Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jul 2000, p. 23

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"Frele Training" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Cali us now ut: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-9 14-KIDS Laidlaw ju an equai oppo.lsanity employer FIT Bagel Maker FIT Kitchen Staff High energy people, avaitable to wark flexible boues. Witt train individuats erits "great' attitude, enthusiasmn aad strong customer sei-vice skilts. Resumnes le: 500 Laurier Ave Miltan Tel: 693-0U42, Faxa: 693-0843 - Greg DOCK HANDS Required We are Ioaking fer tears playeru to, watts on the tive receive doce uta buuy poaitry peocesaing plant. Appoanta muat be ntrong and able to do heavy tifting. Previtus aupedenCe Prefrrd but not required. Wage baaed upon ouperience. Fuît Uime, Mon-Fri. Daily houra vany. Pteaae catt for an interview. (905)847-5196 MECHANIC We are urgently aeeking a mechanic who can asaint in the repuirs and pre- parution of horse traileru, cargo trait- ers, sonne with living quartera and campers. Also with the repaie and pre- paration of vehiclea for towing. You must have your own toola and be cap- able of working with a minimum amount of supervision. Send reaume to: ian Docker Park Truck & Traller Centre Ltd. H1wy. 7 W. Georgetown, ON, L7G 4S4 phone-. 905-877-2377 Faxt 877-1022 Witt train. Paid training. Uniiorme supptred. Reenumeration baued On expenience. Appty Ie peruon to. 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milon 575 Ontario St. Milton 80 Mareta Dr., Milton Are pou an eneegetie persan. III puced enviraument? We are W"carrentty accepting apptica- ains for tise rattawing: FITJ'/T Walters/AV&tee Ffjr.p/T Sbart Order Couina FTfifF ul Attendant Appty in persan: Fiflis Wheet Trucke Stop 40 Ctnsbatm De. Milton ASSEMBLY WGRK Pstosavaiable for steudY afternooes/ tnad nghts We neeti dependable leurs p layera ,rtI goot hand/ tyt co-erdînalton and basic Egihadmatht setîls. Access ta vehicle. P1118 FAX MWS TOk 9054587316 Chudleigh 's Do you enlay wantlng weuh peopte, tn a tun, fast, buiy environment. Cbudleigh'a la nsw accepting applications for Fuît 'tarvest Seasan. " cashiers * Animal Assistant *B .5 Scîrool Tour Guides " Tracter Drivers * Birthday Hastesu infotrmatian - Paring " Fond Service PIeuse apply in persan uit 9528 Hwy 25, Milton beteen i Ours- iprs, Mon - Sun. wAA~ c1- .~1p -j ena brsut noir tutolun as nmPns. Wlrhâv araud new mutes a n r=aPaun & North Vlaaluanui. v. hn,, eay ubnd ntv bues. W. nnïd ex ihtup, araud soe Bu Dls. li. unfr nanudttl, wu«. We npuo pu trainiug. lir Ms lu, th# netilul roquinat ta, htaun puar Clam. I icuan w. paeti nhit uhau htulniudanit nua We proidu uer Chartervneht.IIf Y"vauta lir pal heIf ou heIn ns ual0* uthrivt,. Ve DUp slgutu hon"@h$ lar diu vhn alaaat have,, ai al nsaule aaAU uihl se O8 457.9 sorSiaii LIU. AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW ANDS LEARN Wfll A PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATION! Local ceraric giftware manufacturer is uccepe- iing applications for fuil-time permnanent eraft production pesitiofh ($9.0011lour ta seait, witb a cnntributian-based progression synlers and profit-sbaring). .- Steilîs Siluired are strong self-initiative, leurs- work. commsuuication, prablem-uatviug anti munual detterily. Individuals wilI wark la bring out their own, ebeir tears' and tise busi- ness' pateutial, alarougis perfanning many dif- eérent types of mark. Heuny lifting requireti. Heurs: M-F. 7aeu-4pm. Briug resume ou Weil. Jaty 26 or Mou. July 31 between 7 am tad 4 pm. ta: AIl Flred UpI Ltd. 180 Nlpiuuing Rd., #1 Milton, ON Previaus appîlcanlu nanti not apply "Beautiful You"I - IS EXPANDING - Career Opportunities for: Hair Stylilsts Nail Technicians Estheticians Apprentice Position Available lired of the Mati envirooment? Looking for a unique work setting? Our ciauriug aimpye iv locaîrd in Branle nar thre Harboar! Cuit Kim ut 847-2885 HIRING IMMEDIATELY " Pasitons avaîlable te-sel îp dîsplay, service and installation " Rupid ativancersant *Na ep necassary, we previde training. CiEl Tom 0koofu tomorrow betesln gam & 2pm only ut 905-845-9735 ARE YOU 18 OR OLDER? DO YOU WANT TO MA"C *500/w.. K OR MORE? The Mittalde Restaurant hue a lob for youi Appty in peruon te: The Mittaide Restaurant, 243 Main St. E., Milltn Thée CànsddianCtlmpidn, Tuuasday, Juli ÈÈ frdO-23 Experienced REAL ESTATE SALES Leisure Travel Agent REPRESENTATIVE Motîvotet eurs player ite Sabre knowledge andi Thre Burlingtox Pont has an immectiate openiaf