*WeeStars FN COUNTLESS * - Waycao Shine lob Fair ~ Sat. july 29 A8AMARK, CANADA, Esoadas largesi Food Serv- ice Coniruct Caterer, is carrent/y saab/ng energet/c, flee/ie cafeteria sfaff for the Ford, Oahv/?te location. We operafe self/pIe cafeferias 7 days par saab on- clodino evrngs. We have avartable: M Eo/i0day shifts, Moo-Fri, for Lu eatnds, Couli, Caslera and Stock Porsea (comae nb/fts siear ut s.m.) * Somg.e Part-tme, cosoof posifiens for Coolta. Camhtor & Watt Staff, Stock puss. Sa/table for ihose s/fb a fleoible schedute or so/a/ ooly on a f/m/ted bas/s. Ail peaitias Wil isola. mma wekasd wat as a ilhu bas. Espar/aoca la Food Service is an ossaf, buf se s/I ftra/v fisose a/fb o greol offifade! To larn more about fhe odvanfages of xorbiog for AAE Camai. incfading comprebiensive benefifs, meal plan and fraa unifoms, VISIT lIS AT 09 JOB FAIR on Saf. Jo/y 29 trom 12:00 Nooo 10 2pm 0f Ontario Trucb P/ont, Royaf Windsor Drive, junI easf of Ford Or/va. Go to ma/n /obby be/os blue mural and ca/I Ext. 1788 or ca/t (905) 845-2511 for direr- fions: Cheryl aI Ext. 1788 or Soif ut Ext. 3358 bel- sean 7am and 2pm or Linoda ut Et. 3358 befxean Cpm and lOpm Building suppiy yard requires »Z EbMIVM*t Heavy lf/t/ng invoived. Drivers musC pro- vide current drivers ficense w/Ch boom truck experience beîng an asuet. We provide a competitive starting wage and compsny benef/is. Appi y in person to: Patone Building Supplies LCd. 7449 Trafalgar Road (South of 401) Hornby, Ontario Telephone: <905)875-0279 Attention: Willtam Grandy Traffic Manager Automlis .li Vour prevrous! currènt saper/ecs /nciudes Che os-condition/n g of hlgh quafity ussd cars as ssii as the preparation. _f nes cars, Compensation based on experi- ence. Afil correspondance hsfd in tise stricteat of confidence. Pleose fax reaume to: 825-8802 Wayne Gauthier, Generai Saio Manager U ASHIER PART - TIME ParitCerne Castir requrred to work 2 eveniega and seekeeda. Approx. litho/ar. Muat be customer service oriented, ceaI, ssii groomed and accurate le matis, Fax resumne Co 878-W49 or Pick-up appir- cation forma ait Schuyier Home Hardware 385 SCeetes Ave. Milton Make extra $$ fer Chriatlmli Wa're sos hiring fo Sepiember If pou can sorb eeenings & sends asnd woald irbe te ha/p uo ihresgh our busy baoqaet seasao sed f ba f0 heor front you. Sa ais Cahave ftha fotlosing F/T positions aa/lob/e: .sDSemIpIN. swITCEDSS. FRONT OURE Fleaca rndrcate mra position of interait and fan resumae to: Humars Reacurcea (905) 333-0477 No phone calla please "Free Training" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US -00O Cali us now at: (905) 877-23 Or 1 -877-914-KIDS Laidiaw is an equai apporeusiey employer AN OPPORTUNOTY TO GROW AND LEARN WITH A PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATION! Loal cerarnic eiftwarr marafacrurer la accept- ina applicarions for fuîltlie permanena craf! production positions ($9.00/Heur to crant, ait h a contriburian-baoed proesionas yceem and proftr-sharing). Skiiis required are serone self-initiative, reamn- work, communsicatien, problem-solving aud massai deseeriry. Individuals xiii work ro brisg aut Cirrir oves, riseir reams' and the busi- ses potenrial, rhrauah perfarmise masy dif- fêere rypes of work. Heavy lifting required. Heurs: M-F. 7am-4prn. Brise resume os Wed. iuly 26 or Mon. Jury 31 berween 7 ar n d 4 prn. ta: Ail Flred Up! Ltd. 180 Nipissîeg Rd., #1 Milton, ON Previeus applicas need cor upply Lise Operater nrrdad for immediare ernplay- mena aa Expanding Food Production Plant. Suecessfai appiicasr xiii direcriy assior dhe pro- dartias masager la day Ca day speratious. People ukilîs are a murt and esperience iodte foed indusrry is as moret, bar soi requird. Ail appli- casis muse Ire able ra xark flexible bauts, veitis masy opporrasiries for fsrrher advaseents veithin rhe orgasizaeion. We previde fult training as wel as heathl benefft package. PIeuse appiy -la perse Ca 251 Nipissisa Road, Miltres, Ontario or caIl Ce make as interniex appoiormese beee Sam and 5prn (9051693-8976. Are you as esereri persan. FITH asung ru xork lu a fast pced envrrosssrue? Wr- are -eurnely ureepeise applica- Cross for dhr foilsaise: F/TP/T WaitersiWaitresn F/T.P/T Short Order Coulas FIT OlPm - Arn Dtasasher F/TrP/Tr Fue ttendant Appiy sn penson: F fdr Whrei Truck Stop 40 Chisboim Dr. Mirtos Joîn Our Wlnning Management Team Due eo our rapid growtis we are iook/ng for energetic, ambit/ous positive peopis CO bu/id careers @ Fashion Max. Lsam tise Fashion Max vesy and grox xith us an far and as fast s you can. Fashion Max pao pie enîoy