6 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Juiy 28, 2000 COMMENT ELECTION ABEA7P -> Our vote for siot money£ goes to the United Way Town counicillors didn't hear a large quantity of siot revenue delega- tions Monday night, butthe ideas that were presented weie of quality. The intent of the meeting was to gather public input on the alloca- tion of $500,000 of siot revenues set aside to fund community organi- Thogh letters, some people advocated. spending the money on cut- ~1 ting taxes and building facilities for local youths. A representative of the citizen's group Friends of E.C. Drury Park also suggested that the cash be used to purchase relevant pieces of land when they become available. Those who came in person to the meeting spoke of using the funds to increase police enforcement by Mohawk Raceway, boîster the Nassagaweya Tennis Club or confribute to the Milton United Way. It's too bad, though, that if every idea was honoured, the $500,00 ~ wouldn't even corne close to covering the bill.« That leaves the Town with a tough decision. Our vote goes to the United Way, which with the money could further help the many orga- nizations that provide essential services under its wing. Next time around it would be someone else's tum. a SO UR READERS WRITE This person must neyer have enjoyed pond Dear Editor: Re: P. Casteel's letter to the edi- tor auggerting the Mill Pond be filled in and turned into a conven- tion centne. Observabiy the person who euh- mitted that idea hasn't ever taken tirae to enjoy the Mill Pond. 1 grew Up around the pond. When I went to Rotary_ Park in the summffer. it waa there to fiah and fend turtlea. Whatever your age, you couid une the pond ail year to skate or to fnbh or enjoy a picnic.. Not everyone bas the Iuxury to jump in a car and go somepiace tn do thia. The pond wan beautiful until people rtarted throwing garbage into it. In the'70s it was the place to be. People took pride in the pond. This is a vaiued part of the hiato- ty of Milton. To even consider the idea of filiing it in wrong. Milton needa the pond as part of ils her- itage. It wouldn't be Milton with- out it. We don't need an opera bouse or convention centre when there are other exiuting facilitier in Milton. Opera housen are available in surrounding areau throughout Halton. We must flot flu victim to the "if you build it, they wiIi corne" then- ry. I feel the Mill Pond should be renewed to as it waa back then. It's the Ieast we cani do considering how much it haa given to the peo- pie of Milton and the surrounding areas. Itos more than a place to walk your dog. It'n a piece of our ber- itage. Katherine Forshner No. 4 Slderoad Mani upset by comment on seniors Deir EUtr As a "Colr I wias appalled by the fol- iowingstatemntt in an article in youtr Juiy 19 issue about Uhe pnposed seniors' housing projeet on vacant land nar Use E.C Dnay HMgh School complex: "Milton ta entier stress right now and you'te planning on bringing in extra semm.e Wha does that dàT' 'l'ie satemnient was attsibuted to Peter Pikkfield, a lawyer repreaenting two groupa oppoaed te tihe seniorsa houaing projeet. Anyone fasniliar with Milton's bous- ing situation knows that onany 111-long residets have left the comrnunity because there wasn't enough accommno- dationsa of preciseiy the type proposed in Unis plan. It's not a question of *tinglthg in "extrai Seniots." We'nv already here and Uwere wifl 50011 be many more of uts when thse 'baby boomers' mre. Plana for a suituble housing sisolt b a major consadeftaon its dispute. - Kn Lamb We can make a difference for homeless kittens THE CANADIAN CHMPION Dear Editat I would hi The Canai reporter Li Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadie Champion, publlsied every Tuesday and Frlday an 191 a""'- Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N49 (Box 248). jr ont 0i The Metroand on the Kinri Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Prnting, Paishling & Dlstributing Lid. group ot suburban compaties winich Lt appear inclodes: Aax/Pickring News Adonnter, Ailiston ileraldlCourier, Barrie (905)87 8 -2. 3f41 Aduance, Barrons Bay Titis Weeit, Boiter Enterprise, Brampton Guariian, Page JuIy 1l Burlington Port. Burlirgion Shopping News, City Parent, Ctyp oi Vont Sinice M Guardiar, ColiingwoodlWasata Correction, Eaat Yorik M ror Erin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AdvocatelCounry Router, Etohicoke Goardiar, Plamboroagh Port, Porever Fax: 8762364 YoaGe orgetown Independentlicton Fine Press, Ha enia Basiness u Advertisitng Fa :8 62 6 Timer, eitgstun Titis Week, Lindsay This Week, Mankiram Econnmis & & u Sonri MldlandiPeretangishnef Mitron, Mitor Shropping iNers Missossauga Classified: 875-3300 Business Timer, Mlsmuauga Nons. Napanne Gaide, Nasragaweya Nenws, Nnwmatitetldtttora Ena-Banner. Niothumberland Noma, Nor0h Tork Mitron, lan Oliver Pýubltsher Gaiie Beanor,'Gakuilie Shropping News, Oldiimers Hockiey Biews, Orillia . Today, OrtrawalWiniihyitlarnrtnPort Penny This Week, Owen Sourd NeBi Oliver Asserciute Pablisher Tribune, Peterboroughl Thir Weolî. Pictun Counte Guide, Richimond BiU Begin General Manager HtilliThonhillNauthar Liberai, Scarbotnugit Mirror, StoaiinnileiUatlnidge Tribune. Karen Smith Ediinrr Aduetiring jr accepted or the condition OSai, rin eneni oi a typo- Circdnai<rnMangergrupiticai error, that portion oi thn adveriing space nccupied Sp the erfn- Steve Crozier C clfonM ng r nas item, togemher wîtii a reasonabie aîînwance ton signatant, ai rot ina Tedi Coana Office Manager charged ion, but rte balance uftihe advetitîemenl nul he paid ion ai rire applicable rate. The publiirier rererues the rîgit o categornze uduentire- Tino Coles Pradtcti<an Manager ments or decline. ke tE say tbank you tE jian Champion and sa Cartwright for the icle recentiy publiubed k Kitten Rencue. cd on the Community 8. y entire budget goer toward kitten care, the help The Champion bas given in getting the word out about our program is invaluable. I don't operate in isolation, so I would particuiariy like to acknowl- edge the unflagging support nf my family, my vet Ciare Maine, Alberta and Une staff at Pet Valu, by Stev and Jack Murphy, S all the other indiviî supported my effor Together we do ence, so piease spa: pets. cienc Det and tuisnc hot have ds- wohv Saeadifr for neuter your SaIIy Baxter CampbelilleII 'e Nease