or a excellent custorser service xkills reqaireti. highly motivuted, goat-orientet seles tapresentutive in ils reul estale depoîlmnent. Fax Cusi M taaaaaslaitiUâ t reaume to: imgoflht e e oîesDevelvymeel Trve eServicing and enhuncing evisting accotnt (905) 336-8753 owd__ BONUS! ALLcIassifed Ads A appear at... wanMftaenaiicà p~. S Merua Motors PAINTER n Experteece & Lic. nequirei 0 Company Banedits " Mut pessesa positive attitude and ba talf starter for aery besy bîgh qtutity Auttoed Mercedes Benz Deater. Send fsmme ab:n Phit Hausturd 300 Soulh Service Rd. W. O811111111 or fax 005-845-3477 SERVICE ADVISOR 4 day wark eee, llam-lOpm. Fard sud Reyntolds & Reynolds computer etisenc an attet. Fax resmae Gerry Manninrg or John Trebble ai ,.a..Prevîvux appliconts neeti rot apply1 Corne jomn us..b ba parofthe Besti LIMITED OPPORTUNITIES . DZ" OWNER OPERATORS If yeu have a cieux drtvrsg record and apeuk fluent Engliah, we wauld lite ta apeuk ta yau. Yau cun oea yaur awn 26' Struignt trucke wih $0.00 dawn (OAC). WE OFFER: * Bonus a Local Work *Pald Developanent Pmgramn * Rnancial StabIll4 We are ueeking owner aperataru tai do home dellvary ai furnilure anti apptiances for a tead- ing retuiler (heuvy lifting invalveti). Dont Mis oui on thiIs grogt opportuntty Caii 416474-3750 or fax you rosuni to: 416-474-838 We thank ail apr#Canfs howwve, anfr ihose candidates seieced for an interview wili be canfacied. a2 yearx proen xales record *SeIi-mxtivuted wilh the abilily Io werk xndependently aExcellent organizalianal skills Abil/to hafldle nvmervux prolecîx cxncurreelly *Ca-operalive axd exthxsiaslic Be a pari of un award-wixxing tales leurs euth an ai- tractive compensation package, ixcluding salury, commission andi incenlives llaplit la oouliamPe0 ta:. Kin Siauan hua 9iI Marna,.u 010 N 2M Fet lunlIgla, Ona. L7R 2E5 Fax: (505)82-1121 Salua Representatve Meleotunri Nexpaper in Miton ns neeleing a Salet Repeettie wis igivy rsetvated and can achevae ratlt in an aggreusree sales atrsu- phere. Be part ai an umueti winning leurs with un attrac- tive compensation package including salary, cemmission and car atlowunce. Yaur mWspvubilites include: n Sericing and growing erdntieg accouanla. n Prenpeing for and acquirisg new uccaunlus. * Prparing foamai, writen andiuai priisentations. e Post necendary aciseti diplema or 2 yeart experiencenmrketing. nA Iteen deatre ta, aucceeti and advance * lie-abitty te manage taxerai predisct nGond cemtucuto orglarizataxneand Pleune iorwaed remume by Jely 31 te, te commu C.upw Attention: Bd Begin, Genrai Manager 191 ManSt. E. Milices ON L9T 4Ng REAL ESTATE AGENTSI .NEW HOME SALES" Opportunity For Large OTA Builder. FAX RESUME: 416-7983-4701 CaoAmnr- Foods requies due services ofa: PACKAGING TECHNICIAN Thue Oakyviflt packaiging facility et CasaAunera Fo"d requirra tbe services ef a packaging iTecheician. -Working on a diverse number et auManaeti anti sersi-autonuated Packaging huecs, Y011 maY bc expecteti te operate a variety ef packaging macbinery, sucb as V'Ufsr, filUera, fernari, clouer, tabeler., and cane pueker. Otiser "att may indlude manual paIletizing îoet-tllin& anad tote-wabing. Succesuful candidates win buve succesfuly cempleted Grade 12, and pouses a demonstrated mechanical aptitude. CapabllitY Of wortdttg shifts, anti fleffllty te adapt tei achedule changes ta essential, as lu a demonsteated ability ta funiction safely anti mantain s derant ore environenent. Candidates wlîb packaging line experience, and knewledgr ef GMP, 1509002, anti HAACP wl bu given prefrence. CanAmera Footis eSters a cempetitive mage anti an excellent bunefit pragar. ~~ Qualilleti candidates ubeulti forwar a resume IlM -M ne lier titan Fridzy, Jnty 28, 2000 te: R ~ CanAnera Foods ~ c/o Humainflesource Departusent 210SuhServIce fload Weut -Oukvile, Ontario, L6L 5NI Fax: (905) 469.2002 e-mail: bmdrover@canameraoods.com Cannmera r"s upporiv uadpractices Empvnmenl Equiinprncip1ex. DRIVERS ~ CLASS AZ Dry bulk espanience preterrati. Mast bave carrent ua- lract nd madical la mun US., excellent ages und benetits. Apply in parten, no pIhata catis pieua. 2111 lakes'hoe Rond Weut MISSISSAUGA, Ontario EFCO CANADA CO. is a Georgetown baseti company that manufactures steel format for tIhe concrete induatry. We require an Auto Ced Opera- terlDraft.r Deteiler in aur engi- neering department. We offer sulary andi a gooti benefit package. PIeuse senti reaume te: EFCO CANADA LTD. 30 Todd Road Georgetowan, ON, L7G 4R7 FaiL 1-905-877-1858

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