2 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, JuIy 28, 2000 dmt-,eyqtrn h new, Gommunity'ktàéàn a' t Pai.'Oài' United Church on the Gommunity Page 1(8) in Tuesday's Champion. Ch.'àytiefiAgar elected as O)A CPvice- president H ai1 to0n Regional Police Chief Ean Algar has been named to anoth- er prestigious post. He was recently elected vice-presi- dent of the Ontario Association of Chiot Ean Algar Chiefs of Police (OACP) - and wil assume responsibilities for the position shortly. Presently director of Zone 4 of the OACP, Chief Algar waa voted in during the organization's conference in Peterborough. 'I arn honoured by the election, and look forward ta the many challenges and opportunities tihe position wiIl bring," he said. "We have important work and iasues ahead of ua." Chief Algar joina a seven-member 2000- 2001 OACP executive that represents 900 senior-rnkidng police leaders with munici- pal, provincial and RCMIP forces acrosa Ontario. selected items durmng the La-Z-Boy Furmiture Galieriesl Final Markdown. DUR BICGEST FINANCING OFFER 0F 111E YEAR! /ùmiture and practically eveything else. Ail at prnces thai art the lowest they'll be ail year. Sa while it wili be d~ffii cuIt ta see them 80, at least we'll know th ey'll befindinq Soo< homes. Like paurs. Hur>' in, whule Photo by GR1AHAM PAINE Roping 'em in T.n-year-old A.J. Vami hw off I.e roplng akilla In prliparatlon for this weekend's Mliton MIIIennium Rodeo at Country Horitage Park (form.rly Forin Museumn). The avant rune both Saturday end Sunday attemnoon. Lennela Moey Professional Estheticiaii Certified Electrologist &Aromatherapy WAXING PRICE LIST Eyebrow, Lip. Chin $. Sidebumus, Hairtine or Neck $10.m Underarms $7. ' Half Leg $20."' H-aif Leg. Bikini $25Y. Fuit Leg $40.!" Fuit Leg, Bikini $45!"x Tikini 110m" ý25 Comrnercia Street. Milton It's neyer easy saying good-bye o saine of the Most comforrable and attractive fumiture *around. But that's wbat we're doingqfor a lîrited time, with a great deal of aur inventory ncluding discontnued,