial alto cant recaîl the application coming to But annual checks by tbe accounting Gregor. "We havent secs that corne lor- go March 30 decision to dismisa tise entire the board. ftrm KPMG havent uncovered a whiff of ward, and we don't expect t." to volunteer fundraising boaed. "I could have missed a meeting, but I wrong-doing, said Mr. Gregor. An upportunity arose July 19 wbcn the At the lime, CH said the board was dys- seldom miss a meeting," he said. 'We have to have evidence put forward new CHF invited Ms Lunau 10 present press functional, incapable of mising the kind of But Mr. Grcgor said the grant wasn't that money bas been saken from the foun- proof of ber concems. But on the advice dollars needed through aggressive corpo- ~ ~ ~,-,. ~ ~~-i ~ said Mr - of her solicitor. Ms Lunan declined to rate campaigns. So tise waiking papers were deiivered, and the canned members invited to reap- piy to the new board if they wished. Five did. With the exception of town Councillor Cindy Lunau, they were accepted back into the fold. But the initial dismissals triggered a furi- ous wave of reaction, including beated let- ter and e-mail exehanges between some members of the new and old foundation. Much of the contmversy bas simmered around Ms Lunau, who said sbe's oniy interested in the truth. "An honeat and open approach is always the best," she said. "It's the principle with wbich I've led my life." But ber efforts to bring ont the tmth s viewed by tome as a light-on-evidence whisper campaign aimed St stirring up doubts about the ethics of the normalîy- esteemed organization. Largely in question is a federai Eco- Action grant, wbich was applied for before the early spring purge. The money has been since approved and is slated to fund a Bronte Creek watershed study. But Ms Lunau and others contend the application took an unusual back-door "Up front, Eco-Action knew that the Gregor. "I still havent seen a problem, and appear. Welcome to1t. TAllE 55 Monday, August 7~, 2000. Wa'vs Iawarad Uts ago of aur oeiaa-a-inouiUi Susîlar's Day Evunt ta 55 yaars ar battarel Dur nextAdoantage 55 Day mlii be on Tuesday, Sept. 5r, 2000. GoODWILL A - Moms ait countlng the days untilthekidsarebacktoschool And this year Back to School will cost you Iess, at ail Goodwill Value Centres! *OMMrsm~mJ~ a, Juakot. 4. Swssbsoi ~4. atj~uujust'S. *o~gg usu iao~puim'8M .............. GOOD SELECTION, GREAT VALUE, wllh hun~ads ai 1mb tains oelving diy. 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