a great place to xAork, compati- tins renumeratlon, cornpany ps/d benafits, ciofh/ng discount and exciting reveard and performance incentivea. Send pour reuneb fax O E-ma/il us O faahionax@nab.o or drop ln et urMlnlocation Thursday Auguat 3, 12 noon - 4 pmi. Ôxihudleigh 's De yaa esjay xsrk/sg a/Ch peopl e, sn a fun, fost, basy envirasmeni. Chudieigh's la sox accepting applicatios for Full -farveor Seson. " Cash/arn - Animal Assistaft " BO Schoi Tour Guides " Tracnor Drivers -B/rihdsy Hosieso *Information - Parkeing " FeIrd Service Pieuse appfy in persan ai 9528 Hxy 25, M/lin ,betxees 1lOam - 5prn, Mon - Sas. COME JOIN OUR TEAM! House of Flowers ln flouts OuvIIlo <duocs 1956) is loobing for a rew team p layer. We require someone wbo is energetic, flexible & a quicb leamer. The lob is diverse, if involves bookbeeping, customner service, & other geveral shop duties. 3-4 days a week (ceuld very.) Cali Heather (905> 845-7573 or fax (905) 338-3591 SALON VENERE W"aas af O9111101 Salu as of ldu pas nu la expédias. We have career opporfueifies available for Hairdressers srlh excellent canfomer relations lIraI are self mofivafed and enîoy worbing in a feam almosphere for our MMW Mlleof Sh on Camb locatton Excellent sages plus commrssioe,conbeoued educalion provided for & paid for by salon. Excellent growfb opporfooîly - AWARD WINNING SALON - Coma gon art/r os! We look fvard f0 hearing frnm yo Phi: W5-847-122 Fi: 90&-761-1423 *FUN *REWARDING* CIURVES FOR WOMEN la accepting resume's for a manager traine. position. Expenience or education ln RE., Nuir., Nuralng or Business is preferred. *Hours sf11 be 8-12 & 3-7 Moe-Fri. Fax resume Cc: <905)628-5117 Blue Bescon Truck Wash is nos hmrnog fafl f ime 12pm -8 amn, 8 amn- 4pm and partiUmes4 pfl- 12 pm. Tihe sacoessfal appicanfa muai be flexible, N lymtied dabs to sore weekends. %u oiainlskiffs coald eam youan average hoariy wge of between $10 to $16tr with s base psy of $8/tir. PIsas app1 in ersnn sf 40 Chisholm Drive. Pepoecalo pisas. Golf Courcs'&'ureen Staff Mast be reliable and puoclual. Augusf-Oecember, compefifive pay scola. Fax resumne & qualifications Attne. 'flo (905) 335-1021 M/lIon 5sd Transportation Compaey tis immediste opeinga for tise fofiowing: n LUBE TECHNICIAN nORDER ENTRY CLERK TRAILER MECHANIC APPRENTICE EVENING FREIGHT CO-ORDINATOR Ait positions are fuit time. Pisas f an ossume f0 (905)893-1224 or cati Kevn aI Conoact Labour <416)704-7057 WHOLESALE LUMBER COMPANY IN MILTON AREA PRESENTLY ACCEPTING RÉSUMES FOR THEIR Shipping/ Receiving Office- Scoma axperiance an asset, own transportation required. Fax resumne to, (905) 854-3259 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Nes home sales aotu/d ha an assati n fb/s position a/fb a local home bu//dec. Vou si/I ment clients as salI as assf in our Hend OC/ ce/on dosatoan Oabvilae Tis ru a fol/-ti/e position. Must ha avai/abla Io work some evenings. Fiase fax resumne ho: Cyprianne at 338-0656 Tise Canadran Champ/on, Fr/day, Juiy 28, 2000-23 Why la Ryder so succesafut retaining die industy's basa empioyees? Thierae many reasotis, enciuding: -hlgh uafety standards n -er more trne et home Toronto- top quhllty equlpment -Brmpon campeitive puy & benefits Ryder is the indusrry leader in togisticsaund transportation service. Growrs has ird 10 the following opportuniies for AZ Drivers. Local pick up and delivery. Day shift. Required: A valid AZ licenne, experience and a clean abstract. -CeIriI.7»wclfcIm ,sdt. umanE RLeurces Gare llgtn, ONi' L7Les 4X5pe Colt lectio itiuthin Ropes ntaive for client, aeBorlingron based finc ompanyw requirestain. days oietor Msin. 1 yioar9vdy co UNcIOn eneineaMU.PrefOUerceaen1 ATHY ERVICES 4104Tine Soes crService Rdute poiphon e vrabilmiste yéasaren Farma eCt/f Store.IcueSome ssri use blenrb, a rslotis, hiae oodny matuirs ak/0s sda cellntor Mint eprs90nsl .ck/ecis o pec experie nce T rfreque irsd.t Phs issprorlas cil /foraniinervisexeine PeSt orer Su esuor 878-440 SERICE Exporienced Relief Stiperlntendent for /uoury condo hîgh- rîse on Labeshere Rd., Bud/sgt on. P/ave FAX reoume to: B.Whiting ah (95 4-080 ACHILLES mazda ae- qaires immsdiatley s «Cfaas A Technicien'. Experisceda. Good hsnef plan. Wages ns- gotisbie a/rh experi- enoe. Pux osame te 519-853-4100 or caI 519-853-0200. CLASS A Medsanlic or Apprentices 2-3 or 41h peso for s hasy an re- ps/r cotre in M/lton. Cuit 878-5330 SAW OPERATOR Compefif/ve sage, benaf ifs. Please mail reoume 10: SPECIALTY BOLT & STIJD INC. #9-2880 Argenfia Rd, Missîssauga, Ontario L5N 7X8 Attention: 1 Warehouse Mananer SALESPERSON NEEDED